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Mastering the Art of Goal Setting

Episode #95 Mastering the Art of Goal Setting

Mastering the Art of Goal Setting- A Guide for Entrepreneurs in 2024

As the calendar turns its pages to welcome a new year, entrepreneurs are gearing up to set the stage for success in 2024. Goal setting is a cornerstone of achieving success in your business. When you provide a roadmap for navigating the challenges and opportunities in your business, the odds of success are in your favor.


In this podcast, I want to explore some tried and true tactics of goal setting, from the initial planning stages to the execution phase.

Defining Clear and Purposeful Goals

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of planning, it’s crucial to establish a solid foundation for your goals. The first step is to define a clear and purposeful vision for your business. What is it that you want to achieve in 2024, and how does it align with your long-term dreams? Your goals should be a reflection of your mission, values, and overarching purpose.

Realistic Goals

Goal setting is the most compassionate, wonderful thing we can do for ourselves. Stay connected to yourself and your goals. Strive to be the best you and achieve the best. Setting goals helps us evolve into the best version of ourselves. We should constantly be asking ourselves to grow and evolve in a bigger and better way. Goals is how we do that.


You cannot achieve your goals by just thinking about them. You have to focus your thoughts. Understand that the emotion that drives your actions will determine your results. If you feel confident, you’ll pursue your goals with more determination and intensity. If you feel unsure or insecure, you’ll proceed with caution and self-doubt. Once you get your thoughts in the right place, your results will reflect that. Create goals that align with your thinking, then take action to prove it.


Make a list of your realistic goals. These are goals that you, no doubt, can achieve if you have a plan and strategy.

Big Goals

Oftentimes we hesitate to set really, really big goals. We settle because of our self-doubt, our thoughts, or our thoughts about our capabilities. These kinds of thoughts keep up from achieving BIG. We are okay with mediocrity. We self-talk and convince ourselves that we would be happy with $50K, but why don’t we dream bigger and set our goals to make $500K? Our thoughts hold us back. It’s time to let go of the good and go for the great. The bigger your goals are, the harder you’ll push yourself to greatness. Make a list of your 20 goals. Intermix your typical, relevant, realistic goals with unimaginable goals. Shoot for the stars. Will you always get the results you want? Who knows? You may or may not, but either way, your business will grow leaps and bounds.


A tried-and-true method for goal setting is using the SMART criteria – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Specificity ensures clarity. You’re very specific about a goal, and it isn’t broad. For example, a specific goal is “I want to make $100K.” A nonspecific goal would be “I want to be successful.” The more specific you can be with your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them.


Measurability provides a tangible metric for success. For example, you can say you want to grow your email list by 10%. If you have 1,000 people on your email list, that means you have to gain 100 new subscribers.


Achievability sets realistic expectations. Although it’s important to set big, unimaginable goals, it’s important to intermix those goals with goals that are attainable so you can feel accomplished and keep the momentum going. Relevance aligns goals with your overall vision. You want to make sure that your goals are helping you get to where you want to go. If you’re focusing on the wrong things in your business, it may be a detour in your road of success.


Lastly, time-bound factors give you a timeline for achieving your goals. For example, if you want to get 50 five-star reviews on your podcast by Feb. 1, this creates a sense of urgency that pushes you to take action. When you are setting your goals, use the acronym SMART to ensure that you have clarity on what, how, and when.


Categorizing Your Goals

Entrepreneurs often wear multiple hats, balancing various aspects of their business. Categorizing your goals can help streamline your efforts and provide a holistic view of your business objectives. Consider dividing your goals into categories such as financial, marketing, operational, and personal development.

Planning for Success: Breaking Down Goals Into Actionable Steps

Once your goals are defined, it’s time to develop a roadmap that guides you from point A to point B. The planning phase is where you break down your overarching goals into smaller, actionable steps. This not only makes the journey more manageable but also provides a clear path forward.


One of the ways I do this is by mapping out my entire year. I place big events or launches on the designated month. I typically have something big planned quarterly. The next thing I do is make a to-do list of everything that needs to be done for those events. Some items take more time or have higher priority.


Not all tasks are created equal, and understanding their importance is key to effective planning. Prioritize tasks based on their impact and time. Sequencing your activities in a logical order ensures that each step contributes to the overall progress of your goals.


Once the list is compiled, then I schedule out the tasks or activities monthly. Once my monthly task list is complete, I assign the tasks to specific days of that month. This ensures I have plenty of time to work on the tasks that will help me with my big goals.


Pro Tip: Entrepreneurship is often unpredictable. Be prepared for the unexpected, and incorporate a backup plan into your goal-setting strategy. Identify potential roadblocks, such as holidays or life events, and give yourself enough time or alternative approaches.


Execution is where the rubber meets the road. Even the most well-thought-out plans are ineffective without action. Here are some tips for turning your plans into actions.

Accountability Partners

Share your goals with someone you trust — a mentor, a business partner, or a fellow entrepreneur. Having an accountability partner can provide the necessary support and motivation to stay on track. Regular check-ins allow for feedback and adjustments, ensuring that you remain committed to your goals.

Delegate and Collaborate

Entrepreneurs often fall into the trap of trying to do everything themselves. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and delegate tasks accordingly. Collaborate with team members, leveraging their skills to achieve collective success. Delegating not only lightens your workload but also fosters a sense of shared responsibility.

Continuous Learning

Entrepreneurship is a journey of constant learning and adaptation. Stay informed about industry trends, emerging technologies, and new strategies. Embrace a growth mindset that encourages continuous learning, allowing you to refine your approach and stay confident and positive.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Failure

No entrepreneurial journey is without its challenges. Setbacks and obstacles are inevitable, but it’s how you respond to them that defines your success. Here are some strategies for overcoming challenges.

Mindset Shift

View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning rather than complete failure. A positive mindset enables you to approach setbacks with resilience and creativity. Learn from failures, adjust your course, and move forward with newfound knowledge.

Find Support

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely road, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Seek support from mentors, industry peers, or networking groups. Shared experiences and diverse perspectives can offer valuable insights and alternative solutions to the challenges you face.

Pivot if Needed

The ability to adapt to changing circumstances is essential for the success of entrepreneurs. Be open to reassessing your goals and strategies if something isn’t working. Flexibility allows you to pivot when necessary, maintaining momentum despite unexpected challenges.


As you make strides toward your goals, it’s a must to celebrate your successes along the way. Acknowledge and reward both small and large achievements. Take the time to reflect on the journey, identifying lessons learned and areas for improvement.


At least once a quarter, evaluate your progress against the initial goals you set. What worked well, and what could be improved? What are you getting a return on investment on, and what are you not? Reflecting on your journey allows for continuous improvement and strategic refinement.

Setting New Goals

Entrepreneurship is a dynamic mission, and as one set of goals is achieved, it’s time to set new ones. Building on your successes, set ambitious, big goals and realistic goals that propel your business forward. The process of setting, planning, and executing goals is what takes you from good to great!


As entrepreneurs gear up for the challenges and opportunities of 2024, mastering the art of goal setting is paramount. By defining clear and purposeful goals, developing a strategic plan, and executing, you can make 2024 a year to remember. Embracing challenges with resilience and celebrating successes along the way ensures a fulfilling and rewarding journey. As you embark on your goals in 2024, remember that each step forward brings you closer to the continued success of your business.


Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!