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I was recently working with a client. We’d been working together for about three months. They were feeling discouraged and frustrated about the progress of their business. When I asked them what it was that they wanted to see, they said, “I want my business to look like your business.” I chuckled and then shared with them that my business had taken me over 15 years to get to this point.


I think two of the biggest misconceptions we have about being an entrepreneur are that it’s easy and it’s fast. Both are so far from the truth. 


I wanted to do a podcast that shares a little bit more about my journey as an entrepreneur — here I’ve been and how I got here. 



I recently posted a poll on social media asking people if they think work ethics is something you learn as a youth or something you can develop as an adult. I don’t know what the answer is to this, but for me, I definitely learned this as a youth. I grew up learning how to work and how to work hard. 


This skill has really helped me achieve success in my life. As long as I can remember, I’ve been an early riser and I don’t quit until the work is done. My work ethic, coupled with my ability to fail and push through, has been instrumental in all my accomplishments and successes. 



I went to college not really knowing what I wanted to do. The irony of it all is I wanted to study business, but when you’re 18 years old, you don’t know what you’re doing or what you want to do. I look back now and wish I would’ve had a little bit more guidance on the possibilities. After changing my major several times, I ended up landing on doing something in the medical field. I was thinking about physical therapy or being a physician’s assistant. The undergrad degree that had all the prerequisites was exercise science. I like exercise, so there you go. 


The plan was to go on and get a masters, but that didn’t happen. I graduated from Utah State University with a degree in exercise science. I never went on to use the degree. 


I don’t believe education is ever a waste, and regardless of if I used my degree, I use my education every day. 



Fast forward a few years, and, at the time, I had two kids. This ages me, but this is when blogging was starting to be a big deal. I spent my days looking at blogs of people I didn’t know. I was so drawn to the blogs that had beautiful photography and decided I needed to learn to take amazing pictures of my kids, and that’s exactly what I did. 


I got an SLR camera for Mother’s Day one year, and the rest is history. I spent hours watching tutorials, reading blogs, taking courses, and attending workshops in an effort to learn photography. Within a year I’d started my own photography business. 


At the time, we lived in El Paso, Texas, and I built an incredible and very successful high school senior photography business. It took a lot of work and a lot of hustle. I built a solid brand, and I was in high demand. It was such a fun time. 



About a year into my photography business, one of my photographer friends suggested we start a magazine. We didn’t know what we were doing, but we just rolled with it. We created the most stunning publication ever. 


It was so fun. It was such an awesome networking tool. I met so many talented photographers, and in turn, this built my network and opened up so many opportunities for me. 


The problem with the magazine was it was more like a side hustle for both myself and my business partner. We both had thriving photography businesses, and we just couldn’t devote the time we needed to grow that business. 


We really didn’t make enough money to justify the time we put into it, and we eventually decided to sell it after five years. 


It was a really cool, fun learning experience that helped me develop many skills. 



One of the big things that I’d say has helped me grow each of my businesses is networking. I realize I’m innately an extrovert and a networker. I love people and love talking to people, and I’m grateful for this.

I often refer to myself as a collector of people, and this has been an asset in business growth. There’s truth to the saying “It isn’t what you know, but who you know.” I can honestly say the relationships I’ve built have opened many, many doors for me. Word of mouth is a powerful tool and can be very instrumental in creating opportunity.

In the world we live in now, it’s easy to sit behind our computer or phone, but I promise, if you have an opportunity to meet new people, do it. Don’t look for opportunity, look for relationships. Seek opportunities to help others, and I promise this will come back to you. 



One of the most rewarding things I’ve done in my life is to get involved in nonprofit work. I have a long resume of volunteering, and it’s been life-changing and taught me so much. When my boys were little, I volunteered for Meals on Wheels. I did this for almost six years. When I started doing this, I had one kid in a stroller and was pregnant with another. We did this weekly for years. The reason I tell you this, is because often we find excuses not to serve others, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. 


Later, I worked with the Children’s Hospital of El Paso, Boys and Girls Club, Refugees of Texas, and PTSD Foundation of Texas. One of my favorites and most impactful was an organization called Haitian Roots. This organization educated kids in Haiti. I had the opportunity to travel to Haiti several times and help get kids sponsored to go to school. There was so much personal growth over this time, and it played such a role in who I’ve become. 


I was on the board of directors on Haitian Roots, and I learned so much about nonprofits during this time. In 2017, after my 14-year-old son passed away I started my own nonprofit called The Gage Schroeder Compassion Foundation and still run it today. 


Nonprofit work is so meaningful, and I encourage everyone to find an organization that aligns with your beliefs and get involved. You won’t regret it. 



Around 2017, after I lost my son and started my nonprofit I was introduced to life coaching. I was obviously going through a midlife crisis and was looking for something to make me feel better. During this time, I was also working a lot with kids and wanted to help them. Several people told me I should become a life coach. 


At first. I thought it was hokey and blew it off. But then, I had a friend send me a life coaching podcast. Instantly, I was hooked on the tools and mindset shifts that I was learning about. In 2018, I got certified as a life coach. 


Honestly, for my own personal growth, it was one of the best investments I’ve made. It was one of those things that I didn’t know you were missing until I learned about it. It completely reframed my entire belief system and the way I viewed every single relationship. It also helped me change the way I viewed my mindset when it came to business and has been instrumental in my growth as a person and a business owner.



This brings us to the current time and business. Around the same time I was getting certified as a life coach and starting my own nonprofit, we’d moved from El Paso to Houston. I didn’t want to start another location-based business. I wanted to have the ability to work wherever I wanted, so I decided this would be a good time to pivot. 


I’d always been good at business. In fact, when I was a photographer, I often said that the business part came naturally — it was the creative part that I had to work harder at. When I was in the photography industry, I was often asked to speak on the business aspects of photography. So when I decided to pivot, it only made sense to help others with their business and marketing. 


I love to learn, teach, and help other people build businesses. It’s been so rewarding. Not to say I haven’t failed, because oh boy have I failed, but that’s just part of owning a business, right?

Just like all businesses, they evolve. When I first started business coaching, I focused a lot on teaching about marketing and creating a strong brand. I still do this, but now I focus on more of the foundation tools, such as systems, automation, and strategy. We work on creating sales funnels and nailing down messaging. I have several digital courses, such as: Grow Your Gram. Grow Your Group. Rock the Reels, and Email Funnel Builders. I also have a business membership called The Meeting Place. I’ve done workshops, retreats, and summits.

I’ve failed a lot and had lots of success. I’ve been an entrepreneur for 15 years, and along the way, I’ve learned and gained so many skills and tools that have helped me grow. There are still so many things I still want to do, so stay tuned. 


I’m so grateful for all the support and encouragement I’ve gained along the way, and I hope I’m able to give as much as I receive. I hope you enjoyed this podcast and learned something new about me.

If you liked this podcast, please subscribe and share with your friends. If you really liked it. I’d love a review. Wink! Wink! 

Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!