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This episode of the Redefine Business Podcast features Jill Pack, a mother of five, grandmother of three (with one on the way!), and a seasoned life coach who has spent over 28 years as a stay-at-home mom. Jill shares her journey of self-discovery, the challenges of navigating an empty nest, and how she found her new purpose in life coaching. Their conversation is not just about business, but about embracing the ever-changing seasons of life.




Jill Pack’s story is one of transformation and growth. After spending most of her life raising five children, Jill found herself at a crossroads when her youngest daughter was about to start her senior year of high school. With her children growing up and moving on, Jill began to feel a sense of purposelessness—a common experience for many who have dedicated their lives to raising a family.


“I remember having this moment of, ‘What now?’” Jill recalls. “I didn’t have a career, and I didn’t know what I had to offer the world anymore.”


In search of something new, Jill got her real estate license. But it wasn’t until she stumbled upon a few life coaching podcasts that she began to see a new path for herself. The messages resonated with her, and after attending a live event, Jill realized she wanted to become a coach. She went on to get certified at the Life Coach School (LCS) and has been coaching ever since.


“My passion has been to find women like me who are navigating this confusing time of life,” Jill says. “It’s not a midlife crisis—it’s a midlife awakening.”




For many women, midlife can feel like a crisis, but Jill reframes it as an awakening. It’s a time to rediscover oneself, to explore new passions, and to embrace the second half of life with purpose and excitement. Jill emphasizes the importance of living on purpose, not sweating the small stuff, and being open to the emotions that come with life’s ups and downs.


“Emotions are moments,” Jill explains. “The hard stuff doesn’t last forever. We need to embrace this season of life and make it amazing.”


Brittni and Jill discuss how life coaching has provided them with the tools to navigate life’s challenges. From managing relationships with adult children to dealing with the changing dynamics of family life, coaching has helped them both gain perspective and handle situations with greater ease.




Both Brittni and Jill are certified life coaches, and they agree that the tools and techniques they’ve learned have been life-changing. Life coaching isn’t just about business—it’s about improving every aspect of life, from personal relationships to professional challenges.


Brittni shares how life coaching has shifted her perspective, especially after experiencing the loss of a child. “There was a time when I thought my life was hard, but now I look back and wish I could go back to that ‘hard.’ I don’t want to take anything for granted.”


This shift in perspective has allowed Brittni to live more in the moment, appreciating the present rather than constantly striving for the next milestone. She notes that life coaching has given her the tools to see the bigger picture and to change her belief system in ways that have had a profound impact on her life.




Jill uses a powerful analogy to describe the impact of coaching: climbing a mountain. Life, she says, can often feel like bushwhacking through dense undergrowth, with no clear path in sight. But when you reach the peak, the perspective you gain allows you to see the entire landscape, including where you went wrong and where you need to go next.


“Coaching pulls us up to look out and go, ‘Oh, okay, I can see a different way,’” Jill explains. “It’s not about getting mad at ourselves for the past, but about asking, ‘Now what?’ and moving forward.”


Jill’s passion for helping women navigate the different seasons of life led her to create Seasons Coaching, where she supports clients through various life transitions. She believes that understanding the cyclical nature of life’s seasons can help people move through difficult times with more grace and acceptance.




Jill also applies her coaching skills in business settings, working with doctor’s offices to improve team dynamics and communication. In these high-stress environments, disagreements and misunderstandings can easily arise, but Jill’s coaching helps teams navigate these challenges with greater understanding and collaboration.


“It’s been an interesting experience to bring these tools into a business setting,” Jill says. “These tools are just as applicable in business as they are in personal life.”




As the podcast episode comes to a close, Brittni and Jill reflect on the importance of continually redefining ourselves, both in life and in business. Change is inevitable, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and reinvention.


“We’re constantly redefining, finding new meaning, and discovering new directions,” Brittni says. “That’s the beauty of life.”


Jill’s final words of advice to listeners are to embrace the seasons of life and recognize that the hard times don’t last forever. With the right tools and perspective, you can navigate any challenge and come out stronger on the other side.




Jill is an inspiring coach who has helped many women embrace the second half of life with purpose and passion. To learn more about her coaching services or to connect with her, visit her website or listen to her podcast, “Seasons of Joy,” where she shares tips and tools for navigating life’s transitions.

Jill also offers a five-day relationship challenge, designed to help you gain greater perspective and show up differently in your relationships. The challenge includes a workbook and accompanying podcast episodes to guide you through the process.

Join the Conversation

Let’s not stop the party here. Head on over to my Instagram or Facebook group, Redefine Your Business, and share your thoughts about today’s show. See you again, same time, same place next week!

Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!