I have been working on gift guides for entrepreneurs, as much as I love to work, I love to play even more. Some of my favorite memories consist of sitting around the table with family and friends playing games. I have created a 2023 family games gift guide for all you gamers out there. These are some of our family favorites. My kids are teenagers so these are for kids that are little bit older.

1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10
Bohnanza. This is a fun card game that involves some strategy. It is for ages 12 to adult and is for 3-7 players. The objective is to for players try to collect large sets of beans to sell for gold, there is limited growing space and always new beans to plant. We love this game!
Azul. This is a strategy game in which you want to build out both vertically and horizontally from places you already have tiles.This game is for 2-4 players for ages 8 to adult.
Settlers of Catan. This is my all time favorite game. In fact, my kids always know when it is my turn to pick this is the game I go for. The strategy of this game is build settlements, cities, roads, and an army to gain points. The first person to get to 10 points wins. The game is for 3-4 players, however you can buy expansion packs and add more players. The age is for 10 and older.
Codenames. This is a team game in which one person gives their team a one-word clue and the team tries to match the cards to the clue. The game is 4-10 players and for ages 10 and older.
Cover Your Assets. Fast-paced, competitive, and a little addicting! Build stacks of matching asset cards. Be careful! The top set can be stolen, making it more valuable! Fun for experienced players, as well as those stealing their first asset! The game is 2-6 players and for ages 7 and up.
Dragonwood. This a fun card game where you are trying to gather cards to gain points to gather dragon cards. The game is for 2-4 players and for ages 8 and up.
Qwixx. This is a fun dice game and is a game of luck and strategy. The game is for 2-5 players and for ages 8 and up.
Sleeping Queens. This is a fun little card game that you can play with little kids. This has been a family favorite of ours for long time. The game is for 2-4 players and ages 8 and up.
Dominion. If you like strategy games this is a fun one for older kids and adults. You choose different decks of cards to play with each time you play so it is never the same. This is a good one too. This game so for 3-4 players and is for 10 years old and up.
LCR – Left,Center, Right. This is a fun and simple game and you can play it with a lot of people. It’s a dice game and a game of luck. It comes with little chips, but we like to mix it up and play with quarters. When the game is over the person who wins gets all the quarters. It’s a good time!