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Creating A Media Kit

Creating A Media Kit

Recently I had a client that was interviewed on a news channel. This was her first time being interviewed for anything on tv. She was so nervous and didn’t know quite what to expect. She was frazzled and worried that she didn’t have everything in place that she needed to have. She checked, double checked, triple checked all of her offers and links. I reassured her that everything was going to be amazing. She had the interview and it was incredible. On our next call she told me that she wanted to do that again. I love when good things happen to my clients. 

I say this often – Businesses fail because they don’t get enough business or they get too much and the lose the quality in their service or product. There is a progression in your business. The first step is making sure everything is in place. You have solid offers, you have systems and automation in place and you feel confident in all the processes in your businesses. You have one chance for a first impression and you want each client experience to reflect your offer. Once you have everything working well in your business this is when you scale! This is the part of businesses that lots of entrepreneurs really struggle with. You have to market and if you are a solo entrepreneur you are selling yourself as much as you are selling a product or service.

As an entrepreneur, YOU are your brand and must constantly market yourself and your services. This can include pitching yourself for speaking events, podcasts, other brands, and more.


So the question is how do you do this?

You have to ask! Put yourself out there. Create an email inquiring about opportunities to present.


You want people to know that youre not just another pretty face; you have experience too.  Along with the email inquiring about opportunities it is also important to showcase your accomplishments and accolades. A great way to do so is through a media kit.  


We have all heard of résumés; a media kit is the equivalent for influencers. An influencer is anyone who can impact someone else. We all have the ability to influence.

When you reach out to other businesses, some may ask for or require a media kit. They are looking for your stats and/or experience.  Even if they dont ask, sending a media kit will definitely set you apart.


Along with your accomplishments, they may want your stats.

These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Blog Statistics (like your monthly sessions, monthly viewers, demographics, and more)
  • Facebook Followers (business page)
  • Instagram Followers (business account)
  • Pinterest (business account)
  • Newsletter List Subscribers

They want to know about you.  They want to see how well you connect with your audience.  They want to know that you are putting content out regularly.  They also want to see how many people are viewing your content. In order to determine these statistics, I highly recommend signing up for Google Analytics.  Google Analytics not only shows you how many people are viewing your site, but also gives you the referral sources—how people came to land on your site.


Businesses like to work with people.  That means they dont want to see your logo, they want to see your face. Include a professional headshot or other professional photos. Invest in this, as someone who has experience with photography this really makes a difference.


Describe your audience. Who do you help and serve?  The more specific you can be on the details, the better. If you work in a specific area, list the location.  If you work remotely, hone in on the age, interests, & characteristics of your audience. The more detail about your audience the better.


List your social media platforms and highlight your following and stats. Dont get discouraged if you have a smaller audience. Social media is constantly changing, and engagement is more beneficial than a massive following. A social media following does not define your success, but it just show you have an audience that is interested in what you offer.


Display logos of brands you have been featured in or on.  List every publication, blogs, podcast, conference, or interview you have done. This is a great way to position yourself and show you are in valued and in demand.


Determine beforehand what opportunity you are seeking.  Are you are looking for speaking engagements? Podcast interviews? Sponsored posts? Collaborations? Discuss what you are willing to do and how to work with you.


Create a list of topics you have experience with. This makes it easier for businesses to see if you are a good fit and it makes it easier on them.


End with a call to action.  Give them all your contact information and let them know you want to work with them.

Your media kit is a visual representation of your brand.  Make sure your branding is consistent. 


Another thing you can add to your Media kit is a link that allows them to download you headshot and bio. This gives you one less thing to do when you are requested.

Keep it short, clean, and direct. Put yourself out into the world with your newly-created media kit!



Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!