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Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Most of us experience overwhelm. It’s a part of life. We have a million things to do and not enough time to do them. We wear several different hats and often have unrealistic expectations of ourselves in each of our many roles. We try to do everything for everyone. The thought that there is too much to do and not enough time is a thought that most often leads us to overwhelm. In order to progress we need to learn how to deal with overwhelm.


We believe that all the things we have on our to-do list lead us to overwhelm, which can cause or contribute to our anxiety.  However, that is not true.  It’s not the external things that cause us to have those feelings, it’s our thoughts. When our thoughts make us feel inadequate, whether that pertains to time or capability, our brains start to feel anxiety.  Anxiety is excessive nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry.  When we are in that mindset we do not think clearly; therefore, we lose focus and can’t get things done.


We can learn to have better control over the overwhelm.  That’s not to say you will never get overwhelmed again but learning to manage it will be so beneficial.  There are tools that you can use that can help you overcome excessive overwhelm.

Don’t get stuck in overwhelm.  We want to avoid inaction at all cost.  When nothing gets done, anxiety and overwhelm only increase.  Plan how you are going to get your tasks completed.  Break it down into small tasks or increments of time. Creating a plan gives you direction and focus and takes you one step closer to achievement.


The first things you need to do is figure out what your thought is that is causing overwhelm. Is it time?  Do you have the thought “I don’t have enough time”?  Having this thought can cause anxiety and the result is we shut down, which adds to overwhelm. When you feel overwhelm try to recognize your thoughts as to why.


Find a new thought to replace your negative thought.  This thought has to believable.  If you try to have the thought “I have plenty of time” but you don’t believe it then nothing will change.  You could try the thought “I always get my work done” or “I will get it done when I get it done”. Try out different thoughts until you find one that works for you. 



Don’t get stuck in overwhelm.  We want to avoid inaction at all cost.  When nothing gets done, anxiety and overwhelm only increase.  Plan how you are going to get your tasks completed.  Break it down into small tasks or increments of time. Creating a plan gives you direction and focus and takes you one step closer to achievement.


Follow through with the plan. Do what you said you were going to do.  We build confidence as we learn to trust ourselves that we will do what we say we are going to do.  As we complete tasks and finish things, we will notice that overwhelm begins to subside.

We have a lot of things we need to do, letting ourselves feel overwhelmed is not one of them.  As you continually learn to work on your thoughts, you will find that you will experience less and less overwhelming. You will take control and learn how to deal with overwhelm.