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Stop The "I Don't Knows"

Stop The "I Don't Knows"

Stop The “I Don’t Knows”. We can do anything we want to do if it is important enough to us. Next time you are tempted to say, I dont know,” STOP!  Change your thoughts because you DO know! When you learn to control your thoughts, we open ourselves up to our full potential. 

Stop The "I Don't Knows"

I attended a networking event last night. The host asked us to think about a specific person and circumstance that was pivotal in our business. It was hard to think of just one specific example. We are constantly being molded into what are suppose to become. I have had many, many failures and defining moments in my life both business and personal, but if I had to pick just one it would be the time that I discovered Life Coaching and the mindset tools I didn’t realize I was missing.


Around 2018, I got certified as a life coach through the Life Coach School. I don’t think I really knew what I wanted to do with it, but I knew that I wanted to learn more about it. I am sure you have heard the saying, “You don’t know, what you don’t know.” Well this is the truth. I didn’t know what I was missing and the tools I gained changed my life and was so empowering.


When you learn to see yourself and others in it in a different way it opens up the world to possibilities you didn’t think you were capable of. I know this statement is a tad eccentric, but it truly was life changing.


I have always been a motivated and driven person, but changing your mindset is most definitely is not the same thing

Stop the "I Don't Knows"

Let me give you an example:


I needed a new website. Feeling overwhelmed I didnt know where to start. My website needed to have a distinct look and specific features. My particular style was unique and I knew from past experience that I was a hard customer to please. I began shopping around for web designers but couldnt find exactly what I was looking for. I kept coming back to the same thought: I wish I could just do it myself, but I dont know how.” 


The I dont know” is a thought we have more often than we should. But that is it—it is just a thought. When we say or think I dont know,” we stop ourselves in our tracks. We have no action, no progress, and no result. 


What do you want for dinner? 

I dont know. 

When are you going to finish your masters degree? 


I dont know. 

When will you write your book?


I dont know. 


The result of all these scenarios is always the same: nothing happens, right?


Stop The "I Don't Knows"

So how do we change? First, take I dont know” out of your vocabulary.  Dont think it or say it. We have to train our brain so we can get different results. Come up with a new thought that will serve you better. 


For example: 


When are you going to write a book? 


I am going to dedicate 2 hours every Friday to writing. I can even get more specific and say I am going to dedicate every Friday from 9:00-11:00am to write and goal is to get it done by September of 2025.

Changing our thoughts from I dont know” to I will figure it out,” helps us progress. Our beliefs start to change about ourselves. We gain confidence because instead of stagnating, we move forward. We might not always get the results we wanted, but we progress and learn and that is ultimately what we want. The more we practice these thoughts, the less room we have for negative thoughts and self-doubt. We realize our grand capabilities and start working towards our goals.


I finally accepted that if I wanted my website to be a certain way, I would have to do it myself. Instantly I removed the I dont know” from my thoughts and changed it to, I am smart; I can learn how to build a website.” And that is exactly what I did. I set a daily goal for myself. The goal was to spend one hour every day either learning how to build a website, working on my website, or finding someone to help me on my website. Some days I would spend the entire hour trying to change the font! The whole process took much longer than anticipated, but guess what? I built my website. 



Once I changed my thoughts, I was able to act and get the results I wanted. So often we think we arent capable, but in reality, those are just our thoughts. When we learn to control our thoughts and our minds, we open ourselves to our full potential. We can do anything we want to do if it is important enough to us. Next time you are tempted to say, I dont know,” STOP!  Change your thoughts because you DO know!





Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!