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Pinterest For Beginners

Pinterest For Beginners

 If you arent using Pinterest in your business its time to start. I will give you a few tips if you are a beginner. It is important to understand how Pinterest works so you can create a strategy and leverage it in your business marketing. This platform is a great way to increase your traffic and grow your brand. In episode 67, I talk all about it! 

Pinterest For Beginners

I once thought Pinterest was just for inspiration for decorating your house and throwing parties. I quickly learned this visual platform not only helps me throw a great party but also is a great tool for my business.  If  you arent using Pinterest in your business its time to start. I will give you a few tips if you are a beginner.


It is important to understand how Pinterest works so you can create a strategy and leverage it in your business marketing. This platform is a great way to increase your traffic and grow your brand.



Pinterest is very similar to Google. Statistics show that 250 million people use Pinterest every month. When we are looking for ideas, topics, and inspiration, we head to Pinterest. With that said, you need to ensure that your profile, boards, and pins are optimized so they appear in the search results.


Using keywords is the most crucial element to ensuring that maximize your reach. Your objective should be to connect with your ideal clients. 


Researching and utilizing keywords that your ideal client may search is key to growth. Take time to make lists of words and phrases your ideal clients might search for. You can use the search bar within in Pinterest or the Google search bar to find a great list of keywords that are applicable to your ideal audience.


Although you can follow and be followed in Pinterest, that number does not limit your reach.  With the proper techniques your reach potential is huge.


One of the first things you will want to do is convert your Pinterest account to a business account.


A business account also offers enhanced features such as access to website and blog URLs in profiles, so users can be directed to other platforms they might want to explore. In short, upgrading from a personal account to a business one gives you far more opportunities that cant be found elsewhere.


Linking to your blog or website will ensure that all content is original, and youll have access to Rich pins, Promoted Pinterest pins, and statistical data. With this data, youll be able to track the number of views and clicks on each post, as well as see which boards are the most popular among your followers.


Having an influential presence on Pinterest begins with a list of carefully chosen keywords related to your specialty. These search words are essential for maximizing conversions and elevating visibility in the platforms environment.

Once youre navigating through, look out for auto-suggestions in the search bar – these will offer powerful insight into which terms people use most frequently as they hunt down what want/need!


A professional profile picture should include a headshot – its the easiest way to stand out and build trust with new customers or readers.


Display name: provide your first name, then select 1-2 keywords that best describe your blog/business. If theres still space left, you can add your business name, too.

User name: this is the field where you add your blogs or company name. Your user name will be visible in the url to your Pinterest profile. For example:


About: Captivate your audience with a stunning profile description! Make sure to pack in the keywords as these will ensure you reach out quickly and effectively. Add important business information and demonstrate what makes your blog or business stand out, whilst keeping it cohesive – keep it simple yet engaging; try weaving 4-6 of those desired keyphrases into 500 characters for maximum impact.


You can’t add click-able links in the profile, but don’t let that stop you from adding your website, podcast, or lead magnet.


You can organize your content by creating different boards that can house different topics.  When creating boards, you are prompted to give them a title so you know what types of pins live in that board.  When you save a pin to Pinterest, you select a board to save it. To maximize your reach, try to come up with subcategories.  For example, I am a business coach so I have boards for SEO, Mindset, Growing Your Newsletter, etc.  When creating your boards, reference your keyword list to utilize words your ideal client may be searching for.

When using Pinterest to help with your business, use secret or hidden boards for personal pinning. When you make a board secret that means no one can see it but you.


With that being said, if part of your personal brand is fashion or home decor and that is what speaks to your audience you can include those boards.


Most pins are vertical and this is the preferred orientation. I use Canva to create my pins and they have prefabricated templates that make it quick and easy.  Pinterest is a visual platform so use images, text, and colors that are appealing and draw people in.  Use images that are relevant to the content that you are pinning.


Pin all of your content.  Anytime you post content, pin it.  You can also pin from someones website or Pinterest feed.  If you read an interesting post or see an image that inspires you pin it to your Pinterest.  Some websites have a pin button installed which makes it easy to access.  However, you have the option to install a Pinterest extension that will enable you to pin from most sites.


When I create a piece of content, say for an example a podcast or blog post. I will create 5-10 pin graphics for that piece of content. The graphics are all different. I may choose different colors within my brand, different images, and even a different version of the title with similar keywords.


Once the graphics are created and I have written a brief, keywords rich description of the content then I will start scheduling the pins. You can use a program like Tailwind, or you can just use Pinterest. They both have scheduling features. When I pin my content I will pin each of the different graphics in different boards on different times. That way all my pins for one piece of content isn’t showing up all at once on my followers feeds.


If I create 10 graphics for each piece of content and pin 5 different pieces of content a month, that is 50 pins a month. When you break it down that way it doesn’t seem so daunting.


You can follow other people on Pinterest, but you can also follow individual boards.  This is a great way to ensure that your feed is filled with pins that are relevant to what you what to view.


When you log in to your account there are several types of pins that will show up.  Different pins can come from different sources.

  • Pins from people you follow
  • Pins recommended by Pinterest based on your interest
  • Promoted pins or paid pins


Like other platforms, the Pinterest algorithm changes often. Every Pinterest user sees different pins on their home feed.  Your engagement may fluctuate, but pinning consistently is key.

It is important to try new things and create new strategies.  Keep an eye on your Pinterest insights and continue to watch for updates.  Take time at least monthly to educate yourself on what is working on Pinterest and adjust your strategies.



Your objective on Pinterest is to get people to pin your original pin. While you still want to share other peoples content, you ultimate goals is to promote your pins and get people to click on them and end up on your blog or website.


Become aware of what it is people are pinning and produce content that is similar to that. Pay attention to the images, graphics, text and content that is getting pinned the most. Create different graphics for the same content and see which one performs the better.  Utilize the Pinterest autofill search bar to see what is being searched for the most.


In order to see results from Pinterest, you must learn to be consistent.  It will take several months of pinning and learning how Pinterest works before you will see results.  Schedule time every week to be active in Pinterest. 

Spending time learning and using Pinterest can be a great tool in your business. It can help you strengthen your brand and improve your visibility.




Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!