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A few years ago, I found myself navigating through some trials. I was searching for answers when I stumbled across The Life School podcast with Brooke Castillo.  The ideas of thought work and controlling your mind deeply resonated with me. I began searching and absorbing all the information I could find on this idea.  The concept of learning to control your mind enlightened and empowered me.  I knew I had been blessed with certain gifts.  Innately, I found ways to connect with people and then could build them up and give them newfound confidence.  I wanted to help more people and during this time of reflection, I made the decision to become certified as a life coach.


I have been an entrepreneur as long as I can remember.  Some of my ventures included being a professional photographer, working as Editor-in-Chief of a photography magazine, and founding a nonprofit. I identify as an analytic or left-brained person.  Creating spreadsheets and organization energizes me and brings me so much satisfaction.  Finding motivation has never been problematic for me. However, during my training to become a life coach, I discovered a world of potential I didnt know existed.  I had the realization that I could boost my business with a life coach.



Discovering the power of mindset is so important to success.  It was one of those things that I didn’t realize I was missing until I realized it was missing. When I learned the tools it was like a whole new world opened up to me. The possibilities were endless.


Rarely do people focus enough on this aspect of success. I didnt.  We dont know what we dont know.  Learning to improve my mindset was a game-changer for me. My mind was suddenly opened to opportunities and dreams I never thought possible.  I thought my motivation alone would get me to where I wanted to go.  I was wrong. 


I learned to control my own thoughts.  This is paramount to achieving success in every aspect of life. Our thoughts shape our beliefs, attitudes, and actions, ultimately determining the trajectory of our lives.


By mastering control over our thoughts, we gain the power to shape our reality. We can turn failure into “a learning experience” or rejection into “it wasn’t meant to be”.  These thoughts help us overcome challenges.


Positive and empowering thoughts can instill confidence, motivation, and resilience, enabling us to persevere in the face of obstacles. Directing our thoughts towards our goals enhance focus and clarity.  When we control our thoughts, we become more self-aware, enabling us to identify and challenge negative thinking patterns or self-limiting beliefs that hinder progress. Ultimately, the ability to control our thoughts empowers us to cultivate a mindset of success, unlocking our full potential and propelling us towards achieving our dreams.

I often tell my clients: I can teach you all the tools you need to be successful, but if you dont believe it you will only go so far.  Learning to control your mind, accept failure, set goals, and dream bigger are what it takes to achieve ultimate success.



I have always been a goal setter, but I learned I wasn’t all that awesome at it.  At the beginning of every year, I jotted down a few things I wanted to accomplish that year.  I would reflect on those goals periodically, but that was the extent of my goal setting regimen.

During the goal-setting portion of my training I learned a few things:

  • My goals were not big enough
  • I wasn’t setting them often enough
  • I didn’t have a strategy to accomplish them
  • And I didn’t have the mindset to achieve them

I have learned to create habits and make mindset shifts that will align with my goals. Writing down goals isn’s enough to achieve them. I believe in the law of attraction. I have learned that when I am seeing my goals, thinking about my goals, and working towards my goals, I am achieving my goals.

Setting goals isn’t just a once a year habit. I have learned that it’s crucial to set yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily habits if you it’s important to you. It gives you direction and purpose.

When goal setting it’s also important to have a strategy to accomplish your goals. That strategy might be learning a new skill, talking to as many people as you can until you get a yes, getting a certification, etc. We have understand and recognize our obstacles so we can reach our goals.

Goal setting is one of the most compassionate things we do for ourselves because it helps us evolve into the best possible version of ourselves.  Learning proper techniques and strategies is a tool or habit that we need to develop.

Motivation and ambition is amazing, but if you don’t have a clearly defined goal, create a strategy and execute, you will fall short of your potential.


Another mindset tool I cultivated was failure and the willingness to embrace it. Failure is inevitable in business and in life, but learning to embrace it takes the right mindset and practice.  Lots and lots of practice. With the proper mindset, you will learn to work through failure with an attitude of gratitude.  When we learn to use failure as a tutor it becomes our most valuable education.  We will see the most growth after failure.

Failure is success in progress,” Albert Einstein once said.  This  incredible man understood the power of a positive mindset. Failure is the seed of growth and success.  Once we gain the right perspective, we will begin to appreciate it.  Your confidence will improve, you will take more risks, and you will see massive growth.


I have learned that the only way to reach success is through failure. I have shifted my mindset to realize that when I fail that I am on the right path that will get me to success. The concept of failure is hard for many of us to accept and get good at, but it is the catalyst that we need so we can learn and become who were meant to be.

I knew I wanted to become a life coach, but I had no idea of the enormous impact it would have on my business. The tools I have acquired and now teach my clients are life-changing. These skills have given me the ability to help women in so many ways. I am a certified life and business coach, but more importantly, I empower people.  I do this by teaching them to empower themselves.  I show them the potential they didnt know existed within themselves.



Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!