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How to Increase Sales by Making Offers

One of the biggest issues entrepreneurs face is hesitating to promote offers. We’re unsure of how, when, or where to put it out into the world.

We spend an endless amount of time creating freebies, lead magnets, programs, and products, then stick them on our website and cross our fingers, hoping they sell. Learning how to increase sales by making offers is key to growth.

One of the questions I often ask my clients is do your followers know you have
a business or do they think you are an influencer?
Do you want your business to grow? If you answered yes (and I know you answered yes), you MUST promote your own stuff and you MUST do it

Let's Talk Mindset

Let’s address the mindset issues we might be dealing with when it comes to making offers. Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?

• I don’t want to sound sales-y
• I don’t want to annoy people
• I don’t know how many times/days to share something
• It’s so much work to post constantly
• I’m not able to be consistent
• I hate talking about myself
• I already posted it on social media

These mindsets will hold you back. The first step is recognizing they are present. The next step is shifting into mindsets that serve you better.

If you don’t get excited about what you are offering, you have two choices: Change your offer or change your mindset. Ask yourself these questions: Do I get excited about my offer as I do when Target puts out their holiday candy? You should strive for the same enthusiasm when you are talking about your offer.

People have followed you online because they want to hear from you. If they
like your free Instagram posts and your weekly emails, they will probably be
all about whatever product you’ve just launched. Don’t deny them the
opportunity to work with you or advance their skills. Because that’s what you’re doing when you don’t promote – you are assuming you know what
they are thinking and you’re making sure they miss out

Promoting Your Service or Product

  1. People need to come in contact with you 8 times before they decide they need it. Consider this: how many times have you seen something-maybe a new trend, maybe a gadget on an infomercial – and immediately thought, “that is ridiculous” or “who would buy that??” But then you see it again, and again, and again, and again, and after a couple of weeks, you suddenly want it.
  2. Most people are not glued to their computer scanning all of your Instagram feed, pins, and blog posts all day long. At least I hope not, because that’s a
    waste of time. My point being, they will probably miss out on 75% of the stuff you share, so you need to share it multiple times for it to not only catch their eye, but stick in their mind. Also, don’t get stuck on the idea that just because you posted it on one platform, you shouldn’t post it on another. Most people spend a majority of their time on just one or two platforms. That is why it is important to repurpose your content on multiple platforms and do it often.

Expanding Your Reach as Far as Possible

When you truly understand your audience, you will know where they spend their time. Make a list of all the places your ideal audience is present (Instagram, Pinterest, email list, Facebook Groups, etc). Each week or month select an offer you want to focus on. Commit to posting your offer multiple times a week on each of the places your ideal audience visits. You want to maximize your reach with each of your offers. 

Have Your Audience do the Talking for You

The best person to promote your product is actually not you. It’s the client who finished your course and saw amazing results, your client who you helped transformed, or your client who was super impressed by the work you did. Always remember to include an automated email in your client experience that asks for testimonials and reviews. When you receive
any testimonials, turn them into posts, graphics in your emails, and/or include them on your sales pages. If you blog make sure you’ve got share buttons and Pinterest pin features on your blogs. Clients who have loved working with you will quickly become one of your best marketing tools.

The success of your business is 40% an amazing product and 60% how well you market and sell it. If you are struggling with mindset, work on that first and foremost. After you are in a good headspace, focus on making offers every single day. Once you learn how to increase sales by making offers you will see tremendous growth!

Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!