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Boundaries are essential to maintaining healthy relationships, both with others and with ourselves. But what exactly are boundaries, and why are they so important? Often misunderstood, boundaries aren’t about controlling the behavior of others. Instead, they are guidelines we set for ourselves to define what we are willing to tolerate in our lives, whether in physical, emotional, or mental spaces.


Boundaries need to be set only when there is a boundary violation. If someone is constantly overstepping into your personal space—whether physically or emotionally—then it’s time to set a boundary. It’s not about telling them what they have to do; rather, it’s about deciding for yourself what action you will take if the violation continues. Boundaries clarify your personal limits and what you will or will not stand for or tolerate. 


For You, Not for Others

A key point about  boundaries is that they aren’t rules for other people. They don’t exist to control others’ actions or control their behavior. Instead, boundaries help you establish what is acceptable and unacceptable in your life. They create a clear understanding of your own limits, and they guide how you will respond when someone oversteps those limits. Importantly, boundaries are not threats or ultimatums—they are a way of protecting your own mental and emotional well-being.


For example, if someone repeatedly is making negative or hurtful comments, setting a boundary could mean deciding to limit your interactions with that person. You are not telling them what they must say or do, but you are making a clear decision for yourself about how you will handle future interactions. If they continue to behave in a way that violates your emotional space, you will follow through with the boundary you’ve set by limiting the time you spend with them.


The Power of Clear Communication

One of the biggest misconceptions is that others should automatically know what our boundaries are. This is a dangerous assumption because, in many cases, people may not realize they are crossing a boundary. They are unaware because we haven’t communicated what we will and will not tolerate. 


When we don’t express our boundaries clearly, we often find ourselves feeling frustrated and resentful when others overstep. We think, “They should know this,” or “I shouldn’t have to tell them that their behavior is inappropriate.” But the reality is that unless we have directly communicated our boundaries, others might not know what’s bothering us.


To prevent frustration, it’s crucial to be transparent. Clearly communicate your expectations to those around you, whether in friendships, romantic relationships, or professional settings. Let them know what behaviors or actions are unacceptable, and make it clear what the consequences will be if those boundaries are violated. 


This isn’t about controlling their behavior—it’s about protecting your own space. If you communicate your boundaries, and the other person continues to disregard them, the next step is to follow through on the consequences you’ve decided. Without follow-through, boundaries lose their effectiveness and won’t be taken seriously.


For example, if you’ve expressed to a friend that certain comments or actions are hurtful but they continue, you may need to change the situation by limiting your interactions.  Following through ensures that your boundaries are respected and that others take your needs seriously.


Creating Healthy Relationships

Setting boundaries might feel uncomfortable at first, especially if you’re not used to doing it. But the rewards far outweigh the initial discomfort. Establishing boundaries can transform relationships, fostering mutual respect and understanding. Clear boundaries open the door to deeper connections based on honesty, respect, and authenticity.


Boundaries create space for more love, connection, and intimacy to blossom. Relationships thrive when both parties know where the other person’s limits are, leading to healthier communication and more fulfilling interactions. When boundaries are in place, each individual can feel safe and respected, knowing that their personal needs are being honored. Such a relationship is a beautiful thing, built on a foundation of mutual care and consideration.


Setting Boundaries with Yourself

It’s not just about setting boundaries with others. Setting them  with yourself is equally important for your mental and emotional well-being. Just as you need to protect yourself from the behavior of others, you also need to safeguard yourself from your own habits, behaviors, or tendencies that aren’t serving you.


Setting boundaries with yourself means identifying areas of your life where you’re allowing negative influences to creep in, and then taking action to protect yourself. This could include recognizing when you’re spending too much time on social media, which may be contributing to feelings of inadequacy or negativity. In this case, a boundary might involve limiting the amount of time you spend on certain platforms each day, or unfollowing accounts that leave you feeling less-than or unhappy.


Similarly, setting boundaries with yourself can involve avoiding certain people or environments that consistently bring out negative emotions. If you notice that a particular group of friends leaves you feeling drained, anxious, or upset after every interaction, it might be time to establish a boundary around how often you spend time with them. You’re not cutting them off entirely; you’re simply limiting your exposure to ensure your mental and emotional well-being is protected.


The same goes for consuming media—whether it’s the news, podcasts, or television shows. If you find that certain content is triggering negative emotions like anxiety, stress, or anger, set boundaries around what you expose yourself to. You can choose to limit your consumption of certain types of media, or allocate specific times when you’ll engage with it. Being mindful of what you’re allowing into your mental space is a powerful way to set boundaries with yourself.


Why Boundaries with Yourself Are Crucial

Setting boundaries with yourself helps you take control of your emotional and mental health. It empowers you to prioritize your well-being by recognizing and eliminating harmful influences. Without personal boundaries, we can easily find ourselves stuck in unhealthy patterns, allowing negativity to accumulate in our lives.


When you don’t have boundaries with yourself, you may engage in behaviors that lead to burnout, stress, or emotional exhaustion. This can happen when we overextend ourselves, neglect self-care, or continuously put others’ needs before our own. By setting personal boundaries, you’re making the conscious decision to prioritize your mental health and take steps to create a healthier, more balanced life.


Remember, you are the gatekeeper of your own emotional and mental space. It’s up to you to decide what you will allow in and what you will keep out. Setting boundaries with yourself is not about being rigid or isolating yourself—it’s about making conscious choices that support your overall well-being. You deserve to create a life that nurtures and uplifts you.


Boundaries are vital for maintaining healthy relationships with others and with yourself. They clarify what is acceptable, protect your emotional and mental space, and foster deeper, more authentic connections. Putting these things into practice may feel challenging at first, but with practice, it becomes easier to communicate your needs and follow through on them. By establishing clear boundaries with others and with yourself, you can create a more balanced, fulfilling, and harmonious life.

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Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!