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Goal Setting

Goal Setting

I have always been a goal setter. But I dont always accomplish all of my goals. I am pretty sure I have had the goal journal regularly” on my list for the last 20 years and fail miserably year after year. But thats okay. I believe the reason to have goals is not necessary to feel good or bad about ourselves, but to strive to become the best version of ourselves. We should constantly be pushing to become a better version of ourselves. Setting goals helps us get there.


Everyone has dreams and ambitions. Accomplishing goals is something we all strive for. We have serious goals we want to accomplish, but maybe we keep putting them off for one reason or another.

Common excuses to justify our inaction

We come up with excuses to justify our inaction. Two of the most common are: 


  1. Not enough time 
  2. Not enough money. 

Sound familiar? On the contrary, if our car broke down or you had to get a life-saving treatment your insurance didn’t cover, we find the time and/or money. We make it happen because it is important to us. 

So why dont we take that same action when it comes to our accomplishing our goals?  The reason we dont take action is because of a thought in our minds. It sounds simple, but the thoughts we have either drive us or stall us. Lets think about it. When we decide to buy a car, what thoughts drive us? The thoughts can be, I need this car to be safe,” or, this car will be more practical.” Whatever the thoughts, we eventually take action and buy a car. 


If you arent acting on something important to you, its because of your current thoughts. Figure out what those thought are. What feelings do those thoughts cause? The combination of our thoughts and feelings determine our action or inaction, so it is important to identify them.


If you aren’t taking action on something in your life, you have to ask the questions: Is it really important to you or do you just think it’s important?


When our goals become truly important enough to us, they evolve into a priority. Then, when it becomes a priority we will figure out ways to make it happen. We start to change the way we think about our goals.  As you start to believe those new, more empowering thoughts, you will feel driven to take the action that you want. 


It is time to start accomplishing your goals. Its time to begin what you are afraid you wont finish. You can do it! Create a thought that will lead to the feeling youre needing to motivate yourself.

Once we are in a good head space with our goals, it’s time to start setting them and taking action.


If you find yourself resisting to set goals, ask yourself why? This could be what is holding you back before you even start.


I don’t have the research to back this up, but I would be willing to bet the most successful entrepreneurs are goal setters. I’m only speaking from my own experience, but the bigger my goals become the more success I have achieved.

Law Of Attraction

Do you believe in the laws of attraction?


I do.


The law of attraction is legit. What we focus on, talk about, think about, or believe, WILL happen. Have you ever noticed how successful people keep having more success? Or sad and negative people only see sad and depressing things in life, and keep experiencing them? What you put your energy into, will return to you. The law of attraction can start with an idea or a thought, but it is way more powerful if you write it down. 


The first and most important thing about setting goals, is to write down. When we write down our goals they become real. They are no longer just a wish, idea, or a thought.


When you write it down, be specific. Identify when you want to complete the goal and how you will measure its completion. For example: I will grow my email list by 10K by December 31st. You have given yourself a finish goal deadline. You will know it is completed because you will have 10K more subscribers on your email list.


As we set our goals, obstacles are bound to arise. We might have the thought that we dont have enough time, we arent smart enough, or we are not capable of reaching what we most desire. Equally important as setting goals is identifying the obstacles that keep us from reaching them. Make a list of as many things you can think of that might get in your way from completing your goals. Now youre on the offensive.


Once you have a detailed list of your obstacles, it is time to form strategies. Figure out ways that you can overcome the obstacles. Dont let yourself get overwhelmed and definitely dont underestimate your potential. If one of your obstacles is that you dont know how to do something, your strategy can be to learn how to do it or to find someone else to do it for you. Often, when we feel stuck, we slip into inaction. Dont let that happen!  You can do anything you set your mind to do. Remember you are in control of your mind and your thoughts.


For example, I wanted a new website. I recognized that I had a the thoughts, I don’t know how to build a website and websites seemed to complicated. Immediately, I changed those thoughts to “I am smart and capable, and I can build a website.” My obstacle was the lack of knowledge. My strategy was I am going to learn to build a website. Then, I took my strategy one step further. I planned out my strategy. Finally, I designated one hour every day to either learn how to build a website, or to work on my website.


Guess what?


I build my own website. It took me almost 6 months, but now I know how to build websites, and I have build many websites since that time. I promise, if I can build a website, you can do whatever it is you want to do.




I want to challenge you this year to set a really, really big goal for yourself. After you have done this write down the obstacles and the strategies, and then take action. I can’t promise you will achieve this goal, but I promise you will get a lot closer than if you would have not set the goal.


As you work towards your goals you will see your own growth. Your mind will get stronger and youll begin to cultivate confidence. The amazing thing about goal setting is that whether or not you reach your goals, you are guaranteed to become a better, more-improved version of yourself.

I am excited to see you achieve your goals this year, and to get you started I have created my Goal Setting Guide for Entrepreneurs. I will put the link in the show notes and on my website.


You got this! I believe in you.





Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!