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Mindsets Of Successful Entrepreneurs

Mindsets Of Successful Entrepreneurs

Tell me about your big dream.” This is one of the first questions I ask my clients. How is your mindset, different than the mindsets of successful entrepreneurs.  


Ive noticed a pattern. The answers a majority of my clients give are general, safe, and predictable. So predictable, in fact, that I often know what they will say before they say it: I want to be successful,” my clients tell me. So what are the mindsets of successful entrepreneurs .

Although when I ask them to define what success means to them, I am surprised at the mediocre aim of their goals.  “I just want to make a little extra money or I would be happy with a few more clients. “ This is where I challenge my clients, inquiring why their goal is not to make a million dollars or to become the CEO? Trying to push them to be honest with themselves. Their reasoning surfaces: I dont have the education, I dont need money to be happy, I dont have the time.”  

We are all capable of The Big Dream.” The only thing that holds us back is our own thoughts. That is IT! It sounds too simple, but the truth is that our thoughts control our results. Rarely do people focus enough on this aspect of success, which is why the first thing I teach my clients is to identify, recognize, and manage their thoughts. You can have every business tool available and all the education in the world, but if you dont learn to control your mind you will not have the ability to progress. If you are looking to become the best version of yourself, you will need to learn to implement the proper tools.


Confidence in Yourself.  Confidence is having the ability to trust yourself. You say you will do something and you do it,  you have know that you can do hard things. If you start something, you finish it, no matter the outcome.  This builds character, determination, and self-respect. People become known for these attributes. Successful people understand this concept and implement it into all aspects of their lives. If you were to ask your best friends to describe would dependability be one of the words they use? When others can’t depend on you, chances are you can’t depend on you. This is where confidence originates.

If you are lacking in confidence start with something little and build on it. When you say you are going to workout every day, do it, and if you tell yourself you are going to go start work at 8:00am do it. Over time this will help you start to build confidence in yourself, because when you say you are going to do something. You do it!

Comparison Equals Motivation

Jealousy and envy is innate. These thoughts are present regardless. It is when you let these feelings hinder your progress that they hold you back. Learn to recognize jealous thoughts and change them into thoughts that motivate and serve you. Dwelling on negative emotions because of what others have can be detrimental to your own growth. Find people who motivate and inspire you. You have a choice in who you are surrounded by and the thoughts you choose to think. 

Take the time to check yourself. Who are your friends, who do you follow on social media and who are your colleagues? Choose those people wisely and if you find yourself having negative thoughts or emotions it’s time to find a new circle.

Avoid the Past

We all have experienced failures and disappointments in our past, but that is where they live—in the past. Take those experiences and use them as a tutor. Dont let your past define you, but let it refine you into something better. When you blame your past for your current situation it makes you become a prisoner to things that are out of your control.

If you find yourself talking and thinking more about what happened or having thoughts like I am this way because of my past, you need to recognize those thoughts and find ways to let go. We can’t change the past, but we can definitely determine our future.

Embrace Failure

Failure shows you are doing something new and different. The willingness to be uncomfortable and try new things is when growth appears. It is the fear of failure that holds us back from taking action. When we embrace failure, we become open to taking risks and in turn we gain more opportunity, more growth, and more knowledge. The mindsets of successful entrepreneurs have committing to fail a mindset they embrace.

I often remind myself that the more I fail the more I succeed. This doesn’t come easy to everyone but take it from someone who has failed a lot. It’s like anything we do, practice makes perfect and let yourself get perfect at failing. With this succeeding then becomes so much easier.

Time Management

Learning to control your mind helps you to manage your time. People with mindsets of successful entrepreneurs often value time over money.  Time becomes the most valuable commodity in their workflow.  Being intentional with your time and your thoughts about time helps you accomplish your big goals.  Be determined to manage every minute as if it were an investment in your success. Also, be respectful of your time and others. Plan your days and honor your plan.

I don’t know if this is a blessing or a curse, but I am such a planner. Even if I have a friends reach out and want to grab lunch, if it isn’t planned then I ask to do it another day. These habits have helped me work hard, but also to enjoy my time off and not feel guilty.

Unattainable Goals

Goal setting is the most compassionate thing we can do for ourselves. By doing this we strive to be the best and achieve the best. Learn to include what you once thought of as unattainable goals” in your list. When we start to change our thoughts to work towards the big goals, we begin to evolve and surpass the goals we didnt realize were even possible. By focusing on a goal we want to achieve, we become focused on ways to accomplish the goals. Opportunities will begin to present themselves and we become better versions of ourselves regardless the outcome. 

As you implement these mindsets into your business, you will see growth and progression. The mindsets of successful entrepreneurs Create new habits and thoughts and be consistent. Change takes time, but the payoff is huge. 

You might be really good at some of these principals and others you might struggle. That’s okay. Recognizing your strengths and working on your weaknesses is one of the best things we can do for ourselves.


I hope you found these tips helpful, and I look forward to hearing how you implement these into your lives.

Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!