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The Untold Hardships of Entrepreneurship: What They Don't Tell You

Episode #83 The Untold Hardships of Entrepreneurship: What They Don't Tell You

The Untold Hardships of Entrepreneurship: What They Don't Tell You

The life of entrepreneurship often paints a dreamy picture of freedom, wealth, and success. We see the social media posts celebrating young millionaires and the exciting stories of startups that went from zero to hero. This life looks amazing, however the truth of it is behind the glitz and glamour lies a grueling and often unspoken reality: the hardships of being an entrepreneur.

In this podcast, I want to dive into the lesser-known challenges (the ones we don’t talk about enough) that entrepreneurs face on their journey to success.

Loneliness and Isolation

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. While the idea of being your boss may seem appealing, it often translates to long hours of solitary work, especially in the early stages of a business. You may find yourself working late into the night, missing out on social events, and feeling isolated from friends and family who don’t understand the entrepreneurial grind.

The lack of a support system can lead to feelings of loneliness and stress. Entrepreneurs must often make tough decisions on their own, deal with setbacks in solitude, and navigate the uncertainty of their choices without the comfort of coworkers or a corporate safety net.

Financial Uncertainty

Financial instability is one of the most significant and under-discussed hardships of entrepreneurship. While some entrepreneurs strike gold early on, many face years of financial uncertainty and instability. The dream of quick riches can quickly turn into a nightmare of dwindling savings, growing debts, and sleepless nights.

Starting a business often requires significant upfront investments, and there are no guarantees of immediate returns. Even if your business takes off, profits may be reinvested to fuel growth, leaving you with little personal income. This financial rollercoaster can strain personal relationships and lead to anxiety and stress.

High Levels of Stress

Entrepreneurship equals stress. The constant pressure to make your venture succeed, the fear of failure, and the weight of responsibility can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Many entrepreneurs find themselves dealing with anxiety, depression, and burnout.

The stakes are high and you feel it. The failure rate of startups is high, with many businesses folding within the first few years. This constant risk can be emotionally draining, and it’s a burden that many entrepreneurs carry silently.

Long and Unpredictable Hours

The idea of being your own boss may give off the illusion of laid back workdays and flexible schedules. In reality, entrepreneurs often work longer and more unpredictable hours than traditional employees. You’re not just the
CEO; you’re also the accountant, the marketer, the customer support team, and everything in between.

This level of responsibility can lead to chronic overwork, sleep deprivation, and an unending feeling of being on call. Vacations become a rarity, and the boundary between work and personal life blurs, leading to a constant state of “work-life imbalance.”

Sacrificing Personal Life

Entrepreneurship often demands significant sacrifices in your personal life. While some entrepreneurs are celebrated for their dedication and passion, it often comes at a cost. Family gatherings, social events, and personal hobbies may take a backseat to the demands of the business.

Maintaining relationships can be challenging, and many entrepreneurs struggle to find the time and energy to nurture their personal lives. The toll this takes on personal relationships can be huge, leading to strained marriages and friendships.

Handling Failure and Rejection

Failure and rejection are part of the entrepreneurial journey, but they can be emotionally crushing. Whether it’s a rejected pitch, a failed product launch, or a business that doesn’t take off as planned, entrepreneurs face constant disappointments.

What’s often overlooked is how entrepreneurs internalize these failures. It’s not just about the external setbacks; it’s the internal struggle of self-doubt, questioning one’s abilities, and dealing with the fear of public embarrassment. Learning to cope with and bounce back from failure is a crucial, yet rarely discussed, aspect of entrepreneurship.

Legal and Regulatory Challenges

Navigating and understanding regulations and legal requirements can be a significant headache and cost for entrepreneurs. Whether it’s registering a business, obtaining permits, dealing with intellectual property issues, or complying with tax laws, the legal aspect of entrepreneurship can be overwhelming.

Legal battles and disputes can also be financially draining and emotionally taxing. Entrepreneurs often need to invest time and resources in legal matters that detract from their core business focus.

The Weight of Responsibility

Being the captain of your own ship means you’re responsible for every aspect of your business’s success or failure. This weight of responsibility can be crushing at times. It’s not just about making the right decisions; it’s about making them quickly and confidently, even when the outcome is uncertain.

The mental toll of carrying this responsibility can be immense, and it’s a burden that many entrepreneurs grapple with silently. The fear of letting down employees, investors, and customers can be paralyzing.


We are all too familiar with the quote that says comparison is the thief of joy. Let me say it again for those in the back. It’s a struggle. We live in this crazy world of social media where we are constantly seeing the success or perception of success. It’s so hard to not feel like we are just not it.

The truth is we don’t ever know what is real, but it’s still a part of life and we are constantly comparing ourselves.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster of emotions. There are exhilarating highs
when you achieve a significant milestone or secure a big deal, but there are also devastating lows when things don’t go as planned. The emotional ups and downs can be exhausting and mentally draining.

It’s essential for entrepreneurs to develop resilience and coping strategies to navigate this emotional rollercoaster, but this aspect of the journey is rarely discussed in the entrepreneurial success  stories we often hear.

While entrepreneurship offers the promise of independence and potential wealth, it comes with a set of hardships and challenges that are rarely discussed openly. Loneliness, financial instability, high stress levels, long hours, personal sacrifices, handling failure, legal complexities, the weight of responsibility, balancing creativity with reality, and emotional ups and downs
are all part of the entrepreneur’s journey.

It’s crucial to shed light on these hidden hardships to provide a more realistic and balanced perspective of entrepreneurship.

Understanding and preparing for these challenges can help aspiring entrepreneurs make more informed decisions and develop the resilience needed to weather the storms of the entrepreneurial world.


Ultimately, while the path of entrepreneurship is filled with hardships, it also offers the opportunity for personal growth, innovation, and the pursuit of one’s passion and vision. I think we all need to constant reminders that it is okay to feel frustrated and discouraged, but it’s equally important to know that you are never ever alone.

Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!