Brittni Schroeder Coaching
Networking comes naturally to me. I love people and my inquisitive nature is a catalyst for creating lasting relationships. I was in shock when my extroverted persona felt like a fish out of water when I recently started attending networking events in an effort to build my business. The good news is I showed up, the bad news—I was completely unprepared. I didn’t yet understand the true art of in-person networking.
I went to my first few networking events with one purpose: to find clients. Spoiler alert: it was a misguided intention. After attending several events, I questioned their effectiveness. But I was determined to keep attending. Somewhere along the line, I started forming unexpected friendships with like-minded entrepreneurs. We had so much in common and I felt a connection to them. My mindset shifted. Now I no longer just cared about getting business; my focus changed to connecting with and helping others.
I soon began learning the foundation of our success in business and life centers around relationships. When we create and strengthen relationships with genuine and authentic intent, success will follow. Realizing this completely shifted my mindset. I focus on getting to know others. Intently listening to what they say and look for opportunities to serve them, not caring if they became my clients. I forged authentic relationships and my business began to grow organically.
I am constantly reminding myself of the power of personal connection and that human interaction accelerates relationship building. You can learn more about a person in 10 minutes than you can in months online. You have the ability to not only hear words but to see and feel emotion. Because we have the ability to only show what we want online, sometimes relationships there can be filtered and misguiding. But in person you are more likely to see vulnerability; that is when the real connection begins.
Our ultimate goal is to become memorable. When you build relationships, people know who you are and what you do. They might not have a referral that day, that week, or that month, but eventually, they will, and that is why it is important to continue to authentically nurture your relationships and become unforgettable.
I have grown so much in business and in my personal life through networking. Inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment is constantly present. I have made new relationships that I otherwise would have missed. I have learned the power and art of in-person networking.