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Task Batching In Your Business

My mind is always going a million miles an hour. I am easily distracted and I often am jumping from one thing to another. Is that a good thing? Hmmmm. Not always. I have been known to accidentally tell my client they need to clean their room.


I used to pride myself on being an amazing multi-tasker. And while its true that I can get a lot done in a short time, unfortunately the quality can end up being subpar. I have learned you really cant do more than one thing at once—at least not properly. Dividing your time and your attention, even if you are doing it equally, means you are giving 50% of your focus to each. People cant multitask very well, and when people say they can, theyre deluding themselves. So although it seems you are being productive, the opposite is probably true. When we are constantly jumping from task to task, we become easily distracted by outside elements (social media, text messages, emails, etc.). Refocusing takes up small amounts of time that eventually add up to large amounts of time.When you use task batching to increase productivity in your business you will find time you didnt realize you had. 

One of the most effective tools I have found when running a business is task batching. Batching is grouping similar tasks into continuous sessions of work time.  So instead of dispersing my time to several different tasks a day, I will designate a larger amount of time to focusing on mass production. By doing this, I become ultra-focused on that particular task and can accomplish a great deal more. For example, I will designate a couple hours a month to write all my newsletters for that month. This way I am focused, the task gets completed, and I dont have to think about it again until next month. I can use my brain power to focus on other tasks that need to be done. 


If you implement a batching process into your workflow, you will find there is less task-switching, more focus, more efficiency, and more productivity. The batching method can be applied to several aspects of your life. This will allow you to get more done in a short amount of time and free up your time in general. 

Here a few places you can use the batch process:


Although it is amazing to get a lot done in one day, be realistic and give your brain smaller intervals that it can better handle. Personally, I have a 2-hour max when it comes to blogging.  You can break this process up and designate time to batch ideas, outlines, and writing.  By breaking down the process, you can be more intentional when it is time to work on your blog.


If you send out newsletters in your business, schedule a time to batch them. This can also be broken up into sessions. Schedule a time to plan out your newsletters for a quarter. You can pick a topic and schedule all your newsletters for three months. Then at a different time you can batch-write the content.


If you are a podcaster, you can record 4-5 at a time. Set a time and a day you are going to record, and schedule all guests within that time. This will alleviate the extra time you would have spent setting up and taking down your podcast equipment. Remember: minutes add up to hours. 


Instead of stressing every day about what you want to post on social media, add this to your list of tasks that needs to be batched. I batch my 

social media tasks into three parts: writing, scheduling, and engaging. For all my business-related social media posts, I write and schedule them on a weekly basis. This is all done in one day and then I don’t have to even think about it for the rest of that week. Completing this task all at once frees up time for me to reply to comments and engage with my audience online. 


Emails are unavoidable. They are a necessity in business and in life, but they can also be such a time suck. In order to avoid spending hours a day mired in your inbox, learn to batch this task. Try to visit your inbox three times a day. Each time for no more than 30 minutes. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once at the end of your day.  It’s important to find a healthy balance between being responsive without it consuming your day. Batching this task into three short stints during your day is one of the best systems.


Housework is the ideal task for batching. Cleaning doesn’t require much mental focus; however, it can seem to take over our time. Instead of doing multiple loads of laundry throughout the week, designate a day that you will do laundry and try to get it all done. Pick a specific day that you are going to clean your floors and do them all at once. Give yourself a time limit and when the time is up you are finished. Don’t get distracted with all the things that you want to clean, but focus on the things that need to be cleaned. Everything else can wait.


I do weekly planning every Sunday, and honestly it’s probably the only reason my life hasn’t fallen apart (yet). Instead of taking things day by day and making a to-do list from scratch for the day ahead of me (this can get very overwhelming), I sit down on Sunday to get a big-picture view of the upcoming week and plan out absolutely everything that I need to get done. That means less thinking and decision-making throughout the week—something I find indispensable.


You should constantly be striving for self-improvement. This is one thing we don’t make a priority in our business, yet it can make the biggest impact. Instead of picking up tips and tricks here and there, designate time every week to learn about something that can benefit you in your business. Make this a habit and do it in a time that you can be focused and absorb and apply the new information.


Because you are literally doing everything as an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to let overwhelm lead you to neglect your finances. However, it is essential to your success to stay on top of your finances. Set aside time to pay your bills, record receipts, and track incoming and outgoing income. Again, one of the main benefits of task batching is complete focus. By batching your finances, you will become more aware of and organized with your money. 


For you workaholics out there, batching personal needs might be just the thing! Self-care is a must. When you take care of yourself and give yourself time to re-energize, you will find more motivation for your workdays. Try to schedule 1-2 hour blocks to pamper yourself, catch up with a friend, or take a yoga class.

As an entrepreneur, the only person you have to be accountable to is yourself, so it is important to find systems that bolster your productivity. Task batching to increase productivity in your business creates the right environment and habits that work for you is an investment in your own success. 



Redefine Business Podcast

I'm Brittni Schroeder!

I’m a Diet Coke drinkin, chocolate eatin, Netflix watchin, all-around good time! I want to show you how to grow and scale your business. Let’s be business BFFs!