Brittni Schroeder Coaching



As an entrepreneur, YOU are your brand and must constantly market yourself and your services. This can include pitching yourself for speaking events, podcasts, other brands, and more. You want people to know that you’re not just another pretty face; you have experience too.  It is important to showcase your accomplishments and accolades. A great way to do so is through a media kit.  It’s important to know what to include in a media kit. 


We have all heard of résumés; a media kit is the equivalent for influencers. An influencer is anyone who can impact someone else. We all have the ability to influence.

When you reach out to brands, some may ask for or require a media kit. They are looking for your stats.  Even if they don’t ask, sending a media kit will definitely set you apart.



Along with your accomplishments, brands are looking for your stats. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Blog Statistics (like your monthly sessions, monthly viewers, demographics, and more)
  • Facebook Followers (business page)
  • Instagram Followers (business account)
  • Pinterest (business account)
  • Newsletter List Subscribers

Brands want to know about you.  They want to see how well you connect with your audience.  They want to know that you are putting content out regularly.  They also want to see how many people are viewing your content. In order to determine these statistics, I highly recommend signing up for Google Analytics.  Google Analytics not only shows you how many people are viewing your site, but also gives you the referral sources—how people came to land on your site.



Brands like to work with people.  That means they don’t want to see your logo, they want to see your face. Include a professional headshot or other professional photos. 



Describe your audience. Who do you help and serve?  The more specific you can be on the details, the better. If you work in a specific area, list the location.  If you work remotely, hone in on the age, interests, & characteristics of your audience.



List your social media platforms and highlight your following and stats. Don’t get discouraged if you have a smaller audience. Social media is constantly changing, and engagement is more beneficial than a massive following.



Display logos of brands you have been featured in or on.  List every publication, podcast, conference, or interview you have done. This is a great way to position yourself and show you are in valued and in demand.



List awards or accolades you have received. Again, this shows you are valued and good at what you do.



Determine beforehand what opportunity you are seeking.  Are you are looking for speaking engagements? Podcast interviews? Sponsored posts? Collaborations? Discuss what you are willing to do and how to work with you.



End with a call to action.  Give them all your contact information and let them know you want to work with them.

Your media kit is a visual representation of your brand.  Make sure your branding is consistent.  Keep it short, clean, and direct. Put yourself out into the world with your newly-created media kit!




brittni schroeder


Brittni Schroeder Coaching



All it takes is an introduction. A harmless greeting is how most wonderful things start. How you find your spouse, how you meet your best friends, and how you land your dream job. It starts with a basic human connection. With the new norm of online networking, there’s a whole new networking world to learn. I am going to offer some useful tips and tricks you can use to make the whole process go smoother. We’ll go over how to grow your network online successfully, from the best tools to how to use them effectively. 



Tips for Successfully Networking Online

Even before the pandemic, social media networking was on the rise. With platforms like LinkedIn and social networks like Instagram and Facebook, there are many opportunities to meet new people. And these new people could possibly help your business grow. Learning how to effectively network online comes down to using the right platforms for your target audience, engaging strategically, and attending the right virtual events. 


Use Online Networks to Make Connections

Considering the amount of online content, finding the right network can seem like a needle-in-a-haystack situation. However, tapping into the right network can help focus your search. Lean on these platforms to connect with a niche that matches your career objectives.



According to a report done by Hootsuite, four out of five people on LinkedIn are the decision-makers. That means it’s highly likely that the people you connect with on the platform have the ability to hire you or recommend you if you connect with them effectively. By building an active personal brand on LinkedIn, you set yourself up for successful connections. Follow this four-step formula to cultivate this personal brand: establish, find, engage, build: 

• Step 1: Establish your digital presence by building out your profile. Include buzzwords and statistics that resonate with your industry. Also be sure to add a professional profile picture, which can lead to 21 times more profile views and nine times more connection requests according to LinkedIn’s reporting

• Step 2: Find people to connect with by joining LinkedIn groups. Make sure the groups you join are relevant to your business. 

• Step 3: Engage by posting content and talking to industry influencers. Out of the 500 million LinkedIn users, only 3 million share content, according to Foundation Inc. Forming opinions and discussing relevant topics will position you as a voice in your industry. Engage with the top figures in your industry by leaving insightful comments on their posts.

• Step 4: Repeat until you amass a strong following. Optimize your profile, connect with different people and continue to produce relevant content. You’ll find that people take interest in who you are and what you have to offer. 



Much more than a photo-sharing app, Instagram is a good way to connect with B2C companies and brands. 

While “DMs” are infamous for flirtatious comments, you can leverage them for networking. Start by following a brand’s page and getting a sense of what they post. Start a conversation with people. Don’t ever start with a pitch. Start with a conversation and if they are interested they will ask. 


Here’s a sample way to “slide into their DMs” professionally:

Hey, X. I’ve been following your page and really enjoy the content you put out. I loved your post on [insert details about a recent post]. 

Then ask an open-ended question such as “Where are you from” or “How did you get into [the field they work in]. Let the conversation flow from there. If you feel a connection suggest jumping on a Zoom call to see how you could help them out. 



One of the original social media platforms, Facebook’s reach presents a huge opportunity for getting your ideas out there. With 2.7 billion monthly active users on Facebook as of June 2020, it’s a perfect stage for online networking. 

A unique aspect of Facebook is its live feature. You have the ability to shoot video live, cast it out to your audience, and get comments in real-time. This is great for educators, coaches, business leaders, and entrepreneurs to share their thoughts on a hot-button topic. 



Clubhouse is a newer social media app where users share audio clips instead of text posts. You can create and start rooms and discuss topics of all interest. This platform is a great resource for finding and connecting with like-minded individuals. You can follow and connect with individuals in the rooms through Instagram or Twitter. 



Creative Tips for Online Networking

You want to set yourself apart from the rest of the workforce when it comes to networking. This takes a lot of creativity, especially with the added obstacle of online networking. Here are some tips to help you stand out from the rest of the crowd: 


• Optimize your profile. Make sure people know exactly what you do and who you help when they visit your profile. 

• Fill your inbox with interesting newsletters. Instead of small talk about the weather, throw out some relevant insights. Mingle some personal stories with topics of interest to keep your audience engaged. 

• Make them notice you. Look for ways to get noticed. Show up consistently. Use more video to show your personality. 

• Cut the word “networking” out of your vocabulary. Self-talk matters in stressful situations. While you might not be throwing darts when networking, you are focused on hitting a target. Reinforcing positivity is essential for this. So, if the word “networking” is negatively connoted in your mind, then cut it out of your vocabulary. Use the word “opportunity” instead.



Growing your network should be a priority and be an item that is consistently showing up on your daily, weekly, and monthly checklists. When you learn how to grow your network online you will open up a plethora of possibilities. 


How to Increase Sales by Making Offers

Brittni Schroeder Coaching

How to Increase Sales
by Making Offers

How to Increase Sales by Making Offers

One of the biggest issues entrepreneurs face is hesitating to promote our offer. We’re unsure of how, when, or where to put it out into the world. We spend an endless amount of time creating freebies, lead magnets, programs, and products, then stick them on our website and cross our fingers, hoping they sell. Learning how to increase sales by making offers is key to growth. 

Do you want your business to grow? If you answered yes (and I know you answered yes), you MUST promote your own stuff and you MUST do it consistently.

Let’s address the mindset issues we might be dealing with when it comes to making offers. Do any of these reactions sound familiar?  


  • I don’t want to sound sales-y
  • I don’t want to annoy people
  • I don’t know how many times/days to share something
  • It’s so much work to post constantly
  • I’m not able to be consistent
  • I hate talking about myself
  • I already posted it on social media

These mindsets will hold you back. The first step is recognizing they are present. The next step is shifting into mindsets that serve you better. 


If you don’t get excited about what you are offering, you have two choices: Change your offer or change your mindset.  Ask yourself these questions: Do I get excited as excited about my offer as I do when Target puts out their holiday candy?  You should strive for the same enthusiasm when you are talking about your offer. 


People have followed you online because they want to hear from you. If they like your free Instagram posts and your weekly emails, they will probably be all about whatever product you’ve just launched. Don’t deny them the opportunity to work with you or advance their skills. Because that’s what you’re doing when you don’t promote – you are assuming you know what they are thinking and you’re making sure they miss out.

Two important things to remember when you are promoting your product or service:

1. People need to come into contact with something 7 times before they’ll decide they need it.  Consider this: how many times have you seen something – maybe a new trend, maybe a gadget on an infomercial – and immediately thought, “that is ridiculous” or “who would buy that??” But then you see it again, and again, and again, and again, and after a couple of weeks, you suddenly want it. 


2. Most people are not glued to their computer scanning all of your Instagram feed, pins, and blog posts all day long. At least I hope not, because that’s a waste of time. My point being, they will probably miss out on 75% of the stuff you share, so you need to share it multiple times for it to not only catch their eye, but stick in their mind. Also, don’t get stuck on the idea that just because you posted it on one platform, you shouldn’t post it on another.  Most people spend a majority of their time on just one or two platforms.  That is why it is important to repurpose your content on multiple platforms and do it often. 


Expand your reach as far as possible

When you truly understand your audience, you will know where they spend their time. Make a list of all the places your ideal audience is present (Instagram, Pinterest, email list, Facebook Groups, etc). Each week or month select an offer you want to focus on. Commit to posting your offer multiple times a week on each of the places your ideal audience visits. You want to maximize your reach with each of your offers. 


Have your audience do the talking for you

The best person to promote your product is actually not you. It’s the client who finished your course and saw amazing results, your client who you helped transformed, or your client who was super  impressed by the work you did.  Always remember to include an automated email in your client experience that asks for testimonials and reviews. When you receive any testimonials, turn them into posts, graphics in your emails, and/or include them on your sales pages. If you blog make sure you’ve got share buttons and Pinterest pin features on your blogs. Clients who have loved working with you will quickly become one of your best marketing tools.  



The success of your business is 40% an amazing product and 60% how well you market and sell it.  If you are struggling with mindset, work on that first and foremost.  After you are in a good headspace, focus on making offers every single day.  Once you learn how to increase sales by making offers you will see tremendous growth!



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Every year at Christmas I try to convince my kids to bypass all the presents and use the money to go towards a trip or an experience.  It’s typically dependent on their age or what expensive new Apple gadget they have been dying to get. I like to test my kids by asking them to tell me to remind me what they received last year as gifts or the year before, more often than not they have already forgotten.  However, if I ask them to tell me about their favorite vacation or adventure they can go on and on. My goal is to create an unforgettable experience for my kids and your goals should be the same. If you want to become memorable, in your business, you need to create the ultimate client experience.


This is similar to our client experience.  They might forget about the product or service, but they will remember how you made them feel and how they felt.  When we create a great client experience people will talk, and we all know this the best marketing tool EVER!



Your client experience begins as soon as someone has that initial first impression of you. It begins before they are even clients. A client experience is how you make potential clients and clients feel.  This feeling might start when they following you in Instagram, but can last long after the project has finished. 



Think about how you want your ideal clients to feel and use this when setting the tone and messaging on your website and your social media. You only get once chance for a first impression, so make sure it’s well thought through.


When it comes to your website, this is typically the first step in the process. Design your website to attract your ideal client, but ensure that your copy speaks to them and they feel a connection.  You want your ideal client to feel like you are talking directly to them.  Think of your website as a first date and your social media as your second and third date when you really get to know a person. Make sure your brand is cohesive and reflects your brand.  




When your ideal client has resonated with your website and/or social media the next step is to get in touch to inquire about how they can work with you.  You want to make sure it is clear and obvious as to what the next step is.  If you offer more than one service or product let them know of the various ways they can work with you.  If you have a contact page try to avoid using terms like contact me, but instead tell them exactly what the next step is.  For example, you could say schedule a consult with me, get my price list, or apply to work with me.  You need to maximize your time and you don’t want to waste time on a consult or answering emails if they are not serious about working with you. 


Once a client has reached out to you whether it is through a scheduling app or an email make sure to respond immediately letting them know you received their email and you will get back to them within a specific amount of time. If too much time passes your potential client might feel put off.


If you find yourself typing the same email over and over again, use a template that you can customize.  Even better and this is what I would highly recommend setting up an automation to ensure your potential client get’s an immediate response.



You booked a client. You have officially taken your client to the next level in your relationships. Like any good, healthy relationships communication is key. You want to make this part as easy for your client as possible.  You want to walk them step-by-step through the process ensuring they know exactly what they are doing every step of the way.  Don’t overwhelm them with too much information upfront, consider sending several smaller emails using bullet points or a checklist. The key here is to keep things moving quickly whilst keeping your client informed at each stage of the process.


If your clients have to sign a contract consider using a program that allows a digital signature such as HelloSign or Adobe Sign. There are a lot of different project management systems available that will send the contracts and do the invoicing for you. 



They’ve signed on the dotted line and paid their deposit. Depending on what service you offer, there might now be a wait between booking and the project starting. You want to make sure your client feels loved during this period also. This is a time to set yourself apart from your competition and dazzle them with the details.  


Here are a few ideas:

  • A welcome packet with any materials they might need. Use colored envelopes garnished with stickers or Wasi tape. 
  • Starbucks Giftcard
  • Favorite book 
  • Coupons
  • Notebooks or pens with your branding on it
  • Hand written thank you card
  • Helpful tips or guides 

If there is a wait period before you start working together make sure to contact them 1-2 times in between to keep them excited and engaged with the process.



Depending on the duration of the process make sure that you are keeping your clients informed of what to expect or what is coming next. Send reminders, instructions and continually excitement about working with them. Stick to all deadlines and if possible, exceed them, under promise and over commit. 



When you are finished with the project consider sending another gift or thank card. There is no such thing as showing too much appreciation. Think of ways you can extend the client experience after you have finished working with your clients. You want to remain memorable so they will want to work with you again or recommend you to others. 


Here are a few ideas:

  • Send a Christmas Card or gift
  • Follow them on social media and support them
  • Send Birthday Cards
  • Checkin with them once or twice a year
  • Offer a VIP product or service
  • Offer a return client discount

Consider ways you can you keep in touch with them and make them feel like your relationship didn’t just end as soon as the final invoice was paid. 


Creating an unforgettable client experience isn’t all about gifting. Yes it’s nice to spoil your clients with a little gift from time to time but if you aren’t at the stage where you can afford to do this, then there are other ways to ensure an unforgettable client experience.  You want to make sure your clients feel seen, heard and understood.  When you connect with your clients and make them appreciated that creates the ultimate client experience.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching

The Course Creation Process

Business Coach for Women

You are only one person. Keep that in mind when you are creating your product suite. Consider products that allow you to create a passive income such as ebooks, templates, books, or digital courses. In order to build a production suite it’s important to understand the course creation process.


If you are service-based, creating a digital course is a great option to sale and grow your business. Once you have done your market research and tested your ideas on your target audience, it’s time to create.

Once you know who you’re helping and your topic, it’s time to explore the details or delivery.

Here are some questions to help you decide your content format:

  • Which format do you enjoy? 
  • What different types of content have you done before? Think writing, webinars, videos, and audio. 
  • Highlight the ones that you enjoy doing the most and make you feel like you are in flow. 

Keep your audience in mind as you create. For example, if you’re helping busy entrepreneurs, include audio as opposed to an ebook. This serves them better because they can listen to your audio while they’re going about their busy day. 


Plan your content

Once you’ve got an idea of your content format, it’s time to plan out your content. You want to get clear on where your audience is before they find your course (POINT A) and where they are after they’ve done your course (POINT B). 



Next, brain dump all the steps they’d need to take to move from Point A to Point B. Determine the main key points or topics and list all the subtopics for each. 


For example, if I am creating a program on Instagram, one of my main topics might be Instagram Bio and my subtopics would be Profile Picture, Descriptions, and Call To Action.  Your main topics can be your modules and your subtopics can be the lessons. 


Now you have the framework and outline for the course creation process. It’s time to start creating content. Take each subtopic or lesson and write it out. I write each of my lessons and blog them. This also helps improve SEO. Don’t worry about putting all your content on your blog. Trust me, although all the content is available for free, people won’t take the time to search through all your blog posts. Your clients will prefer the ease of having all the content in one easy-to-access place. I also include the written content for clients to reference if they are visual learners and like to read. 



Now is time to start putting together the content. There are so many different ways to create video content.  There is no right or wrong way. You have to find what works best for you. 


There are a few different ways I deliver video content.  The first option is to record yourself speaking using your iPhone or DSLR camera. The pro of this method is that your audience builds a connection because they see your face and emotion. The con (for me anyway) is it takes me twice as long when I am recording video because I get distracted with how everything looks. I know! I know! I am obnoxious! 

The second option is to create detailed slides and record the slides with audio. I use templates from Canva and customize them to be cohesive with my brand. Once they are screen recorded I upload them to Adobe Premier Rush to make a few minor edits and add transitions to help it flow. 


If you opt for the second option, I would recommend starting with an introduction video of yourself welcoming people to your program and then a video at the end congratulating them for completing the program.



When writing out your program look for ways you can add extra support for your clients through the program. This can be in the form of a checklist, worksheet, planner, calendar, or template.  These supporting resources add an extra element that clients love. 


Creating a course takes commitment and time. There is a learning curve when it comes to course creation.  Don’t get frustrated if you find yourself spending an entire day trying to figure out how to do one thing. The more you do it, the more proficient you will become at course creation. The course creation process takes time and effort, but the results are worth the effort.




Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Social media can be one of your business’s most valuable marketing tools. It’s an excellent way to build brand awareness, connect with past clients, and generate new leads. With so many social media platforms available and a limited amount of time, you need to find the best social media platform for your business. 


Today, around seven-in-ten people use social media to connect with one another, engage with news content, share information and entertain themselves. It’s important to understand each platform to determine where your ideal client is present. When you take the time to learn each platform you will understand the best social media platform for your business.



Monthly active users 2.85 million

Best use: Engaging your audience, collecting reviews, customer service, advertising

DEMOGRAPHICS: 69% of people in the US, 61% Men and 77% women. 77% of U.S. adults between 30-49 years-old use. 76% make between $30K-50K.


Facebook is often the first social media site to come to mind when discussing social media, and for good reason. It’s one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, and it was one of the first to provide advertising options to businesses. A Facebook business page is a must for any company or brand, and you should update yours on a regular basis. Today’s consumers expect all businesses to have a presence on the platform, and many of them also expect those businesses to respond to their questions and concerns.


Basically, if you’re only going to choose one platform for your business to use, make it Facebook.



Monthly active usersOver 1 billion

Best use: Building your brand

DEMOGRAPHIC: 40% of people in the US, 36% Men and 44% women. 71% of U.S. adults between 18-29-years-old use. 47% make between $75K+. 


Instagram is built around sharing photos and is great for any visual content. It isn’t a text-heavy platform, though, and also doesn’t allow links within posts.

Instagram is the best social media for businesses who want to create photos and videos for their audiences.


That being said, the platform is a valuable tool for building your brand’s identity. If you’re a B2C company, you can use it to share photos of your products in use and encourage your followers to do the same for user-generated content you can then re-post as part of your feed. If you’re a B2B company, you can use it to share behind-the-scenes photos of your company and office.


The use of hashtags on Instagram are a way to reach a multitude of people, and taking advantage of the ever-popular Instagram stories or Instagram Live video feature is a great way to expand your social presence.


The platform also offers advertising options for businesses, which can be accessed through Facebook. If you’re familiar with Facebook’s ad management system, it could be an easy transition to start running sponsored posts.



Monthly active users353 million

Best use: Building industry authority, real-life updates

Demographics: 23% of people in the US, 25% Men and 22% women. 42% of U.S. adults between 18-29-years-old use. 34% make between $75K+. 


Twitter is a fast-paced platform, and many users seek news and information on it. Because of this, it can be especially beneficial for companies who publish original content on a regular basis.


Sharing links to new pages and blog posts is simple, and doing it regularly sends readers directly to your new content. Plus, if you make it part of your strategy to share useful and informative content from other sources, you can build your reputation as an authority in your industry.




Monthly active users310 million

Best use: Reaching B2B prospects and potential employees

DEMOGRAPHICS: 28% of people in the US, 31% Men and 26% women. 36% of U.S. adults between 30-49 years-old use. 50% make between $75K+. 

LinkedIn is a social network for professionals, meaning it can be a useful tool for reaching B2B prospects. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t useful for B2C companies as well.

If your company is hiring, maintaining an active LinkedIn account can help potential applicants learn about your job openings. And if you share updates about your company and employees, you can show them what it’s like to work at your business.


Monthly active usersOver 2 billion

Best use: Highlighting company culture, tutorials, demonstrations

DEMOGRAPHICS: 81% of people in the US, 82% Men and 80% women. 95% of U.S. adults between 18-29-years-old use. 26% make between $90K+. 

Although you may not think of it as social media, YouTube is one of the largest sources of user-generated content online. And if your company creates its own content, it can be a great way to connect with those users.

In addition to the views you get directly on the platform, you can also use YouTube to host videos to embed on your site. And considering how effective visual content is in engaging site visitors, this alone is reason enough to create an account.


Monthly active users: Over 450 million

Best use: Sharing products


31% of people in the US, 16% Men and 46% women. 38% of U.S. adults between 50-64—years-old use. 40% make between $75K+. 

If you run an e-commerce business, you should be on Pinterest—it’s as simple as that. In fact, 87% of pinners have purchased a product because of Pinterest. The platform allows you to upload individual photos (like product photos) with short descriptions (like product information) and a link (like to a product page). Not to mention its built-in shopping feature makes it easier than ever for businesses to promote their products on the network.

You can also use rich pins to provide more context to a product, recipe, article, and app pins, and use their advertising options to reach more users. It’s an easy way to drive traffic directly to your product pages and connect with potential customers.


Monthly active users: Over 1 billion

Best use: Giving users a peek behind the scenes of your business, participate in viral trends

DEMOGRAPHICS: 21% of people in the US, 17% Men and 24% women. 48% of U.S. adults between 18-29-years-old use. 29% make between $30K-$50K. 

TikTok lets users share short videos for a variety of purposes. 

Quick tutorials, viral dances, and comedic skits can all be found on the video sharing app. 

In addition to sharing videos related to your business, you can also take advantage of TikTok’s advertising options for your business.


Monthly active users46 million

Best use: Real-time updates, promoting events

Demographics: 25% of people in the US, 22% Men and 28% women. 65% of U.S. adults between 18-29-years-old use. 29% make between $50K-75K. 

Snapchat allows users to post photos or videos that will remain published for 24 hours before disappearing. This is ideal for businesses looking to promote a timely event, such as a product launch or conference.

Snapchat also offers marketers the ability to create custom, branded geotags to promote certain events in certain locations during a certain time period.

The Snapchat audience does skew younger, making it ideal if your target audience is a college student.

When it comes to the BEST social media platform for your business, there’s no magic bullet. Where you decide to show up and dedicate your time will be where you see a return. Determine where you want to show up, create a strategy and show up. 



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



You have an amazing course or digital course.  You create a buzz and excitement and do a couple big launches a year.  All your die-hard, loyal fans jump all over your offers.  You are feeling pretty good as you ride the euphoric high that comes with your success. Then you eventually come back down to reality.  Now what?  How will you continue to sell your product or service? You know you have an amazing product, so how will you continue to bring in revenue month after month? You can run ads, host webinars, & mention it on social media, but realistically, in order to scale, you need to do something more. You need an affiliate program. You need an affiliate program for your small business!


It would be awesome to hire an entire sales team to help you, but that is not in the budget. Or is it? One alternative to hiring a sales team is creating and starting an affiliate program. Let others do the selling for you! There are a lot of businesses out there that offer affiliate programs, you want to be a part of that. The beauty of affiliate programs is that you only pay your affiliates when they bring you business. It’s a risk-free form of marketing. 


You need to keep reaching new audiences and using affiliates is the best way to do that. If you can find motivated, enthusiastic affiliates, you will have your personal sales force!

Creating an affiliate program might seem like another thing to add to your never ending to-do list, but it’s time to make it a priority. You want to scale and grow and expanding your reach is the way to do it.  



Ideally, you want your affiliates to be your past students or clients who have worked with you.  They will want to sign up because they got results. They will be excited to tell their friends and/or followers about their experience.  However, they may not be in the perfect niche to promote you. You may get some referrals, but you will likely want a good mix of previous clients and well-aligned influencers in your niche who have the perfect audience to promote your products to. 

These influences may not need to take your course and so if you want them to become an affiliate (and to promote you with authenticity) you may consider offering them free access to your course so that they can effectively review and promote it. You don’t want people to promote your product if they don’t believe in it. 


To find these affiliates, look for people who have the same target audience, but are not in competition with you.  


Here are few places to find the fantastic affiliates:


  • Instagram – search via hashtags and suggested users and take note of engagement rate.
  • Pinterest – take note of whose pins are ranking high on the search page for your main keywords. Look at who is ranking as suggested profiles when you search your keyword.
  • Facebook – look for influencers with engaged Facebook groups in your niche.
  • Spotify and other podcast platforms – look for recommended podcasts and those who appear in searches when you search your topic.
  • Google – Find people who are ranking for articles where links to your course or resources could be included.

When you reach out to potential affiliates, be very clear and concise about the benefit your service/product would offer their audience as well as the benefits they will receive as an affiliate. Keep your email or message short and sweet and follow up within a week. 



Remember keeping 100% of your profit to yourself won’t amount too much if you’re not selling your product or service. Affiliates will help you reach new audiences that you wouldn’t reach otherwise. Your affiliates will have the know, like, and trust factor with their audience and that will transfer to you if your affiliates refer you. You are not paying them for their time, you are paying them for access to their audience.  Consider how much money you are saving by having your own sales team. 

It can be tempting to choose a lower commission to keep as much of the profit as possible, however I wouldn’t recommend this. You need your affiliates to do well and make lots of money in order to keep them engaged and excited. The better they do, the more eager they will be to recommend your programs. I recommend aiming for commissions of 30-50% depending on the product or service. 


If you are hosting your course or precut on a platform such as Kajabi, Teachable, or Thinkific, they have affiliate programs you can use. If you don’t have a digital course and don’t want to invest for another program you can use, ask your clients their referral source as part of a new client questionnaire. 



First you need to decide if you are going to screen your affiliates or let them sign up directly. If you choose to auto-approve applicants, you may have lots of signs up with less than optimal results. I would recommend screening when you first start. Once you have decided to use a form application or link directly to the affiliate sign up, you need to build a page that is appealing to potential affiliates. It’s your opportunity to showcase the perks of your affiliate program. 


Make sure you include a FAQ section where you can answer commonly asked questions.  Such as:


  • What is the commission they will earn?
  • Do they need to have purchased one of your products to be eligible to join?
  • How and when will they get paid?
  • Do you provide any swipe copy or promotional images?


It is in your best interest to give your affiliates the best possible chance to succeed in your affiliate program. The more commission they earn, the more engaged they will be in promoting your products. When you provide them with the tools, encouragement, and motivation, their chances of success increase. 

As soon as someone joins your affiliate program, send them a welcome packet that includes the following:

  • A link to the affiliate dashboard.
  • An overview of what products they can promote and the key selling points of each.
  • The information they need about the offer such as commission rates.
  • Creative content ideas including types of articles they could write and other ways to promote the product (via email, Pinterest, a resource page, in emails, on social media etc).
  • Promotional images for pins, Instagram stories, square and landscape graphics, and also some mockup PNG files that affiliates can use to create their own graphics.
  • Email swipe copy for a 3-part email series and for a one-off promotional email so your affiliates can choose what works for them and their audience. Encourage your affiliates to write their own copy in their own voice but providing swipe copy is good for when they are busy or unsure what to write!
  • Provide social media copy both in a medium-form (e.g for Facebook or Instagram posts) and short-form.


In order to keep your affiliates engaged, set up an automated email series.  This will keep the communication ongoing and encourage them to keep promoting. In the email sequence give them ideas for how to promote your products as well as invite them to ask you any questions along the way.  You can also offer an opportunity to set up a call to create a strategy. 

Another option is setting up a promotion once or twice a year with your affiliates to create a buzz amongst them. You can offer a giveaway to the affiliates who sell the most during a specific time.  Create a leaderboard and get your affiliates excited about winning a prize or bonus. 

Affiliate programs can be an amazing tool to help you scale your business and expand your reach.  When you create an affiliate program, you are creating a sales team that will promote your products and your brand. If you want to scale your business and increase your sales you need a affiliate program for your small business.


Brittni Schroeder Coaching



A marketing funnel is a model of the customer journey. It represents the buying stages people go through after becoming aware of a business, service, or product. These are the different funnel phases. 



Once you have created your offer, the first step in your funnel is to determine where your ideal clients frequently shows up. What platforms do you they use?  What events do they attend?  Where do they spend their time? When you understand where your audience is present, you are more likely to close the sale.  



Once you have identified where your audience shows up it’s time to start making offers to hook them. This offer will be your lead magnet or your free resource.  This can be a checklist, a guide, a mini-training, templates, etc.  You want your offer to be something that your ideal clients finds valuable.  Try to understand what you ideal client struggles with and create something that solves that problem.



After you have hooked your ideal client, it’s time to build the know, like, and trust factor. In other words, it’s time to nurture your ideal client.  You want them to get to know you. This can be done through emails, social media posts, video marketing, trainings, and more. Be patient with this process. Building the trust factor takes time. The bigger the investment, the longer it will take.


Now it’s time to close the deal.  Depending on your offer, you need to have strategy to convert the sale.  Closing the sale can be in the form of an email, a webinar, social selling, or sales call.  Whichever method you decide to use, ensure that you let your potential clients know what outcome they can expect when using your product or service.  It’s important to get really clear on your messaging. 



A great message is NOT when your ideal client understands you, it’s when your ideal client feels understood BY YOU.  Ask yourself the question: “What does my ideal client want/need?” Because they are likely not on your website or social media just to “browse” –  they are looking for a solution to a problem.  With that being said you want to understand their pain points that they struggle with. 


Here are some examples:


Health/Life Coach: My ideal client doesn’t like the way they feel in their body. They cannot find their purpose in the world. They desire a sustainable, abundant, love-filled life.


Home Organization Company: My ideal client’s home is a wreck, which makes them feel like their life is a wreck. They need someone to help tidy it up so they can stop feeling embarrassed.


Marketing Company: My ideal client works so hard on social media for their business, but they wonder, “Why won’t any of it work?” They are sick of hearing crickets on every post and need someone to take this off their plate.


Cake Bakery: My ideal client wants an incredible cake for their wedding that is as unique and special as they are.


Photographer: My ideal client wants to capture the sweet moments in their children’s lives, but they are horrible with a camera. They need someone to take the perfect family photo for their Christmas card.




Now that you’ve discovered your customer’s pain points, what do you do with that information? It all starts with expressing empathy and authority.

Empathy is an expression of understanding the pain and frustration of the customer. Authority is giving them the confidence that you have the ability to help them.

Let’s talk about empathy first. We trust people who understand us and who are like us. In business, it’s the same: people trust brands who understand them. People want to be seen, heard, and understood. Empathy is NOT about talking about how great your business and your services are. It’s about the customer.


Once you know what your client’s problems are and how you can solve them, try filling in these statements:


  • Like you, I understand how it feels to …
  • Nobody should have to experience …
  • Like you, I am frustrated by …
  • I get it, you struggle with …
  • I know how you feel, I have felt the same way too, until I found …

Remember that YOU are a real person, trying to market to another real person. So, be human – not a sales machine. Customers look for brands that they have something in common with. 

Once you display empathy, it’s time to show them you can solve their problem, which is where authority comes in. No one likes a “know-it-all,” but they do like people with serious experience in solving the problem they have. You don’t need to be perfect. In fact, it’s better if you aren’t, but you do need to be a step ahead of the people you are trying to help. 


Here are 5 great ways to show authority in your marketing:


  • Testimonials: Let others do the talking for you with proof that you can solve the problem your potential customer is seeking help with!
  • Content Creation: This could be blog posts, podcasts, books, Instagram posts, etc. The goal is to show that you know what you’re doing and can, in fact, help.
  • Certifications/Awards: Are you certified in what you do? Are you “award winning?” Let’s show it!
  • Statistics: This one is super powerful, but often overlooked. Showing statistics about your customer’s success and your business shows authority well. For example, on my website, I show statistics about the number of clients served.

Make sure your customers know that you have the skills required for you to be trusted.



After you have created your funnels, you will want to test them.  Pay attention to the metrics and make note at what is working and what is not working.  If people are signing up for your freebie or webinar, but not clicking on your emails then you may need to adjust your wording. If potential clients are viewing your sales page, but you aren’t converting, your sales copy might need some tweaking. 


Funnels take time to create and fine tune, but once you find what works, you have found your funnel. 




s you continue to grow, you may want to add even a third or fourth service or product. If you are reaCreate a product suite to scale your business

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Many people starting a business may center their entire model around one golden ticket product or service. If you have a service, let’s just say you’re a weight loss coach, your coaching service is your golden ticket service and that’s what you try to sell. This is a great approach when you are first getting started, but as your business evolves and develops, you want to either work less and make more, scale, or both. For that reason, you will want to create a second product or service. As you continue to grow, you may want to add even a third or fourth service or product. If you are ready to grow create a product suite to scale your business.



Big and successful businesses have multiple products within their lineup. They don’t just have one product that they rely on. They have multiple products or multiple services because customers are entering their network at different stages.

As your network grows, potential customers will be at different points in their lives. If you just have only one specific product, sometimes it can mean the loss of a customer. We all have different needs and desires and are looking to invest at different points in our lives. 

Let me give you an example. Let’s talk about cars. When you are single, you might buy a cute little sports car. It has a great stereo system, expensive rims, and a personalized license plate. Then life happens. You get married and start a family. You decide to trade in your sports car for a minivan. It seats 8 people, has unlimited storage, and a built-in DVD player to entertain the kids. Throughout our lives, we have different needs, finances, and goals. This is similar to our network. 


Now, of course, you’re looking at your specialties and you’re looking at what it is that you’re doing best, but having a suite or a variety of things allows you to really target different customer types.

It allows you to open the doors to multiple variations and situations as people are shopping, browsing, and looking for their needs. You will have the opportunity to attract clients at different financial stages.  A customer might purchase a less expensive product/service, discover that they love working with you, and opt for a more expensive product/service. 

To help you maintain a successful business, bring in more sales, increase revenue, and gain exposure, you need to establish your product suite. 

I want to show you my product suite or at least some of the products that I have so that way you can see what I’m talking about and what I’m referring to. 

For me, my core focus is this group coaching course. I also offer 1:1 coaching, but the price is higher. In addition, I offer two different digital courses—one priced at $97 and another at $197. Looking at these things, you’ll see that I offer different options and different price points.  I have had many clients purchase coaching after they have completed one of my digital courses.  These digital courses allow me to create a passive income. I make a residual income and then have the ability to scale and focus on other parts of my business. 

You can’t know where everyone is in their journey. If they are just starting out their business growth, they’ll probably stick to the first few courses as they continue to grow their online presence. If they’re a little more intermediate or advanced, they may opt for my group coaching or 1:1.

In your product suite, you have multiple things interacting together to grow your business. Whether that’s a digital course, a book, a mini-training, or an education product, all those things are working together to scale your business.



The key when creating a successful business is not relying on one single product or any one golden ticket service if you’re doing a service-based business. You want to continue to branch out and evolve to a few products or a few services. When you provide amazing products or services your clients will keep coming back. Clients have different needs and desires. Build a product suite that offers a range of outcomes. Look at the big picture and create a product suite that helps you achieve your ultimate goals and create the life you desire.  It is time to create a product suite to scale your business.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



I had a good friend who shared an experience about a life coach she had hired. Her experience was horrible, and she wouldn’t recommend the life coach to anyone. When I inquired about how she had found him she told me she had seen him speak on stage at a conference a few months earlier. We both agreed that when someone speaks to the masses they are assumed to be an expert. What are the lessons learned here? First, master your art or skill. Second, try to get on as many stages as possible.  If you are wanting to charge high-end prices you have to learn how to positioning yourself as expert.



No matter what business or industry you’re in, if you aren’t able to get new clients, you probably won’t stay in business for very long. As you probably already know, many markets are very saturated and competitive. Your prospects likely have lots of different options to choose from. Being able to stand out from your competitors, and position yourself as the person or business most suited to serve them is a must for your success.



The secret to getting noticed despite all the noise in the marketplace is authority. When you have authority, people will pay attention. When you are perceived as an expert in your industry, people will naturally want to work with you. They will seek you out.


Getting to that level is all about positioning. Using a few simple strategies, you can position yourself as the go-to expert in your industry. You can attract business to you. Instead of constantly hustling to find your next client, you can turn yourself into a client magnet and let them find you.



Here are 10 ways you can position yourself as the go-to expert in your industry:



You want to have your own website, but more specifically, you should have your own blog. Having a blog enables you to share valuable content, whether in written or video format, on a regular basis. As you publish and promote your content online, you will gradually begin to position yourself as an expert on the topics that you focus on.



Another advantage of blogging regularly is that it gives other people a chance to share your content with their networks (for example, through social media), which then improves your SEO and attracts others to your website. A well-written article with valuable information is likely to be shared by the people who enjoyed it. This is how content goes viral – through peer-to-peer sharing. By blogging regularly, you expose your brand and your business to new audiences on a consistent basis.


Write for other authority sites and blogs

Make a list of the most popular websites and blogs in your industry. These are the sites that your ideal clients are visiting regularly to obtain information about your topic. Contact those websites, and request to become a guest contributor. Most website owners are always looking for high-quality content to publish on their websites that will add value to their visitors.


Write an article exclusively for each website on your list, and include your bio with a link back to your website at the end of your article. This strategy, known as guest blogging, helps you get your message in front of new audiences online that may have never discovered you otherwise. You provide content to the website for free, and that content helps direct new visitors to your website.


Be a guest on podcasts

Most podcast hosts are always on the lookout for more guests to interview for their show. Google search or head over to iTunes, and take a look at the top-ranked shows in your industry/niche. If you think that your story, message, or advice would add value to the audience of a specific podcast, then visit that podcast’s website and find their Contact Page. Send the host a brief message outlining your experience and area of expertise, and tell them you’d like to be considered as a potential guest for their show.


Many podcasts attract thousands, even tens of thousands of listeners on a regular basis. If you make it a routine to be a guest on other podcasts regularly, your name will gradually become known by thousands of highly targeted people from around the world. At the end of each interview, tell the listeners how they can get in touch with you, offer a freebie, or reference your social media handles.


Host your own podcast

There are many ways you can build a platform, but as of today, hosting a podcast is likely the most effective way to do so. Many authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, and even large organizations have resorted to podcasting to share their message and grow their audience.

There is a massive shift in the way we consume our information. People want specific information, on-demand, in a format that is convenient for them. This is one of the reasons why podcasting has become so popular. Unlike a video, article, or book, which requires 100% of someone’s time and attention to consume, a person can listen to a podcast while doing something else such as exercising, driving, or cleaning the house.

Having your own podcast allows you to share your story and advice on a very specific topic and attract a very specific target audience. Starting one now will likely give you an advantage over your competitors.

Create a Facebook page or Facebook Group

If you’re active on social media, you should consider creating a Facebook Page for your personal brand or for your business. Having your own Facebook page (this is different from a personal profile) is a great way to achieve “celebrity” status in your industry/niche. When someone has a Facebook page with hundreds or even thousands of fans, there is a strong element of social proof that helps identify them as an expert in their industry.


Having a Facebook page also enables you to take advantage of the incredibly powerful advertising opportunities that Facebook offers. You cannot place ads on Facebook as an individual. You need to have a page. Once your page is set up, you can create ads that will display in the news feeds and/or sidebars of highly targeted Facebook users. You can also pay to promote your posts, exposing them to new audiences.


Another way to leverage Facebook to build your personal brand is to start a Facebook Group. Creating a Facebook Group enables you to create a sense of community among your audience. Unlike a Facebook Page (which is typically just a place for you to broadcast your message or content to your followers), a Facebook Group is the perfect environment for facilitating conversations and building strong relationships with other members of the group. As the leader and facilitator of the group, its members will appreciate you giving them the opportunity to receive valuable insights and encouragement from other members.


Add client testimonials to your website or marketing materials

LinkedIn is a very popular social network for entrepreneurs and business professionals. Your LinkedIn profile is a great place to showcase your expertise, professional experience, and achievements. Used properly, it can be an incredibly powerful networking and positioning tool.


Here are a few tips to optimize your LinkedIn profile:

• Use a professional photo for your profile picture (preferably a headshot)

• Write a compelling profile description that highlights your experience and areas of expertise

• Add specific skills to your profile so that people in your network can endorse you for those skills (endorse other people’s skills first, and they will likely reciprocate)

• Collect testimonials from other LinkedIn users in your network (write testimonials for other people first, and they will likely reciprocate)

• Include a way to contact you or a link to your website.



Comment on blogs and in social media groups

A great way to become known in your industry is to engage in conversations that are happening on the popular blogs and social media groups (Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, etc.) in your industry. This is not a strategy for pitching your product or service or aggressively sharing a link to your website all over the internet (that is considered spamming). This strategy is for adding value to others by sharing helpful advice, insights, and responding to questions that other people are asking.


Another advantage of adding value to the conversations that are happening online is that the owners of those blogs or social media groups will likely notice. Building relationships with other influencers in your industry is never a bad idea because it opens the door for potential collaborations or partnerships in the future. Commenting regularly on their platforms can help build that relationship.

• Include a way to contact you or a link to your website.



Publish a book

Writing and publishing a book is one strategy that can help to immediately set you apart from most of your competitors. Think about it. If your competitors are handing out business cards, hoping their phone will ring, and you’re giving copies of your book as gifts to potential clients, who do you think will win more business? You will, because you’re the one with a book.


Fortunately, it is no longer difficult or expensive to become an author. Once you’ve written your book and had a cover designed, you can self-publish your book on Amazon and immediately make it available to a global audience in both digital and paperback format. People from all over the world who are searching for a book on your topic can find it and buy it directly from Amazon. You can also keep several printed copies on hand at all times to give as gifts or sell at events/conferences.


Speak at live events

Most people are terrified of speaking in public, so when they see someone do it they tend to immediately perceive that person as an expert and a leader. Plus, when you speak to a live audience, you have their undivided attention for the duration of your presentation. This affords you a unique opportunity to engage and connect with a large number of people at the same time.


If you’ve never spoken in public before, a great starting point to develop your skills is your local Toastmasters Group. This is a non-threatening, positive environment in which people meet regularly to practice their speaking and communication skills. Once you build up some confidence, you can begin speaking at networking events, Meetup groups, seminars, or conferences in your industry. If you speak regularly to groups of hundreds or even thousands of people, you can establish yourself as an expert in your industry very quickly.


Start small & build momentum

Keep in mind that positioning yourself takes time. Don’t try to tackle them all at once, this will cause more overwhelm than success. Commit to one or two strategies at a time and then measure your results before implementing more.


Even if you implement just a few of these strategies properly, you can expect to attract a considerable amount of new business. If you eventually apply most of them, or even all of them simultaneously, it won’t be long before you are presented with lots of opportunities and considered an expert in your field.