brittni schroeder


Brittni Schroeder Coaching



A few years ago, I found myself navigating through some trials. I was searching for answers when I stumbled across The Life School podcast with Brooke Castillo.  The ideas of thought work and controlling your mind deeply resonated with me. I began searching and absorbing all the information I could find on this idea.  The concept of learning to control your mind enlightened and empowered me.  I knew I had been blessed with certain gifts.  Innately, I found ways to connect with people and then could build them up and give them newfound confidence.  I wanted to help more people and during this time of reflection, I made the decision to become certified as a life coach.


I have been an entrepreneur as long as I can remember.  Some of my ventures included being a professional photographer, working as Editor-in-Chief of a photography magazine, and founding a nonprofit. I identify as an analytic or left-brained person.  Creating spreadsheets and organization energizes me and brings me so much satisfaction.  Finding motivation has never been problematic for me. However, during my training to become a life coach, I discovered a world of potential I didn’t know existed.  I had the realization that I could boost my business with a life coach.



Discovering the power of mindset is the key to success.  Rarely do people focus enough on this aspect of success. I didn’t.  We don’t know what we don’t know.  Learning about improving my mindset was a game-changer for me. My mind was suddenly opened to opportunities and dreams I never thought possible.  I thought my motivation alone would get me to where I wanted to go.  I was wrong. 

I often tell my clients: I can teach you all the tools you need to be successful, but if you don’t believe it you will only go so far.  Learning to control your mind, accept failure, set goals, and dream bigger are what it takes to achieve ultimate success.



I have always been a goal setter, but I learned I wasn’t all that awesome at it.  At the beginning of every year, I jotted down a few things I wanted to accomplish that year.  I would reflect on those goals periodically, but that was the extent of my goal setting regimen.

During the goal-setting portion of my training I learned a few things:

  • My goals were not big enough
  • I wasn’t setting them often enough
  • I didn’t have a strategy to accomplish them
  • And I didn’t have the mindset to achieve them

Goal setting is one of the most compassionate things we do for ourselves because it helps us evolve into the best possible version of ourselves.  Learning proper techniques and strategies is a tool or habit that we need to develop. 

Motivation and ambition is amazing, but if you don’t have a clearly defined goal, create a strategy and execute, you will fall short of your potential.



Another mindset tool I cultivated was failure and the willingness to embrace it. Failure is inevitable in business and in life, but learning to embrace it takes the right mindset and practice.  Lots and lots of practice. With the proper mindset, you will learn to work through failure with an attitude of gratitude.  When we learn to use failure as a tutor it becomes our most valuable education.  We will see the most growth after failure.

“Failure is success in progress,” Albert Einstein once said.  This  incredible man understood the power of a positive mindset. Failure is the seed of growth and success.  Once we gain the right perspective, we will begin to appreciate it.  Your confidence will improve, you will take more risks, and you will see massive growth.

I knew I wanted to become a life coach, but I had no idea of the enormous impact it would have on my business. The tools I have acquired and now teach my clients are life-changing. These skills have given me the ability to help women in so many ways. I am a certified life and business coach, but more importantly, I am a confidence coach.  I empower women by teaching them to empower themselves.  I show them the potential they didn’t know existed within themselves.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



You are super excited about starting a new business.  You have a great idea and know it will be successful.  At some point you realize there are certain steps you must take in order to protect your business and yourself.  You understand you need an attorney to protect your business, but maybe hazy on the best way to proceed. 



What are the main differences between an LLC and a Sole Proprietorship?  What are the benefits of each?  And which one is right for you?



A Sole Proprietorship is a business owned and managed by one individual, with no legal structure separate from its owner. The owner or the sole proprietor does not pay separate income taxes on the company but reports losses and profits on his/her individual tax return. With this filing, the owner remains personally liable for all debts of the business.



A type of business entity that offers the Limited Liability of a corporation and can choose to be taxed as either a sole proprietorship or a corporation.  The owners of an LLC are referred to as “members,” whose rights and responsibilities in managing the LLC are governed by an operating agreement. An LLC can be created with only one owner/member.  However, it’s important to understand that a single-member LLC offers less protection from the debts and liabilities of a business than a multi-member LLC. However, a single-member LLC provides more protection for its owner than a Sole Proprietorship. 



Along with legal protection, an LLC also has potential tax benefits. If you have more than one member, you should create an operating agreement.  This can be done by filing some paperwork with your state. An LLC is legally formed by the filing of a document called The Articles of Organization. This should be done with a state official, usually the Secretary of State.



No one ever thinks they are going to be sued, but unfortunately, it happens more and more these days. If you are a Sole Proprietor and someone sues your business, they might be able to get to your personal assets and vice versa—if someone sues you personally and you don’t have enough personal money to cover the expenses, they can go after your business. With an LLC, your personal assets are typically protected from creditors. Simply put, an LLC separates and protects your personal assets from your business assets and the other way around.



It is very important to have separate bank accounts for your business and your personal accounts. If you combine the two, it renders your LLC virtually useless and gives someone suing you a loophole.

There is so much more to learn about an LLC and a Sole Proprietorship. I highly recommend consulting an attorney and an accountant to get legal and tax perspectives. Before you decide to file, create a business plan and ensure that you will have a sustainable business.  Do your own research and learn the difference between an LLC and Sole Proprietorship before you make your final decision.


Top 10 Books for Female Entrepreneurs

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



I once read an article that claimed some of the most successful people read one non-fiction book a month.  I wanted success, so I determined to do the same thing. Learning the importance of personal development at a young age and has made me always love a good self-help book. I’m not exactly a voracious reader, but I have made it a goal of mine to read or listen to one book a month.  Below are my top 10 books for female entrepreneurs from my 2019 book list.

Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist and Brene Brown

This was an easy read with quite a few takeaways.  I love it when the book is read by the author and Shauna Niequist did an incredible job. This book invites you to take a look at your life and what it might look like to leave behind the pressure to be perfect and instead be present.  She reminds you to embrace and appreciate the chaos and the day to day life. 


Making a Difference by Steve Gilliland

Steve Gilliland offers some great advice on unlocking your potential and making an impact. The book is filled with inspirational stories and thought-provoking ideas.  One of my favorite topics he touches on is failure. One quote in particular (though I can’t remember word for word) says, “If we don’t fail at least times a week in our business, we are not trying hard enough.” This was such a great read and gave me lots of ideas to implement in business and life.


29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Chang Your Life by Cami Walker

This book was life-changing for me. The message was so powerful and impacted me in a big way. At age thirty-five, Cami Walker was burdened by an intensified struggle with multiple sclerosis that left her debilitated and depressed. Then she received an uncommon “prescription” from South African healer Mbali Creazzo: Give away 29 gifts in 29 days. After the 29 gifts and days, she had a physical, mental and emotional transformation. It is a beautiful message about the power of serving.


Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

This book was an excellent read for marketing. It gives detailed information about narrowing your niche and how to become an expert in your field.  There are a ton of inspirational stories and marketing ideas. Brunson gives great insights on how to create movements and help you position yourself in your industry. This book is a must for anyone with a business.

Top Life Coach for Entrepreneurs

The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life by Hal Elrod

I have always been a morning person, but Elrod teaches you how to implement different habits into your routine to help you transform not only your day but your life. He gives tips on how to wake up each day with energy, motivation, and focus.  By creating new habits, he promises to take your life to the next level. If you are not a morning person, this will inspire to become one!

Best Business Coach For Women

Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy

There is an old saying that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’re done with the worst thing you’ll have to do all day. This was a quick read, but a good one. It teaches you to stop procrastinating and get the important things done first.  This is a practice I have been doing for some time, but it validates the importance of planning and executing. If you struggle with procrastination, this book is a must.

Social Media Coach for Entrepreneurs

How to Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This was a re-listen for me. The first time I read it; this time I listened. I wasn’t crazy about the narrator, but the content is fantastic.  This book should be mandatory for everyone. Carnegie discusses in detail how to get others to like you.  He teaches solid communication skills that are essential in becoming successful in your relationships. He also teaches how to win people to your way of thinking and avoiding resentment. 

Business Coach For Entrepreneurs

The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work and Confidence with Everyday Courage by Mel Robbins

Another quick but great read. The 5-second rule teaches you to just do it. It discusses the science of our habits and also tells stories and facts from some very successful people.  Robbins introduces the “push movement,” which basically encourages you not to wait, but just do. The tools can help with confidence, procrastination, and anxiety. 

SEO Coach for Women Entrepreneurs

You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

I loved this book! I finished it with the motivation to do big things and make money doing it. It discusses money mindset and how our thoughts of money hold us back. She touches on using your own personal strengths to grow rich.  She tells a riveting story of her transformation that motivates and inspires.  I highly recommend this book for entrepreneurs who don’t have the confidence to charge what they are worth. 

Money Mindset Coach

The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss

This is a great reminder of the concept of “work smarter, not harder.” This book gives tips and practices from people who have doubled their income, overcome adversity, and started over. Ferriss gives great ideas on how to automate and cut your workload.  This book helps you rethink and reevaluate your systems.  It is very thought-provoking and makes you ask yourself how you could work less. 

Success and Confidence Coach

One of the great things about reading several books is it helps you form your own philosophies for success.  I recommend these top 10 books for female entrepreneurs to help you grow. You are able to learn from those who are ahead of you and progress in ways you didn’t realize were possible.  And because I’m already making a reading list for 2020, I’d love to hear from you—what were some of the books you read this year that inspired you as an entrepreneur?


How to Say No to Clients and Set Boundaries in Your Business

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



If you have clients who text you at 10 pm or continually show up late (or not at all), then it’s time to establish some boundaries in your business. Being an entrepreneur has is benefits, but often times it’s hard to separate our personal and work lives. Work hours trickle into the night as we check one last email or send one more text. Clients may have unrealistic expectations. As an entrepreneur you have to learn how to say no to clients and learn the importance of setting boundaries in your business.


Sometimes it is necessary to put in long hours and be understanding of others’ circumstances, but it is also necessary to create a work-life balance. Setting boundaries for yourself and others will help you avoid burnout. Boundaries help you to serve your clients to the best of your abilities while also avoiding resentment.


Often we don’t realize the need for a boundary until our time, talent, or generosity has been violated. Learning to set boundaries promotes self-responsibility, empowerment, and closer relationships with your clients. Before you set boundaries, you need to be clear with yourself about what they are. Here are few suggestions to get your started.

Establish “Office” Hours

Regardless of whether you work in an office space or on your couch, set designated work hours. It is your responsibility to educate your clients before you begin working with them. Be very clear as to when you work and what they can expect.

Depending on the service you are providing, set later hours a couple days a week to accommodate different time zones or clients with conflicting schedules.

Schedule Email Times 

Responding to a client email after office hours sends mixed messages. and can cause your clients to believe they are able to make and receive requests whenever they want. If you are putting in extra time in the evenings or on the weekends, consider saving your email as a draft or scheduling it to go out during your set work hours.

Set Email/Correspondence Expectations

Sometimes you have the ability to respond to your clients within an hour and other times it might take 24-48 hours. Clearly define what your response time will be from the beginning so they will know what to expect. Let your clients know how long it typically takes you to respond and that you will do so within your business hours.

You should also clarify the best form of communication, whether that is text, email, or phone. With the many platforms and modes of communication available, you want to streamline your communication to one place to avoid confusion.

Client Results

Clients typically hire us because they have a problem. We work with them to provide a solution and create amazing results together. However, if your client doesn’t uphold her end of the agreement/contract, the results may be less than satisfactory. Impress upon your clients their responsibility in the process—whether that means showing up on time to get the full experience, doing homework, following through, or simply being present. In order to do your job, they have to do theirs. Set clear boundaries with your clients so they understand their responsibility in receiving the sought-after results.

Client Expectations

Be very clear about what your client will be getting when they work with you. A client requesting additional work can turn into regular requests that go beyond your original contract or ag



Brittni Schroeder Coaching




Pricing can be a tricky topic. As entrepreneurs, we tend to both highly value and undervalue our work simultaneously.  We know the time and financial sacrifice it took to hone our craft and establish a business, yet we struggle with recognizing our value and having the confidence to follow through with pricing that reflects that value.  You need to learn how to price yourself as a photographer.

The first step in a successful pricing strategy is to set a financial goal.  How much do you want or need to make annually? The rest is simple math. Once you determine your annual income goal, decide how often you want to work.

Example 1: I want to work with one client a week and take off seven weeks a year. That would mean working with 45 clients a year.  If my annual income goal is $45,000, I need to charge $1000 per client.

$45,000/45 = $1000

Example 2
: I want to work with four clients a week and take seven weeks off a year. That would mean working with 180 clients a year (or 45 a month).  If my annual income goal is $150,000, I need to charge around $835 per client.

$150,000/180 = $835

As you play around with the formula, you may realize you want to charge more and work less. Once you have finalized your number and come up with the amount you need to charge each client to reach your goal, you have just determined the price of your minimum package. 


There are conflicting opinions on whether to display your pricing on your website. Your industry may help you determine which route is best. When I was primarily a photographer, my website clearly stated that my packages started at $750. This transparency attracted ideal clients and repelled those turned off by the price.  Once a client inquired about booking a session, I sent them my magazine. I talked about my work, what to wear, what to expect, etc. I then revealed my full pricing close to the end.  I wanted them to be sold on my process and understand my value before they looked at the detailed prices.  


In my coaching business I don’t list my pricing or packages online. I do a consult with each client. I explore their needs and underscore the value of what I am offering.  At the end of the call, I tell them what it costs to work with me. 


The goal is to sell your clients on your service or product first. You want them to decide that they want to use you long before they see your prices. Then they will figure out a way to pay what you are worth because they value what you offer. These are your ideal clients.



Clients prefer packages over hourly pricing.  Entrepreneurship requires flexibility. One hour may turn into five hours and you don’t want to chase down money from your clients or leave clients annoyed because they have to pay more than anticipated. Package pricing implies expertise—that you are not just about the money but about providing top notch service regardless of time spent.  Sometimes it is necessary to charge an hourly rate for events, but try to pair your hourly rate with products and services to ensure your client feels like they are getting a great value.

When creating package pricing, you want to start by listing out everything your ideal client needs. 

Consider the following:


Does your client need help trying to figure out what to wear?


How long will it take to do a session?


How much time will it take to edit their session?


How long will it take for their ordering session, packaging orders, and delivery?


What is the cost of products?


Look at everything your ideal client could possibly need or ask for during a project and bundle it together (within reason) into a complete package. Don’t nickel and dime your clients. Remember to always under-promise and over-deliver.  A good rule of thumb is if it is going to take less than 30 minutes of your time, do it. If it is going to cost you less than $20, do it. 


What to Include in Your Packages?

Have you heard of paralysis by analysis? When we are given too many choices we become paralyzed and don’t know what to choose and so end up choosing nothing. Give your clients 3-4 different package options.  Pick 2-3 high end products that you want to sell and put them in your packages.  Remember that you can always include an à la carte option in your pricing.

Pinpoint your bestselling products and put those in your top and middle-priced packages. My two highest selling products were digital images and albums. Those two products are not in my lowest package.

To simplify, price all your prints at the same price. For example, 8×10 or smaller is considered a gift print. Include 5 gift prints in your all your packages.  They will pay the same for an 8×10 as they do a 4×6. This will also help push them towards purchasing the digitals so they can print their own images. 

Price your highest package at a ridiculous amount. This does two things. It makes for a really awesome day when someone ends up purchasing that collection, but it also pushes clients toward your middle package. 


Security Deposit/Sitting Fee

A security deposit is just that—security. It secures that spot for your client, and also gives you a guaranteed amount made before you even begin. Having a larger security deposit serves a few purposes.  First, it will help you attract your ideal client. Asking for a larger amount upfront ensures that your client can afford to pay for your services and also when it comes time to order they have idea what to expect. Secondly, if part of the security deposit goes towards their order they will be willing to spend more money because they won’t have to come up with as much at their ordering session.  Lastly, if on occasion if you have someone who doesn’t show up or doesn’t place an order, you are not out the time you spent working with them. Years ago I raised my security deposit. I worried I would lose business, but I didn’t and it has been one of the best things I have done. 


How to Price Products

When pricing high-end products ($100 or more), I suggest charging at least three times what you pay out of pocket. The reason? On occasion a client might not double check the file name or there may be a picture that needs a touch-up edit and you will have to reorder. I am not saying IF this happens, I am saying WHEN it happens, because it will. You do not want to go into the negative when you have to replace a product. Charging three times the base product cost ensures you will still make a profit even if you have to reprint. 


If you sell digitals—and you can assume most photographers do—refrain from selling individual files. Sell all the digitals or none. Selling individual files or even 5, 10, or 20 will bring your sells down drastically. Most clients will want the digitals. If you give them options, clients will narrow down their five favorites and convince themselves they don’t need the rest of the images. Remember: once you give the digitals, clients can print on demand and won’t buy prints or products because they know they can them cheaper elsewhere, regardless of the quality. Your digitals should be your highest product listed. Price them extremely high to push them towards buying a package that includes more products.



Use phrases such as “most popular” or “biggest savings” to entice your clients to buy your higher collections. You want your clients to know that you are saving them money. Figure out what the package would cost if they bought everything à la carte and let them know what they will save. Let your clients know what others are purchasing and why. Clients like to be told what to do or what is popular. This is one less choice they have to make. We often reason that if so many others are doing it, it must be the best decision.


À La Carte

Assign high prices to everything in your à la carte. This will push your clients towards your packages and get them to spend more. Your clients will realize they get more for their money when they purchase a package and in turn that will increase your sales. 

Pricing can often be one of our biggest points of confusion.  We know we are worth more, but don’t have the confidence to charge that amount. Do the math first and then work on your mindset. Once you have learned those tools you will know how to price yourself as a photographer. Learn to understand and embrace your value, because if you don’t value your time and work, your clients won’t either. 




Brittni Schroeder Coaching



It is time to start accomplishing your goals. It’s time to begin what you are afraid you won’t finish. You can do it! Create a thought that will lead to the feeling you’re needing to motivate yourself. I promise the action will follow.


Two of the most common are: 

  1. Not enough time 
  2. Not enough money. 

Everyone has dreams and ambitions. Accomplishing goals is something we all strive for. We have serious goals we want to accomplish, but maybe we keep putting them off for one reason or another. We come up with excuses to justify our inaction. 

Sound familiar? On the contrary, if our car broke down or you had to get a life-saving treatment your insurance didn’t cover, we find the time and/or money. We make it happen because it is important to us. 


So why don’t we take that same action when it comes to our accomplishing our goals?  The reason we don’t take action is because of a thought in our minds. It sounds simple, but the thoughts we have either drive us or stall us. Let’s think about it. When we decide to buy a car, what thoughts drive us? 


The thoughts can be, “I need this car to be safe,” or, “this car will be more practical.” Whatever the thoughts, we eventually take action and buy a car. 


If you aren’t acting on something important to you, it’s because of your current thoughts. Figure out what those thought are. What feelings do those thoughts cause? The combination of our thoughts and feelings determine our action or inaction, so it is important to identify them.


Once you’ve pinpointed your thoughts, it’s time to put in the work to change them. Ask yourself how you want to feel once you’ve taken action. How do you think you’ll feel once you accomplish your goal? Take that feeling and work backwards to identify the thought you need to have to bring about that feeling. Those thoughts will soon transform your mind. As you start to believe those new, more empowering thoughts, you will feel driven to take the action that you want. 



Unrealistic Expectations

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



I grew up in Utah but have spent most of my adult life living in other states. I visit maybe once or twice a year.  I remember the first time I went back home to visit. I had anticipated my return for months. I couldn’t wait to be reunited with all my family and friends who I missed so deeply. I had envisioned that everyone I knew and loved would feel that same longing to see me. It would be a huge celebration. Within days of arriving home, I found myself in tears. I was discouraged and disappointed. Plans had been canceled and the “celebration” I had built up in my head was non-existent. I felt under appreciated and unloved. 


I left vowing to never go back. 


I can be a little dramatic. 


Why does this happen? Why do we find ourselves feeling disappointed in how others act toward us? We dwell in feelings of unworthiness because of other people’s actions.  These feelings are misguided and misdirected. Without realizing it, we have formed unrealistic expectations.

One of the most powerful tools I teach my clients is “manuals.” A manual is an unwritten instruction guide for the way we want others to behave so we can feel good about ourselves. Typically, we don’t tell the other person what is in our manual, we just expect them to know how to treat us. It may seem harmless, but it can be emotionally damaging to yourself or your relationships when your happiness is tied to these expectations. 

Sometimes the manual we create for other people includes behaviors that we might adopt ourselves.  When other people don’t follow our manuals we might think, “If that were me I would have dropped everything to spend time with them.” These types of thoughts can lead us to thoughts of unworthiness or sadness. We have to understand that the people we interact with are not us, and we are not them. We have no control over others. 

Other people’s behavior has no impact on us emotionally until we think about it, interpret it, and choose to make it mean something. No matter what people do, how they act, or what they say, we don’t have to give others the power to determine how we feel. Each of us is responsible for meeting our own needs. All of the power to feel happy lies within you. We want to avoid having our emotional well-being tied to others’ behavior. 

Once you acknowledge that you have manuals for the people in your life, you’ll want to explore what it is you want people to do differently and why. The answer might be that you think if the other person changes their behavior, you will feel better. However, we know that another person’s behavior doesn’t control our feelings. Ever. Take responsibility of how you feel, regardless of others’ behavior. Try to understand that they have their own manuals and that their behaviors are not a reflection of you. 

It’s okay to ask friends and family to behave a certain way, but always remember that whether they decide to honor this request has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with them. You can choose just to love and enjoy them as they are. When you embrace this concept, it sets you up for very enjoyable, long lasting, and conflict-free relationships. If a friend cancels a lunch date with you at the last minute, let them know you were bummed they had to cancel. But don’t continue to blame them for how they behaved.

My trips home are completely different now. I have thrown away my manual. I don’t try to control others. They can be their true selves, and this is what authentic, intimate relationships are made of. My relationships have improved dramatically. I have let go of my expectations and focus all my time and energy on creating amazing relationships and experiences. 


Mindsets of Successful Entrepreneurs

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



I was recently asked about my journey as an entrepreneur. It really had me reflecting on how far I have come and the time it took me to get there. Looking back at my success really had me appreciating all the failure. It wasn’t until much later in my journey did I learn how mindset played a huge part of my success. It really got me thinking about the mindsets of successful entrepreneurs. 

“Tell me about your big dream.” This is one of the first questions I ask my clients. Over time, I’ve noticed a pattern. The answers many give are general, safe, and predictable. So predictable, in fact, that I often know what they will say before they say it: “I want to be successful,” my clients tell me. But when I ask them to define what success means to them, I am surprised at the mediocre aim of their goals.  “I just want to make a little extra money or  I would be happy with a few more clients. “ I challenge my clients, inquiring why their goal is not to make a million dollars or to become the CEO?  I push them to be honest with themselves.  Their reasoning surfaces: “I don’t have the education, I don’t need money to be happy, I don’t have the time.”  

We are all capable of “The Big Dream.” The only thing that holds us back is our own thoughts.  That is IT! It sounds too simple, but the truth is that our thoughts control our results. Rarely do people focus enough on this aspect of success.  That is why the first thing I teach my clients is to identify, recognize, and manage their thoughts.  You can have every business tool available and all the education in the world, but if you don’t learn to control your mind you will not have the ability to progress with fortitude. If you are looking to become the best version of yourself, you will need to learn to implement the proper tools. 

Confidence in Yourself. 

Confidence is having the ability to trust yourself. You say you will do something and you do it.  You have surety that you can do hard things. If you start something, you finish it, no matter the outcome.  This builds character, determination, and self-respect. You become known for these attributes. Successful people understand this concept and implement it into all aspects of their lives. 


Comparison Equals Motivation

Jealousy and envy is innate. These thoughts are present regardless. It is when you let these feelings hinder your progress that they hold you back.  Learn to recognize jealous thoughts and change them into thoughts that motivate and serve you. Dwelling on negative emotions because of what others have can be detrimental to your own growth. Find people who motivate and inspire you.  You have a choice in who you are surrounded by and the thoughts you choose to think. 


Avoid the Past

We all have experienced failures and disappointments in our past, but that is where they live—in the past. Take those experiences and use them as a tutor. Don’t let your past define you. But let it refine you into something better. When you blame your past for your current situation, you become a prisoner to things that are out of your control.


Embrace Failure

Failure shows you are doing something new and different.  Willingness to be uncomfortable and try new things is when growth appears.  It is the fear of failure that holds us back from taking action.  When we embrace failure, we become open to taking risks and in turn gain more opportunity, more growth, and more knowledge.  Successful people make committing to fail a mindset they seize.


Time Management

Learning to control your mind helps you to manage your time.  Successful people often value time over money.  Time becomes the most valuable commodity in their workflow.  Being intentional with your time and your thoughts about time helps you accomplish your big goals.  Be determined to manage every minute as if it were an investment in your success. Be respectful of your time and others. Plan your days and honor your plan. 


Unattainable Goals

Goal setting is the most compassionate thing we can do for ourselves. By doing this we strive to be the best and achieve the best.  Learn to include what you once thought of as “unattainable goals” in your list.  When we start to change our thoughts to work towards the big goals, we begin to evolve. We surpass goals we didn’t realize were even possible.  If we focus on a goal we want to achieve, then we become focused on ways to accomplish the goals. Opportunities will begin to present themselves and we become better versions of ourselves regardless the outcome. 

As you implement these mindsets into your business, you will see growth and progression.  Create new habits and thoughts and be consistent. Change takes time, but the payoff is huge. How will you implement these principals into your life?




Brittni Schroeder Coaching



I needed a new website. Feeling overwhelmed I didn’t know where to start. My website needed to have a distinct look and specific features. My particular style was unique and I knew from past experience that I was a hard customer to please. I began shopping around for web designers but couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for. I kept coming back to the same thought: “I wish I could just do it myself, but I don’t know how.” 

The “I don’t know” is a thought we have more often than we should. But that is it—it is just a thought. When we say or think “I don’t know,” we stop ourselves in our tracks. We have no action, no progress, and no result. 

What do you want for dinner? 

I don’t know. 

When are you going to finish your master’s degree? 

I don’t know. 

When will you write your book?

I don’t know. 

The result of all these scenarios is always the same: nothing happens. 

So how do we change? First, take “I don’t know” out of your vocabulary.  Don’t think it or say it. We have to train our brain so we can get different results. Come up with a new thought that will serve you better. 


For example: 

When are you going to finish your master’s degree? 

I plan to meet with a counselor and get a schedule figured out. My goal is to get it done within the next 18 months. 

Changing our thoughts from “I don’t know” to “I will figure it out,” helps us progress. Our beliefs start to change about ourselves. We gain confidence because instead of stagnating, we move forward. We might not always get the results we wanted, but we progress and learn and that is ultimately what we want. The more we practice these thoughts, the less room we have for negative thoughts and self-doubt. We realize our grand capabilities and start working towards our goals.

I finally accepted that if I wanted my website to be a certain way, I would have to do it myself. Instantly I removed the “I don’t know” from my thoughts and changed it to, “I am smart; I can learn how to build a website.” And that is exactly what I did. I set a daily goal for myself. The goal was to spend one hour every day either learning how to build a website, working on my website, or finding someone to help me on my website. Some days I would spend the entire hour trying to change the font! The whole process took much longer than anticipated, but guess what? I built my website. 


Once I changed my thoughts, I was able to act and get the results I wanted. So often we think we aren’t capable, but in reality, those are just our thoughts. When we learn to control our thoughts and our minds, we open ourselves to our full potential. We can do anything we want to do if it is important enough to us. Next time you are tempted to say, “I don’t know,” STOP!  Change your thoughts because you DO know!



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Did you know there is a difference between confidence and self-confidence?  I used to think they were one and the same, but they most definitely are not.  Confidence is something we get from our past.  I was a professional photographer for nearly 10 years.  I received awards, got featured in magazines and had many clients tell me how much they loved my work.  I am very confident in my photography. Confidence in photography is something I have gained through experience.



Self-confidence is different. It pertains more to our future. It is being secure in ourselves and in our abilities.  Self-confidence is the willingness to try something new even though we might fail, feel uncomfortable, or experience an emotion that we want to avoid.  



We are constantly on a quest for personal development and self-confidence is an essential element to help us reach our potential.  How do we gain more self-confidence?  For some it may seem to come more easily, but it is a principle we all have to work to improve.  Here are a few steps that can bolster our self-confidence.


We have to learn to trust ourselves and deal with emotions that cause discomfort.  We have to become dependable.  We have to trust that we will do what we say we will do.   When we exercise commitment and follow-through, it creates a sense of control and self-confidence. As you learn to be consistent in your word, the skill will be refined.


The feeling of discomfort is inevitable.  We often experience this feeling when we fail or have the fear of failing. If we can accept that this emotion is part of our reality and necessary for growth, it will serve us as we progress.  We learn the most through failure and discomfort.  



What you think of yourself is what generates or depletes self-confidence.  A self-confident person is going to think they are deserving, capable, and worthy. They are going to think they are strong and competent.  Self-confidence is a feeling that encourages action.  When we think positive about ourselves these thoughts propel us forward.

Self-confidence is when we can believe in ourselves regardless of the results.  Progress and action improve self-confidence.  Do things that you are scared to do.  Do them again and again and again.  Learn to focus on your own opinion and not others.  Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t let yourself be offended.  Don’t live in fear.  We only live once so go hard.  You will know that you have self-confidence when have learned to embrace failure or the risk of failure.  Whether you are working on self-confidence or modeling it, remember to trust yourself, embrace discomfort, and know that you are worthy.