How To Get Your Content Seen

One of the best ways to get your business noticed is through content marketing. Your goal is to get noticed by your potential client and generate leads. Did you know that 1.79 billion people where online last year? The majority of people looking for services or products begin their search online. Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to direct these searches toward you and your business. That is why it is important to learn how to get your content seen.
How to Get Your Content Seen
Content creation can take a lot of effort and time. I often hear small business owners complain about the time it takes and so, in turn, have “given up” on their efforts. Like anything in our business, it’s not about the time, but more so about the priority, we give things. Online marketing is quickly becoming the trend and in order to achieve the success you desire, content creation needs to become a priority.
Once you commit to content marketing, you’ll want to maximize your efforts. Don’t just write a blog post, share it, and then move on. In order to justify the time you spent creating, you must extend your reach. Your goal is to understand how to get your content seen and there is a better system that will help you produce results.
Take the time to really know your audience. Who are they? What are their needs? What are their struggles? Create content ideas that will serve them and help them achieve success. Determine where they are in their business and help them develop. Do your market research. Reach out to your ideal clients and inquire about what they need help with right now. You want to become the expert and the way to do that is by helping your clients achieve their desired results. Remember, you might be a chapter ahead of your ideal clients, so try to put yourself in their shoes.
Get the most out of your created content. There are a plethora of social media platforms—use them all. As long as your content is relevant, keep sharing it over and over. Make a list of all the social media platforms your ideal clients use and repost on all of those sites. You can pull little snippets or quotes to create graphics or smaller posts on different platforms to maximize the reach.
A great SEO tip is to link your older relevant content to your new posts. When you are writing the new content, look for keywords or phrases that relate to some of your past content. This will boost your SEO and also help position you as an expert in several different areas.
Take some time to go over analytics to see which of your content performed the best. Which topics did your audience find most valuable? Search the content for a topic or section you could elaborate on and dive deeper on. This supports your expertise and educates your audience on a topic they may find interesting to learn about. This will expand your reach and hopefully bring new visitors to your site.
Figure out which of your blog posts performed well. Turn that content into a guide, checklist, or cheat sheet. Create a video and post it on Instagram, FB, or YouTube. Sharing different content on different channels is a great way to reach new audiences and expand your brand.
Reach out to others in your industry to collaborate. Offer to be a guest blogger. You can place your work in front of new audiences. Occasionally, publishers will want your fresh content to show up on their blog first, but after time you can post that same content on your own site. Other times they won’t care.
There are plenty of ways to extend your content. Don’t feel like everyone is seeing your content over and over. Once you learn how to get your content seen, you will see an increase in traffic to your site and exposure to your brand. Your time is valuable. Make sure it counts!