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The Life Lesson of Dependability

The other day, I found myself in a discussion/argument with my teenage daughter. I had asked her to do something, and she didn’t do it. Frustrated, I launched into one of my many life lesson lectures, this time on the importance of being dependable. She listened, nodding in agreement, but then rolled her eyes and walked off—just another day in the life of a mom with a teenage daughter, right?


Ironically, it wasn’t two days later that she experienced the other side of this lesson. She had made plans with a friend who, at the last minute, blew her off. My daughter was disappointed and frustrated. Although she didn’t want to hear it, it was the perfect moment to reiterate the importance of dependability.


The Fascination with Confidence and Dependability

One of my lifelong obsessions has been confidence—why some people have it in abundance while others don’t. Confidence is incredibly attractive and essential in both business and life. Over the years, I’ve studied confidence extensively, and a key trait that confident people consistently exhibit is dependability.


Confidence is about believing in yourself, saying you’ll do something, and then doing it. Dependability means being reliable, trustworthy, and consistent in your actions and commitments. In a world full of uncertainty, dependability provides stability, which is crucial for both personal and professional success.


Building Trust and a Positive Reputation

Dependability builds trust because people know they can count on you to follow through. When you consistently meet deadlines, deliver quality work, and keep your promises, you establish yourself as someone reliable. This positive reputation is vital in the professional world, where it can impact your career progression and opportunities. Clients and colleagues are more likely to recommend and collaborate with someone they know they can rely on.


I recently hosted an online summit with nine other female entrepreneurs, and I learned a significant lesson about the importance of dependability. Some of the speakers didn’t follow through on the marketing aspect of the event, which affected the overall success. As a result, I’ve decided not to collaborate with those speakers again because they’ve proven to be undependable. This experience made me reflect on my own business practices, reinforcing my commitment to being someone others can rely on.


Dependability in Teams and Client Relationships

If you have a team in your business, dependability is key. Teams thrive on it. When team members know they can rely on each other, collaborations become more effective and efficient. Dependable team members contribute to a positive working environment, where trust and respect are prevalent, leading to better communication, reduced conflicts, and a higher likelihood of achieving goals.


Dependability also directly correlates with client satisfaction. When clients know they can rely on a business to deliver as promised, their trust and loyalty increase. This leads to repeat business, positive reviews, and word-of-mouth referrals. Think about your experiences as a consumer—when you trust a business to deliver consistently, you’re more likely to return and recommend them to others.


Personal Relationships and Integrity

In personal relationships, dependability means being there for your loved ones, keeping your commitments, and consistently showing up when needed. This reliability strengthens bonds and builds deeper, more meaningful connections. As I’ve grown older, my circle of friends has become smaller, but those who remain are the ones I can truly depend on.


Dependability is a key component of personal integrity. When you say you’ll do something, you do it. Consistently following through on your commitments demonstrates honesty and integrity, earning you respect and trust from others. It also enhances your overall character, as people know they can count on you.


Reducing Stress and Achieving Goals

Dependability can significantly reduce stress. Knowing that you can rely on yourself and others creates a sense of order and predictability in your life. This reliability helps manage expectations and reduces anxiety. Surrounding yourself with dependable people provides a support system that makes your life easier and less stressful.


Dependability is also closely linked to self-discipline and self-confidence, both crucial for achieving personal goals. Whether you’re advancing your career, pursuing a hobby, or improving your health, being reliable in your efforts and commitments increases your chances of success. Setting goals, creating plans, and consistently following through on them are all aspects of dependability that contribute to personal achievement.


Cultivating Dependability

How do we cultivate dependability? It starts with self-awareness. Understand your strengths and weaknesses. I’m dependable, but I tend to overcommit, which creates more stress for myself. If you recognize that you’re not dependable, set realistic expectations for yourself. Start small—commit to exercising, making your bed, or practicing a hobby a few days a week, and follow through. This will help you develop a habit of dependability and boost your overall confidence.


Effective time management is crucial for dependability. Prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and avoid overcommitting. Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, and reminders to stay organized and meet your commitments. Consistency is key—establish routines and habits that support your commitments, whether it’s showing up on time, meeting deadlines, or regularly communicating with others.


Communication is another essential aspect. Keeping others informed builds trust and shows that you respect their time and expectations. My virtual assistant is an excellent example of this—she’s not only dependable but also a great communicator, which has created a positive work environment between us.


Hold yourself accountable for your actions. Reflect on your performance, acknowledge mistakes, and learn from them. Accepting responsibility demonstrates your commitment to being dependable and fosters personal growth.



In both business and life, dependability is a cornerstone for success. It builds trust, enhances your brand reputation, fosters teamwork, increases productivity, and ensures satisfied customers. In your personal life, it strengthens relationships, upholds integrity, reduces stress, and helps you achieve your goals.


Cultivating dependability requires self-awareness, effective time management, consistency, great communication, and accountability. By prioritizing these aspects, you can become someone others can always count on, paving the way for more success in your business and life.


I hope you found this discussion helpful. Dependability is something I’m passionate about and constantly teaching my kids. Implement these tips and tools in your life to become a more dependable person.


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Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!