Brittni Schroeder Coaching


Understanding the Funnel Phases

Search Engines Optimization, also known as SEO, is the process of affecting the visibility of your website or blog in a search engine’s unpaid results.  In other words, when an individual does an internet search, a search engine will provide the best results.  The highest-ranked result appears first and so on. The higher ranked results or pages translate to more traffic and more sales. It’s important to know what is SEO and how it works so you can leverage it in your business. 



Many people use SEO to help market their business. Billions of people refer to Google first when looking for a service, product, or question, so SEO is an important marketing tool.  The challenge with SEO is that search engines are in a constant state of change. SEO isn’t something you do once and never look at again.  It is an ongoing process; because of this, consistency is a key factor.


Google often does algorithm updates.  These tweaks can change the outcome of the search results. No one (except Google) knows the formulas that determine the results.  Some people get frustrated with the unpredictability and decide it isn’t worth their time.



However, many people reap great results from SEO and if you are an online business, I think it’s beneficial to have an SEO strategy.  There are many things you can do that require minimal effort and will help you stand out from your competition.



You want to drive as much traffic as possible to your website.  Understanding and learning how to implement SEO has lots of benefits. There are different types of SEO you should pay attention to.  One type is On-Page SEO.  This refers to the SEO on different pages of your website (home, about, work with, etc). There are elements you need to be aware of:



One of the very first things you should do is determine the most ideal keywords.  Make a list of keywords that your ideal client might search for. You may to do some keyword research to discover the keywords that rank the highest.  There are many free tools available to help you with your search.

Once you have created your keyword list, implement those keywords throughout your website descriptions, blog, subheadings, url, etc.



I once thought I had to think up a clever title for any blog post I wrote. I didn’t realize my clever titles were hindering my SEO progress.  Titles need to be straight forward and always contain keywords.  When determining a title, think of long-tailed (descriptive sentences) keywords  that your ideal client might type into the search bar.


In the settings sections of your website, there is a section called permalinks.  Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual pages and blog posts. A permalink is the web address used to link to your content. You can set up your permalinks to be the title of your page or post.  For example, I have titled this blog post “What is SEO and How Does it Work.” My WordPress website automatically generates the URL as www.brittnischroeder.com/what-is-seo-and-how-does-it-work. By creating this URL it will help improve my SEO.



The meta description is the brief description you see when search results appear.  It is about 155 characters or a couple of sentences summarizing a page’s content followed by an ellipse (…). Search engines show the meta description in search results mostly when the searched-for phrase is within the description, so optimizing the meta description is crucial for on-page SEO.


A subheading is a subsection of your content. Subheadings help users and search engines to read and understand text. They act as main points for the readers and make it easier for people to understand what a post or page is about. Headings also define which parts of your content are important, and show how they’re interconnected.  For example, I have used Title Tag, URL, Meta Description, etc. as subheadings in this post.


Internal links are a type of hyperlink on a webpage to another page or resource within your website or domain.  An essential part of SEO is keeping your reader on your website as long as possible.  The longer a reader stays on your website the better your website will rank. 

When you link different content, the goal is to direct your reader to more information within your site.   For example, I might write an article on improving engagement on Instagram and link a reference to ideal clients to a blog post I wrote on the subject.


External links are similar to internal links. However, they direct you to other domains and link outside information that supports your content. The quality of the external link makes a difference.  You want to add trustworthy and informative website links to help improve your credibility.

Whenever you link to another site, that site will see that you’re linking to them. Then, they are more likely to return the favor by linking to your site. 

External links are a great way to reach out, make connections, and get your content seen.  This is a great source of free traffic and will help improve your SEO.  Linking to outside websites will not hurt your page rank as long as the link comes from legitimate sites. External links are more valuable if it links to popular and high-ranking sites that are related to your content.


The alt and title attributes of an image are commonly referred to as alt tag, alt text, or title tag. Image file names alert Google and other search engine crawlers as to the subject matter of the image. When readers are searching for content they may search for images and then be directed to your website. When it comes to SEO use creative descriptive, keyword-rich file names. Always use images and image names that are relevant to your content.

Search engine optimization can be a huge part of getting traffic to your blog or website.  When you do it correctly and are consistent, you will see the results. There are helpful tools such as Yoast SEO plugin that help you implement these tools.  Remember, like most things, it takes time! So be patient.  If you implement these tools, you will start to see an increase in your traffic over time.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



A few years ago, I found myself navigating through some trials. I was searching for answers when I stumbled across The Life School podcast with Brooke Castillo.  The ideas of thought work and controlling your mind deeply resonated with me. I began searching and absorbing all the information I could find on this idea.  The concept of learning to control your mind enlightened and empowered me.  I knew I had been blessed with certain gifts.  Innately, I found ways to connect with people and then could build them up and give them newfound confidence.  I wanted to help more people and during this time of reflection, I made the decision to become certified as a life coach.


I have been an entrepreneur as long as I can remember.  Some of my ventures included being a professional photographer, working as Editor-in-Chief of a photography magazine, and founding a nonprofit. I identify as an analytic or left-brained person.  Creating spreadsheets and organization energizes me and brings me so much satisfaction.  Finding motivation has never been problematic for me. However, during my training to become a life coach, I discovered a world of potential I didn’t know existed.  I had the realization that I could boost my business with a life coach.



Discovering the power of mindset is the key to success.  Rarely do people focus enough on this aspect of success. I didn’t.  We don’t know what we don’t know.  Learning about improving my mindset was a game-changer for me. My mind was suddenly opened to opportunities and dreams I never thought possible.  I thought my motivation alone would get me to where I wanted to go.  I was wrong. 

I often tell my clients: I can teach you all the tools you need to be successful, but if you don’t believe it you will only go so far.  Learning to control your mind, accept failure, set goals, and dream bigger are what it takes to achieve ultimate success.



I have always been a goal setter, but I learned I wasn’t all that awesome at it.  At the beginning of every year, I jotted down a few things I wanted to accomplish that year.  I would reflect on those goals periodically, but that was the extent of my goal setting regimen.

During the goal-setting portion of my training I learned a few things:

  • My goals were not big enough
  • I wasn’t setting them often enough
  • I didn’t have a strategy to accomplish them
  • And I didn’t have the mindset to achieve them

Goal setting is one of the most compassionate things we do for ourselves because it helps us evolve into the best possible version of ourselves.  Learning proper techniques and strategies is a tool or habit that we need to develop. 

Motivation and ambition is amazing, but if you don’t have a clearly defined goal, create a strategy and execute, you will fall short of your potential.



Another mindset tool I cultivated was failure and the willingness to embrace it. Failure is inevitable in business and in life, but learning to embrace it takes the right mindset and practice.  Lots and lots of practice. With the proper mindset, you will learn to work through failure with an attitude of gratitude.  When we learn to use failure as a tutor it becomes our most valuable education.  We will see the most growth after failure.

“Failure is success in progress,” Albert Einstein once said.  This  incredible man understood the power of a positive mindset. Failure is the seed of growth and success.  Once we gain the right perspective, we will begin to appreciate it.  Your confidence will improve, you will take more risks, and you will see massive growth.

I knew I wanted to become a life coach, but I had no idea of the enormous impact it would have on my business. The tools I have acquired and now teach my clients are life-changing. These skills have given me the ability to help women in so many ways. I am a certified life and business coach, but more importantly, I am a confidence coach.  I empower women by teaching them to empower themselves.  I show them the potential they didn’t know existed within themselves.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



If you have a business, more than likely you have a Facebook Page.  Online marketing is constantly changing and as a whole we are all yearning for more connection and personalized interaction. We have the need to feel like part of a community and to belong.  This is something you can create for your potential clients through Facebook groups.  When you understand how you can use Facebook groups to improve your business.


What is the difference between a Facebook page and a Facebook group?

A Facebook Business Page is similar to your website. You display your contact information, portfolio, latest happenings, and your recent content.


A Facebook Group is a page hosted by a person or business that invites and gathers people to become part of a community. Members can post their thoughts and questions and have the ability to interact with other members. It is a place to support one another and build each other up in an interactive community.  A Facebook group is another tool you can leverage to build the “know, like and trust” factor.



It’s always a good idea to include keywords in your group name. For example, if I want to create a group for business women, I might use words like female entrepreneur, mom boss, girl boss, lady,  etc.

Using good keywords will help your group rank in Facebook search results.  Also, Facebook will start recommending your group to people with similar interests. This is a great way to gain more members.



Similar to group name, you want to utilize the most ideal keywords in the description.  What would your ideal client be searching for?  Try to saturate your description with those keywords by still remaining authentic. 


Your description will be visible to people who are not currently members.  Create a keyword-rich description about who the group is for and the benefits of joining.  For example, I might write something like this: A group dedicated to all women in business. It’s a community for female entrepreneurs to share questions, get advice, feel inspired and find support and friendship.



Facebook will prompt you to list tags.  Tags are words that are associated with your group. This helps Facebook understand the nature of your group and also recommend to people with similar interests.  Tags are your keywords so use your best ones in this section.



Similar to your Facebook Business page you will need a cover photo. I use Canva to create mine.  Make sure to put the title of your group on your cover photo and that the image is relevant to the group.



You have the option of asking people questions before they join the group.  Use these questions to understand your members.  Depending on the group but you can ask them what they do, what they are hoping to get from the group, if they agree to follow the rules, etc.  Another great option could be to ask for their email address so you can send them weekly tips and tricks so they don’t miss anything. 



Consider your objective when you write your group rules.  You don’t want your Facebook group to turn into an infomercial, so you might want one of the rules to be no self-promoting or self-promoting only on designated days. Another rule can be to always be polite and respectful to others in the group.  You want your group rules to represent your brand and you don’t want any negativity associated with your brand.



A Facebook group is a great way to build a community and connection with potential clients. Because your group targets a specific audience, the conversations are more intentional. You want the group to be of value and benefit all the members. Your audience is looking for a genuine connection. Use your group to share your life, interests, and hobbies with your audience.  Try to create a meaningful relationship that is more friend-like and less business-like.


Creating a group for an event or a course is a great way to answer questions and hep the masses.  You can create a group and encourage your customers or clients to join the group for support.  The group can discuss what is working for them or what isn’t working for them.  This can also be a hub for encouragement and motivation.


You could also use a similar group for the launch of a longer-length course.  The participants can have ongoing support by sharing questions, struggles and wins with the group. This helps keeps members accountable and engaged.  A Facebook group is a great resource to offer as part of a program or as a bonus.  


Facebook Groups are another social media platform, and as with all platforms, consistency is key. The success of your Facebook group is dependent on engagement and interaction.  Your objective is to create value and connection. If you decide to start a Facebook group, ensure you can commit the time and effort required to build a community.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



As an entrepreneur, YOU are your brand and must constantly market yourself and your services. This can include pitching yourself for speaking events, podcasts, other brands, and more. You want people to know that you’re not just another pretty face; you have experience too.  It is important to showcase your accomplishments and accolades. A great way to do so is through a media kit.



We have all heard of résumés; a media kit is the equivalent for influencers. An influencer is anyone who can impact someone else. We all have the ability to influence.

When you reach out to brands, some may ask for or require a media kit. They are looking for your stats.  Even if they don’t ask, sending a media kit will definitely set you apart.



Along with your accomplishments, brands are looking for your stats. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Blog Statistics (like your monthly sessions, monthly viewers, demographics, and more)
  • Facebook Followers (business page)
  • Instagram Followers (business account)
  • Pinterest (business account)
  • Newsletter List Subscribers
Brands want to know about you.  They want to see how well you connect with your audience.  They want to know that you are putting content out regularly.  They also want to see how many people are viewing your content. In order to determine these statistics, I highly recommend signing up for Google Analytics.  Google Analytics not only shows you how many people are viewing your site, but also gives you the referral sources—how people came to land on your site. 


Brands like to work with people.  That means they don’t want to see your logo, they want to see your face. Include a professional headshot or other professional photos.



Describe who you are, what you are about, and what makes you unique. Don’t write a novel; keep your bio short, precise, and impactful.  Think of one or two sentences that set you apart.


Describe your audience. Who do you help and serve?  The more specific you can be on the details, the better. If you work in a specific area, list the location.  If you work remotely, hone in on the age, interests, & characteristics of your audience.


List your social media platforms and highlight your following and stats. Don’t get discouraged if you have a smaller audience. Social media is constantly changing, and engagement is more beneficial than a massive following.


Display logos of brands you have been featured in or on.  List every publication, podcast, conference, or interview you have done. This is a great way to position yourself and show you are in valued and in demand.


List awards or accolades you have received. Again, this shows you are valued and good at what you do.


Determine beforehand what opportunity you are seeking.  Are you are looking for speaking engagements? Podcast interviews? Sponsored posts? Collaborations? Discuss what you are willing to do and how to work with you.




End with a call to action.  Give them all your contact information and let them know you want to work with them.

Your media kit is a visual representation of your brand.  Make sure your branding is consistent.  Keep it short, clean, and direct. Put yourself out into the world with your newly-created media kit!



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



There are a growing number of social networking platforms available for you to promote yourself and/or your business. Determining your ideal client will help you understand which platform is best for you. Which platform does your potential client spend time on? One of the most popular networks for businesses, with over 600 million users, is LinkedIn.  If you are a business owner and your ideal client uses LinkedIn, it is worth your time to understand how to maximize the benefits this network has to offer.  One of the very first things you need to do is create a sharp LinkedIn profile.


Have a great professional photo.

A professional headshot is a must. A great first impression is accomplished with a great photo. Research shows that people rarely click on profiles without photos, so make sure this is one of the first things you do. This platform is meant for professionals and you want your picture to reflect that. Look directly at the camera and make sure your dress is a good representations of your work and the clients you want to attract. There are many photographers available who offer headshots at a reasonable price.



Understanding and mastering keywords is a vital principal that spans every social media platform. Do the research and take the time to create a master list of keywords or key phrases that your ideal client might search when looking for your service/product. 

When you have compiled a list of keywords, use those keywords throughout your profile. Your profile will rank high on the LinkedIn search results when it has a high density of relevant keywords. Make sure to disperse those keywords in your headline, summary, and experience sections. 



The headline is your greeting. This is your opportunity to describe who you are and what you do.  Don’t just put your job title there.  You have 120 characters for your headline; give the people all the details!



The summary section is a great place to be creative. Start by introducing yourself. Then use a hook to grab viewers’ attention so they want to learn more.  Mention what you do, but talk about your super power and what it is that sets you apart from your competition.  Go into detail about the transformation and results you are offering.  Make sure to spread the keyword love throughout. 



The end of your summary should lead your ideal customer to the next step. If someone is interested, you want to keep the momentum going.  Invite them to learn more, set up a call, visit your website or connect with you in another way. 



Make sure you complete every section of your profile.  Verify all your contact information and include every possible way they can connect with you.



Most people are visual and are drawn to visually appealing media. Add photos, videos, pdfs or presentations that will draw them in. The longer you can get them to stay on your profile the more likely they are to take the next step. 



The best way to get the most out of LinkedIn is to get connected. The more connections you make, the higher you will rank when an ideal client is searching for you.  This network is an amazing tool to connect with people all over the world.

LinkedIn is an incredible resource to use in your business.  Take the time to create (or update) a LinkedIn profile that will get you noticed!




Brittni Schroeder Coaching



You are super excited about starting a new business.  You have a great idea and know it will be successful.  At some point you realize there are certain steps you must take in order to protect your business and yourself.  You understand you need an attorney to protect your business, but maybe hazy on the best way to proceed. 



What are the main differences between an LLC and a Sole Proprietorship?  What are the benefits of each?  And which one is right for you?



A Sole Proprietorship is a business owned and managed by one individual, with no legal structure separate from its owner. The owner or the sole proprietor does not pay separate income taxes on the company but reports losses and profits on his/her individual tax return. With this filing, the owner remains personally liable for all debts of the business.



A type of business entity that offers the Limited Liability of a corporation and can choose to be taxed as either a sole proprietorship or a corporation.  The owners of an LLC are referred to as “members,” whose rights and responsibilities in managing the LLC are governed by an operating agreement. An LLC can be created with only one owner/member.  However, it’s important to understand that a single-member LLC offers less protection from the debts and liabilities of a business than a multi-member LLC. However, a single-member LLC provides more protection for its owner than a Sole Proprietorship. 



Along with legal protection, an LLC also has potential tax benefits. If you have more than one member, you should create an operating agreement.  This can be done by filing some paperwork with your state. An LLC is legally formed by the filing of a document called The Articles of Organization. This should be done with a state official, usually the Secretary of State.



No one ever thinks they are going to be sued, but unfortunately, it happens more and more these days. If you are a Sole Proprietor and someone sues your business, they might be able to get to your personal assets and vice versa—if someone sues you personally and you don’t have enough personal money to cover the expenses, they can go after your business. With an LLC, your personal assets are typically protected from creditors. Simply put, an LLC separates and protects your personal assets from your business assets and the other way around.



It is very important to have separate bank accounts for your business and your personal accounts. If you combine the two, it renders your LLC virtually useless and gives someone suing you a loophole.

There is so much more to learn about an LLC and a Sole Proprietorship. I highly recommend consulting an attorney and an accountant to get legal and tax perspectives. Before you decide to file, create a business plan and ensure that you will have a sustainable business.  Do your own research and learn the difference between an LLC and Sole Proprietorship before you make your final decision.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



SEO can be so intimidating and overwhelming.  Even saying the words “Search Engine Optimization” can cause some serious stress.  But it doesn’t have to be complicated! There are a few simple and easy tools that you can use to help improve your SEO.  I am going to introduce you to 5 FREE tools to help improve your SEO!



Google Search Console (previously Google Webmaster Tools) is a free web service by Google.  It allows you to view statistics and see what keywords you are ranking for. It helps you optimize your website by showing you statistics about your website speed, broken links, and more.



One of the best ways you can leverage this tool is by seeing what keywords are performing best and then create more content or improve already performing content.  This can be done by crafting and improving headlines and creating meta descriptions that are more appealing.



Ubersuggest is another free resource that can help you level up your SEO.  Ubersuggest works by entering keywords into a search engine. It then generates a list of long-tailed variations of those keywords. Ubersuggest will give you a list of keywords that have performed well. You can then integrate these within your site.  Whenever you adjust keywords in your content, be sure that they flow and are relevant.  Sometimes this may mean you have to rewrite your content.



Yoast SEO is a plugin for WordPress.  This plug makes your on-page SEO so simple. It helps you optimize your SEO by giving you detailed instructions and prompts that guide you to use your keywords and key phrases in the appropriate places. It also helps improve the readability of your content.



Using websiteresponsivetest.com You want your website to be mobile compatible.  Google has a mobile-first index.  What that means is that part of your Google ranking is determined by how compatible your website is on mobile devices.  On this website, you enter your URL and it shows you if it is mobile friendly.  If your site doesn’t look good on a mobile device, it will affect your Google ranking.  This website shows you want your website to look with several different devices, not just your own.



Lots of brands don’t realize page speed affects SEO.  More people use Google on their mobile devices than on their desktops and that is why speed is important.  You want your website to load as fast as it can. Your page could be loading slowly because of image size, Page Speed Insights analyzes your website and lets you know different areas of your website that need to be optimized to improve the speed. 


Each of these free tools can help you improve your SEO.  Designate some time to learn how to use these tools to help you with your SEO.   SEO doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Once we start to understand how it works we are able to improve our ranking on Google.  Don’t wait, start using these 5 free tools to help improve your SEO and you will soon see the results!



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



I love this time of year.  We become re-energized and excited for new beginnings—newer, bigger goals on the horizon. Things are off to a great start, then halfway through January, we are obnoxiously reminded what lurks around the corner…TAX SEASON.  I might be a tad dramatic, but the obnoxious part is true. It’s time to prepare and I am going to give you 10 tax write-offs every entrepreneur should know.


Being self-employed means write-offs for our business that help lower our tax bill. Every business is different and what you can write off varies based on your business. I leave my taxes to the professionals; I have an expert handle mine. Even if you like to work out your taxes on your own, I think it’s important to educate yourself and consult a tax professional before doing so.



Gone are the days of spending $30 on a cell phone bill.  In addition to phone service, when adding data plans, your phone bill can really skyrocket.  We use our phones for emails, scheduling clients, social media, booking travel, financials and more.

Everything we do with our phones makes them eligible as a write-off! If you use your cell phone solely for your business, you can write off 100% of your bill.  However, if you use it for personal use as well, you’ll need to track how much of each and come up with an estimated percentage.


I don’t know about you, but I am addicted to learning new things and taking courses that will improve my business.  The good news is all this education is a write-off! Education can be defined as online courses or workshops, in-person training, books, ebooks, audiobooks or courses, and reference materials like magazines, journals, or newspapers.  Just remember, the course must be relevant to your business.


There are many perks to working from home and a tax write-off is one of them! The IRS rule around a home office is defined as an exclusive and regular place where you do your business. That means it cannot be somewhere in your home that is also used for personal use.  If you are like me and like to lay in bed on your laptop (or sit on the couch or at the kitchen table), sorry, but you can’t write-off your entire mortgage.  You must have a room dedicated solely to your business.


If you meet the IRS requirements of a home office, you are allowed to write off a percentage of your mortgage or rent.  Consult with an experienced CPA to determine the percentage. In addition, you also can write-off 100% of the repairs, furniture, and decor that go in the designated room. 



In addition to your home office, you can also write off a percentage of your utilities. This includes the internet, electricity, water, and gas.  Consult with a CPA to help you figure out the most accurate calculation.



Most of us are aware that you can write off out-of-town business trips. However, you also have the ability to write-off your local travel expenses. This can include mileage for local networking events, client meetings, and any functions you attend promoting your business.  If you use an Uber or taxi to get to a local event, track that as well. The travel must be business-related.  There are several apps available to track your business mileage.  If you don’t do this already—start!  Become more mindful of local business travel. The mileage can really add up. 



This might be one of my favorite write-offs because I love to do nice things for my clients. You can write off gifts related to your business. This can include thank you gifts for referrals, client appreciation gifts, client or colleague gifts for a special occasion, or thank you gifts for subcontractors.


Keep in mind, the IRS guideline for gift write-offs is that you are only allowed to write-off  $25 per person per year. If you spend $100, only $25 would be approved by the IRS.  But you can buy some pretty awesome gifts for $25.



There are so many amazing software programs out there that I currently use to run and automate my business.  The good news is they are write-offs!  Obviously, they have to be related to your business. So if you are a gamer, your latest X-Box game doesn’t count. 


If you currently use apps on your phone like Dropbox, Tailwind, Accuity or any other app used to help run your business, add those expenses to a list of write-offs.



In addition to writing off bank fees, you can also write off merchant processing or processing fees.  Processors like Stripe, Square, or PayPal all charge a percentage of your sales; these amounts can be written off.


A common mistake for online business owners is that instead of taking the small fee as an expense, they log their net sale (the amount they receive after the fee) as their gross income.



Many business owners hire contractors to help with various tasks.  This can include graphic designers, photographers, web development, bookkeeping, copywriting, social media management or a virtual assistant. Everything you pay for these contracts is deductible.


If you pay more than $600 you are required to file a 1099.  If this is the case, you can get them a W-9 online from the IRS.



If you take a client, colleague, or subcontractor out to eat and discuss business during the meal, that is considered a business expense.  You are able to deduct 50% of the bill, which is considered the other person’s portion.

There are a ton of available business-related expenses you can deduct each year.  Educate yourself on all the possibilities. Track and utilize the 10 tax write-offs every entrepreneur should know.  Keep your expenses separate from your personal and it will help you stay organized. 



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



What is a business plan and why is it important for you to have one?  A business plan is a specific and detailed description of your business and all the key components and necessary factors. It helps you identify your goals and breaks down the obstacles and strategies required to succeed. By creating a business plan, you create a detailed roadmap to success. 

The most effective business plans are simple, detailed, and realistic. Your business plan should be a tool that you are constantly referencing to measure your progress and growth. 


A business plan contains a complete overview of your business. It is broken down into several key components:

  • Executive summary – A brief summary of what you do, who you do it for, and why.  
  • Your vision – Insight into why you are starting the business.
  • Legal Structure – By law and to protect yourself, you should consult a professional and decide how you want to structure your business.  For example, as a sole trader or a limited company. This is determined by how you plan to operate your business. 
  • Management – A list of all members of management and leadership, including detailed skill sets and experience. 
  • SWOT analysis – identifies your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is a comparative analysis against your competition. 
  • Guidance – This will identify who you will turn to when you need advice or instruction.  This portion may include mentors, business advisors, specialists, and so forth. 
  • Regulatory Requirements – Research and identify the laws that regulate your industry and come up with an action plan as to how you will comply. 
  • Products and Service – List in detail the products or services you plan to offer, why they are unique, and your price points for each.
  • The Market – Who are your ideal clients, where are they located, what are their unique needs and desires, why they will purchase from you, and how will they purchase your product or service. 
  • Suppliers – If you sell a product, identify your buyer and your backup suppliers.
  • Financial Forecast – Determine an estimated forecast of sales, profit and loss, breakeven, and cash flow. 
  • Financial Requirements – If you will need funding, identify when you will need it and how you will secure it. 
  • Your Team – List your staffing, contracting or outsourcing needs, and the costs of each. 
  • Resources – Identify the resources you need to start your business, why you need them and the cost. This may include office material, furniture, vehicles, equipment, etc. 
  • IT Needs – Make a list of any Information Technology support you might need, why it is essential, and the cost.  This may include a website, scheduling software, payment processors, etc. 
  • Action Plan – Create a detailed strategy of what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and how you plan to execute. 
  • Appendices – This section is for any other extras that may not be included in the main report, but are a necessary part of your business success. 

When you create a business plan, you clarify your idea and goals to ensure that they are feasible.  Committing your thoughts to paper creates a more precise picture of your business. It helps you identify the possibilities and recognize the risks.  This process helps you reduce your chance of failure.


Gaining a clear objective of your business will help you sell your ideas to employees, financial institutions, and potential clients. 

Oftentimes, people think business plans are solely for businesses that need financial assistance. However, a business plan is a helpful tool for the success of any business.  A business plan gives clarity, guidance, and direction.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



In early 2019, Instagram rolled out a new account option for users: Creator accounts on Instagram.  There are now three account options available (Personal, Business, & Creator), so take the time to research which account is ideal for you and/or your business.

Although the Creator and Business accounts have a lot of similarities, there are also some key differences. Creator profiles include features and tools that specifically cater to influencers. The app describes the Creator profile as best for public figures, content producers, artists, and influencers.


Instagram Creator offers a few new Insight features for influencers to understand the data around their followers. Here are a few of the features:

  • Daily number of unfollows and follows (business accounts get a weekly report of this).
  • Demographic data (age, location, gender, etc.) This is offered for Business accounts as well.
  • Creators have a new, updated dashboard.

In addition to the new analytics available for your profile in the app, you can now access your Instagram analytics on your computer using Creator Studio. Creator Studio is available for both Business and Creator Accounts, so this isn’t by itself a reason to switch over to a Creator Account. The only difference you will see in Instagram Creator Studio insights between a Business and Creator Account is the existence of the new daily Growth Graph (followers and unfollowers) for Creator Accounts.



Business and Personal accounts have only one inbox. In the new Creator account, Instagram has included a feature that helps organize and categorize messages.  It offers three different folders: Primary, General, and Request. 


Request messages are from profiles that don’t follow you.  You can move the rest of your messages between folders. The purpose of this feature is to have the ability to organize and prioritize messages.




With the Instagram Creator account you are given the option to choose a category.



As of now, Creator accounts are not able to integrate with third-party scheduling apps. This is something to consider if you schedule your content ahead of time.



The Creator account does not include the action buttons of the Business account (Start Order, Book, and Reserve).


Creator account features are tailored to help accounts with larger followings.  Take the time to learn about the features and learn which profile will be ideal for you.