How To Create A Nurture Sequence

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



One of the most important things you can do for your business is create and grow a newsletter list.  Your newsletter list is the only thing that you own.  Every other marketing network is owned and controlled by someone else.  Newsletters have been proven to be the best way to sell your services or products. If you don’t have one, that’s okay. Start today!  There are several CRM (Customer Relations Managers) out there to choose from. I use Flodesk, but there are many equally great providers.

In order for your ideal client to give you their email, you need to offer something of value. This can come in the form of a free guide, webinar, value video, checklist, coupon code, etc. It has to be something they really want or need. Put some thought into what your ideal client would consider valuable.

Once you figure out what you’d like to offer and your potential client gives you their email, it is time to nurture your relationship with a series of emails otherwise known as a nurture sequence.

A nurture sequence is an automated series of emails that someone receives after they opt in to your email list. The objective is to build trust and confidence in you.  This is your opportunity to show your potential clients your desire to willingness to serve them. 

Your email nurture sequence should be at least 2-3 emails long, at the very least. The length can vary depending on what message you are trying to convey. Make sure each newsletter creates value. Don’t worry if people unsubscribe! You don’t want to waste your time on people who aren’t interested in what you have to offer. Those who unsubscribe are not your ideal clients. 



Your welcome email is the email subscribers receive instantly after signing up. This is typically the most opened email. This is the email that contains the freebie and value item they signed up for.  Your welcome email is your opportunity for a first impression. This is the time to draw them in and make them want to learn more from you and what you have to offer. This is an opportunity to introduce yourself and position yourself as an expert in your field.  Make sure that every email you send contains a Call To Action.  Let me repeat: Every email needs a Call To Action. 

For example, you ask them to follow you on Instagram or Facebook, read a blog post, subscribe to your podcast, reply, forward to a friend, etc. 



After you have written your welcome email, think about what you want to put in the follow-up emails.  This is the time to get your audience to know, trust, and love you! You can send them follow-up emails about your freebie, links to your most popular blog posts, video content, coupon codes, or even another freebie.


Everyone is trying to simplify these days, you need to ensure your emails create value or your readers are more likely to unsubscribe. Remember to show your personality and treat your readers like they are your friends.  Get into the all-I-want-to-do-is-help-my-clients mindset and let your emails reflect that. 



Ultimately, we want our subscribers to convert into customers, but be conscious about the right time to sell. Don’t try to sell them in every email. Your subscribers might be put off if you try to sell in your first, second, or third email. Make sure you have nurtured your relationships well before you ask.

Learn their language. Ask questions and really try to understand their needs. Ask questions like: “What are you struggling with at this moment?” Or, “If you could hire out one thing in your business or life right now what would it be?” These questions are great market research for how to improve your business. 

When you feel like you have built trust and nurtured your relationship, then you will be ready to make your offer. Your offer might be a consultation, a coaching package, a service or an offer to purchase a product. What ever the offer may be make sure you are clean and concise with how they receive the offer. Use the button option or an obvious link.



When you have finished your nurture sequence, you’ll want to automate it. Most email marketing systems will have detailed instructions how to set this up. The most time-consuming part will be to write the newsletters. The set up should be pretty straight forward. After the setup is complete, you will need to do a test run. Ask a couple different people to test it for you—possibly someone who is your ideal client and someone who has a knack for grammar.  Make sure every link, download, and redirect is working properly.  Once that is finished—BAM!—you are ready to go! 



Brittni Schroeder Coaching




One of the biggest struggles for coaches and entrepreneurs is the balance between social media and all the other responsibilities in your business.  It can feel like social media controls us, not the other way around.  However, with social media being one the most accessible ways to find new clients it is necessity for your marketing strategy. There a numerous benefits to using social media for business. 



Do you find yourself scrambling trying to find something to post? Do you write and rewrite your captions trying to think up something original and clever to caption your image? If this sounds familiar, don’t worry—you’re not alone. 

Social media can be an amazing tool for entrepreneurs. Being consistent is essential to optimize its benefits. However, most of us have a love/hate relationships with Instagram, the algorithm, and the unpredictability. When it comes to Instagram we face several obstacles. We need to learn to identify these obstacles, form a strategy, and execute. One of the biggest obstacles many are faced with when it comes to social media is consistency. By implementing some time management and planning skills, you can alleviate a lot of unwanted stress when it comes to Instagram. 

It’s time to get organized!



Think of 5-10 categories that represent you and your brand. Think of your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA). Your goal is to connect with your audience and try to serve them. What are some categories in your life that are going to help you connect with your audience? Try to come up with things you are passionate about that your audience would be as well.  Often our ICA is similar to ourselves. If that is the case, what are things you would be interested in if you were on someone else feed? Here are some of my categories:

Business Tips

About Me




Your categories can change and that is okay, but try to list five to get you started.



Determine how many times a month you want to post. Remember: the more you post the better. If you can post twice a day you are a ROCKSTAR, but if you can only post 3 times a week that is okay too. For the best results try to post a minimum of 5 times a week. After you have decided on a realistic number, multiply that number by 4. I want to post 5 times a week (5×4=20). I need to come up with 20 posts a month.  Then I divide 20 by the number of categories I have (20/5=4).  Four is the number or times I need to post from each category. I need to come up with 4 images and captions for each category. When you do it that way it doesn’t seem so overwhelming. 



Once you have determined your categories, start being intentional about gathering images. If one of your categories is food, try to take a picture of your burger next time you are on a date. If one of your categories is books, take a day and walk around Barnes and Noble taking pictures of some books you are interested in reading or have already read. Designate a folder on your phone or on your computer and start gathering images that fit within each of your categories. 

Imagery is very powerful.  Take the time to learn how to take good pictures. You don’t need an expensive camera to take great shots. There are many resources out there that can teach you how to take good images. Instagram is a visual platform; ensure that your images are visually appealing.

Stock photography is also an option. There are several sites out there—both free and paid—that have great stock images that you can use as well. 


It is important to have great professional pictures of yourself to solidify your brand. Invest in a professional branding photo shoot. Showing up on your social media is how you build relationships with your audience. You want them to feel connected to you and showing your face is the best way to do that.



Make a list of your categories. Below each category, jot down as many relevant ideas as you can think of. Remember you always want to connect and/or bring value to your audience so think of how your caption will do that.  For example, if I want to post about books I would post about a book that might interest my audience. People love dogs so I might post about my dog to connect with the dog-lovers in my audience. Once you’re finished, you will have an entire list of caption ideas.


Look at your calendar and see if there are any holidays, National Days, promotions, or giveaways you want to post. Add these to your caption and shot list. 



Now is time to schedule your month. First, place all your extras on your calendar. Next, you will want to fill in the blanks in order of your categories. Keep repeating the categories until your calendar is filled. 



There are several planning apps you can use to preplan your Instagram. You can also use Instagram and save your posts as drafts. At this point, you should have your images and caption ideas ready to go. Now it is time to write out your captions and post. Designate 1-2 hours at the beginning of the month and batch all your posts or break it up into once a week (this is what I do). 


By planning ahead you will free up your time and relieve stress. It also will help you to stay consistent. Don’t let your social media overwhelm you and take over your days. Get organized and plan. I promise it will pay off.



Mindsets of Successful Entrepreneurs

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



I was recently asked about my journey as an entrepreneur. It really had me reflecting on how far I have come and the time it took me to get there. Looking back at my success really had me appreciating all the failure. It wasn’t until much later in my journey did I learn how mindset played a huge part of my success. It really got me thinking about the mindsets of successful entrepreneurs. 

“Tell me about your big dream.” This is one of the first questions I ask my clients. Over time, I’ve noticed a pattern. The answers many give are general, safe, and predictable. So predictable, in fact, that I often know what they will say before they say it: “I want to be successful,” my clients tell me. But when I ask them to define what success means to them, I am surprised at the mediocre aim of their goals.  “I just want to make a little extra money or  I would be happy with a few more clients. “ I challenge my clients, inquiring why their goal is not to make a million dollars or to become the CEO?  I push them to be honest with themselves.  Their reasoning surfaces: “I don’t have the education, I don’t need money to be happy, I don’t have the time.”  

We are all capable of “The Big Dream.” The only thing that holds us back is our own thoughts.  That is IT! It sounds too simple, but the truth is that our thoughts control our results. Rarely do people focus enough on this aspect of success.  That is why the first thing I teach my clients is to identify, recognize, and manage their thoughts.  You can have every business tool available and all the education in the world, but if you don’t learn to control your mind you will not have the ability to progress with fortitude. If you are looking to become the best version of yourself, you will need to learn to implement the proper tools. 

Confidence in Yourself. 

Confidence is having the ability to trust yourself. You say you will do something and you do it.  You have surety that you can do hard things. If you start something, you finish it, no matter the outcome.  This builds character, determination, and self-respect. You become known for these attributes. Successful people understand this concept and implement it into all aspects of their lives. 


Comparison Equals Motivation

Jealousy and envy is innate. These thoughts are present regardless. It is when you let these feelings hinder your progress that they hold you back.  Learn to recognize jealous thoughts and change them into thoughts that motivate and serve you. Dwelling on negative emotions because of what others have can be detrimental to your own growth. Find people who motivate and inspire you.  You have a choice in who you are surrounded by and the thoughts you choose to think. 


Avoid the Past

We all have experienced failures and disappointments in our past, but that is where they live—in the past. Take those experiences and use them as a tutor. Don’t let your past define you. But let it refine you into something better. When you blame your past for your current situation, you become a prisoner to things that are out of your control.


Embrace Failure

Failure shows you are doing something new and different.  Willingness to be uncomfortable and try new things is when growth appears.  It is the fear of failure that holds us back from taking action.  When we embrace failure, we become open to taking risks and in turn gain more opportunity, more growth, and more knowledge.  Successful people make committing to fail a mindset they seize.


Time Management

Learning to control your mind helps you to manage your time.  Successful people often value time over money.  Time becomes the most valuable commodity in their workflow.  Being intentional with your time and your thoughts about time helps you accomplish your big goals.  Be determined to manage every minute as if it were an investment in your success. Be respectful of your time and others. Plan your days and honor your plan. 


Unattainable Goals

Goal setting is the most compassionate thing we can do for ourselves. By doing this we strive to be the best and achieve the best.  Learn to include what you once thought of as “unattainable goals” in your list.  When we start to change our thoughts to work towards the big goals, we begin to evolve. We surpass goals we didn’t realize were even possible.  If we focus on a goal we want to achieve, then we become focused on ways to accomplish the goals. Opportunities will begin to present themselves and we become better versions of ourselves regardless the outcome. 

As you implement these mindsets into your business, you will see growth and progression.  Create new habits and thoughts and be consistent. Change takes time, but the payoff is huge. How will you implement these principals into your life?



Collaborating With Brands

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Collaborating with brands in your industry is a great way to get your name out there.  It is important to constantly show support to vendors and other small businesses within your industry. Creating supportive relationships is key. Supporting others without expecting anything back will create loyal and genuine relationships. You will find when you sincerely want others to succeed, they will feel the same way about you. 

Always be looking for networking opportunities. Find out what those with similar audiences are working on and how you can support them. Remember, your ultimate goal is to serve your target audience. Once you have created a relationship, suggest collaborating on something together. The collaboration could be a podcast interview, guest blog post, coupon code, FB Live interview, Instagram takeover, or giveaway. You could also offer your services for free in exchange for a shout out. Everyone benefits in a good collaboration. Both parties are able to grow, increase their audience, better their business, & more. 

If you want to put together a giveaway, make sure you and your fellow collaborators have a similar target audience.

Example Giveaway: 

Theme – Prom

Target Audience – High School Girls

Venders – Photographer, Gown Boutique, Make Up Artist, Hair Stylist, Tanning Salon 

Details – Put together a package that includes a service or product from each vendor. In order to enter they have to follow each of the vendors, leave a comment and tag three of their friends. 

Example Giveaway:

Theme – Self Care

Target Audience – Mothers

Venders – Life Coach, Boutique, Massage Parlor, Hair Salon, Restaurant 

Details – Combine gift certificates from all the vendors and create a day of pampering for a mother. In order to enter they have to follow each of the vendors, leave a comment, sign up for your newsletter and tag three of their friends.


Finding people to collaborate with can be tricky. Try using someone you already have a relationship with. Without an initial connection, it might be challenging to know if the collaboration would be a good fit. Start off with a smaller collaboration to see if you work well together. You want to ensure you are both dependable and committed so it will benefit both parties. 

You don’t have to work with big influencers right away.  Remember, the goal is to attract the right kind of clients and quality is more essential than quantity. Just because someone has a lot of followers doesn’t necessarily mean they have high engagement. You may think you can reach more people, but what if those people aren’t in your target audience? Then it’s not as beneficial to you or the influencer. Pitching to micro-influencers to collaborate can be more effective. When you are looking for a collaborator, look beyond the numbers. 



Of course, your ultimate goal is to bring you more business, but your secondary goals is to create value for your collaborators. In order to get someone’s attention, it’s best to lead with how the collaboration could bring them value, rather than what you’re getting out of it. You want to make sure that there’s enough value for you, but there should be at least equal value for the person you are reaching out to. 



It is important to have a plan before you pitch a collaboration. You don’t have to explain every detail, but prepare a few ideas. Remember to lead with the benefits that relate to them. 



Communicate your expectations as soon as possible. This can be done by creating list of tasks that need to be completed from start to finish. Be specific on who will be doing what and when. Set deadlines for each task based on final target date. Setting expectations upfront is the best way to guarantee success with your collaboration. 

Collaborating is an excellent way to grow your social media. Remember you want to make sure you are attracting the right kind of followers and that it benefits everyone involved. When you work with other entrepreneurs, make sure you give them more value and exceed their expectations; they’ll be more likely to want to work with you again. Building solid relationships with those who share your target audience is a great way to help your business grow.


Anatomy of An Instagram Post

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



What makes a good Instagram post? The answer might be subjective, but ultimately our goal is to encourage engagement, build trust, and create relationships that covert to business. You can do this by putting a little thought and effort into your posts.  When you understand the anatomy of an Instagram post you will start to improve engagement and gain more followers.


Instagram is a visual platform. It is essential to use good-quality images that are both appealing and inviting. Technology is amazing and you can take crisp, vibrant images with most iPhones and tablets. When images don’t turn out, the problem is  often user error. The most important elements in a good image are lighting and focus. Using the rule of thirds is also effective. Photos with faces in them gain 38% more likes that those without them. Images that feature smiling or friendly subjects tend to rate better as well. 



Whether your style is dark and moody or bright and colorful, the most important factor is to ensure that what you post is relevant to your audience. Once you decide what look represents your branding, try to keep everything cohesive to reflect that. 



If you have a sequence of images that describes a story, use the carousel (multiple photos) option. Users have discovered that carousel posts are outperforming single photos. The algorithm seems to be presenting these posts to followers more than once using different images.



You want to use captions that encourage your followers to engage with you. Your followers will “like” an image, but it’s your caption that will get them to comment. The more comments you can get, the higher your posts will be boosted in the algorithm.



The first 10-15 words draws people in and encourages them to keep reading. Typically, after about word 15 your post will be cut off and ellipses (…) will appear. This is where you want to create your hook. You want to get your followers interested enough to continue reading. Use a phrase that is related to your topic, but peaks an interest. Example: “The one thing I wish I would have done different in my business..” or “You are never going to guess what I got in the mail today.”  See!  Aren’t you curious to know?  Once you grab your audience’s attention, then you can introduce your topic. 



Get your point across as simple and concise as possible while still keeping it interesting. If you are an emoji junkie (and it reflects your brand) add emojis to your caption. Try to break your topic up into smaller sections by hitting enter and using the period as a bullet point to create space, like this:




People also love lists. Break up your posts using a list format. 


The geotag is the section above the image that displays your location. When you use the geotag you will reach a wider audience. Try different tags for your area to see what works. Followers use this feature when they are looking for specific services in certain locations. It’s not always necessary if you are an online business, but it could still be beneficial for networking opportunities your area.  



Make it a point to tag other businesses, vendors and any other influencers. It is important to build a network of people who support each other. When you tag other accounts they tend to repost and/or engage. 

Anatomy of an Instagram Post



Finish up EVERY post with a call to action. It is important to give your followers a definitive next step.  Ask a question referencing your post and encouraging your followers to engage. Questions will generally work best here. People love to talk about themselves and this is great way to connect with your audience and build a relationship. People love to be helpful.  Ask a question that needs the experience or advice from your followers.  For example: “I am planning a trip to San Diego. Where is a good place to eat with kids?” 

Another call to action could be to double tap the image, tag a friend or another account, click on the link in your profile, repost, comment with an emoji or DM you. Whatever you decide to do, always end with a call to action!

Anatomy of an Instagram Post

Your main goal is to build trust and establish a community within your platform. Establishing your brand, engaging, and providing good content will level up your business and drive traffic when you get ready to sell. 

You must be social on social media for it to work effectively in your business. Remember: you get out of it what you put into it! 


Brittni Schroeder Coaching



In order to continue growing your Instagram community and influence, consider incorporating stories.  Instagram stories—images and short video content displayed above the regular feed that play like a slideshow and last 24 hours—are a great way to connect authentically with your audience. These unscripted videos help your audience relate and connect. Stories help you turn followers in to fans. While our feed might be curated with beautiful imagery, our stories have more freedom to be candid and messy. 

Here are 10 strategies that you can use to grow your business using social media:



We all know that the key to building a brand is consistency. You want be become as visible as possible. Whether that means your face on the camera, sharing someone else’s post, creating a poll, or asking a question—whatever it is, make yourself noticeable! You want to create a community and you want them to trust and depend on you. This how you will attract clients.  Be CONSISTENT!

Short and Sweet

I don’t know about you, but I have the attention span of a toddler. I lose interest pretty dang quick. If you have something important to share, try to keep it between 3-4 stories. Be concise and get right to the point. People tend to start dropping off when the stories get too lengthy. If you have something important that will take more time, use Instagram Reels.



Sometimes people watch stories with the sound turned off. You don’t want risk them missing out on your content. Keep them engaged by adding text—brief descriptions/summaries of what you are talking about in each slide. 



People are naturally curious. Give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at what a day in your life looks like. Include tips and tools that you use in your workflow. Talk about the strategies you use to improve your brand so you can serve them better. Answer questions that people might have asked via email or DM. Show them some of your processes and current projects.



Share other people’s posts. Support other small businesses or creatives whose work you admire. Write a caption on the repost & tag them. Supporting other people is a great way to build a brand rich in community. If you see something you like—a quote, service, or product—share it!



Use geotags and hashtags in your stories. This will broaden your reach and increase your chance of being found when someone is searching a specific hashtag. You want to utilize anything that can help you gain exposure.



Using polls and questions is a great way to engage with your audience. It’s also an excellent way to do some market research. Ask your clients what they would like to see or what they need. Instagram lets you see who engaged. Follow up with followers who participated and see how you can serve them or if they want to work together.



Add your posts to your stories. Followers are more likely to see your stories than your posts. Adding snapshots of your recent posts increases your chance of engagement on those posts. You can also re-post when you are featured or tagged on another person’s account



Save your stories to your highlight bubbles. This is a great way to feature the different categories of your brand. Using highlight bubbles gives you the ability to save all your favorite videos beyond the 24-hours story expiration.



This is a tool is a game changer.  The conversion rate on the link sticker is excellent. It offers a simple way for clients to respond to your call of action. The link sticker allows you to link to your website, email list, register to an event, click and affiliate link and more. 


Remember, the key is consistency. You don’t have to use all the tools every day, but strive for consistency and I promise you will start to see results. 




Brittni Schroeder Coaching



When starting a business, one of the very first things we need to do set up a professional email with gmail for free. Most web hosts provide a free email when you purchase a domain. We quickly realize that their email system is not as user-friendly as what we have grown accustomed to and the last thing we want to do is spend time attempting to figure out a new system.

Setting up a professional email with Gmail on your own custom domain takes only a few minutes and will save you so much time and energy. Gmail has so many great tools and features such as: Filters, Canned Responses, Multiple-Account setup, and more.

I use Bluehost to host my domain, but the process is similar process with other domain sites. Here is how to set up your professional account:



First, log in to your domain site and then search for either an email icon or email link. Click on “email to start the process. (If you are a MAC user you can use Command F to activity a search bar. Type email and it will highlight the email option)




 Click on “CREATE”.




 Enter custom email and a password. Finish by hitting the “CREATE” button.




 After you have created an email on your domain site, log in to your gmail account. Click on the settings icon.




Access accounts and import. Then click on “add a mail account.”




 A pop up will appear. Enter the name that you want to show up when someone received your email, then enter the new email.




Select “Import emails from my other account (POP3).



 Create a username and enter your password finish by selecting “add account”.




You will then be prompted to confirm the email by clinking on the link your email or entering a confirmation code to verify.



Wa-La! You just created a professional email. The next time you getting ready to send an email you will be able to select a drop down menu and choose which email you want to use to send your next email.



Now you have created an email that looks professional.




Brittni Schroeder Coaching

task batching to
increase productivity

task batching to increase productivity

I used to pride myself on being an amazing multi-tasker. And while it’s true that I can get a lot done in a short time, unfortunately the quality can end up being subpar. I have learned you really can’t do more than one thing at once—at least not properly. Dividing your time and your attention, even if you are doing it equally, means you are giving 50% of your focus to each. People can’t multitask very well, and when people say they can, they’re deluding themselves. So although it seems you are being productive, the opposite is probably true. When we are constantly jumping from task to task, we become easily distracted by outside elements (social media, text messages, emails, etc.). Refocusing takes up small amounts of time that eventually add up to large amounts of time.When you use task batching to increase productivity in your business you will find time you didn’t realize you had. 

One of the most effective tools I have found when running a business is task batching. Batching is grouping similar tasks into continuous sessions of work time.  So instead of dispersing my time to several different tasks a day, I will designate a larger amount of time to focusing on mass production. By doing this, I become ultra-focused on that particular task and can accomplish a great deal more. For example, I will designate a couple hours a month to write all my newsletters for that month. This way I am focused, the task gets completed, and I don’t have to think about it again until next month. I can use my brain power to focus on other tasks that need to be done. 

If you implement a batching process into your workflow, you will find there is less task-switching, more focus, more efficiency, and more productivity. The batching method can be applied to several aspects of your life. This will allow you to get more done in a short amount of time and free up your time in general. 

Try the batching process with:


Although it is amazing to get a lot done in one day, be realistic and give your brain smaller intervals that it can better handle. Personally, I have a 2-hour max when it comes to blogging.  You can break this process up and designate time to batch ideas, outlines, and writing.  By breaking down the process, you can be more intentional when it is time to work on your blog.



If you send out newsletters in your business, schedule a time to batch them. This can also be broken up into sessions. Schedule a time to plan out your newsletters for a quarter. You can pick a topic and schedule all your newsletters for three months. Then at a different time you can batch-write the content.



If you are a podcaster, you can record 4-6 at a time. Set a time and a day you are going to record, and schedule all guests within that time. This will alleviate the extra time you would have spent setting up and taking down your podcast equipment. Remember: minutes add up to hours. 



Instead of stressing every day about what you want to post on social media, add this to your list of tasks that needs to be batched. I batch my social media tasks into three parts: writing, scheduling, and engaging. For all my business-related social media posts, I write and schedule them on a weekly basis. This is all done in one day and then I don’t have to even think about it for the rest of that week. Completing this task all at once frees up time for me to reply to comments and engage with my audience online. 



Emails are unavoidable. They are a necessity in business and in life, but they can also be such a time suck. In order to avoid spending hours a day mired in your inbox, learn to batch this task. Try to visit your inbox three times a day. Each time for no more than 30 minutes. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once at the end of your day.  It’s important to find a healthy balance between being responsive without it consuming your day. Batching this task into three short stints during your day is one of the best systems.



Housework is the ideal task for batching. Cleaning doesn’t require much mental focus; however, it can seem to take over our time. Instead of doing multiple loads of laundry throughout the week, designate a day that you will do laundry and try to get it all done. Pick a specific day that you are going to clean your floors and do them all at once. Give yourself a time limit and when the time is up you are finished. Don’t get distracted with all the things that you want to clean, but focus on the things that need to be cleaned. Everything else can wait.



I do weekly planning every Sunday, and honestly it’s probably the only reason my life hasn’t fallen apart (yet). Instead of taking things day by day and making a to-do list from scratch for the day ahead of me (this can get very overwhelming), I sit down on Sunday to get a big-picture view of the upcoming week and plan out absolutely everything that I need to get done. That means less thinking and decision-making throughout the week—something I find indispensable.



You should constantly be striving for self-improvement. This is one thing we don’t make a priority in our business, yet it can make the biggest impact. Instead of picking up tips and tricks here and there, designate time every week to learn about something that can benefit you in your business. Make this a habit and do it in a time that you can be focused and absorb and apply the new information.



Because you are literally doing everything as an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to let overwhelm lead you to neglect your finances. However, it is essential to your success to stay on top of your finances. Set aside time to pay your bills, record receipts, and track incoming and outgoing income. Again, one of the main benefits of task batching is complete focus. By batching your finances, you will become more aware of and organized with your money. 



For you workaholics out there, batching personal needs might be just the thing! Self-care is a must. When you take care of yourself and give yourself time to re-energize, you will find more motivation for your workdays. Try to schedule 1-2 hour blocks to pamper yourself, catch up with a friend, or take a yoga class.

As an entrepreneur, the only person you have to be accountable to is yourself, so it is important to find systems that bolster your productivity. Task batching to increase productivity in your business creates the right environment and habits that work for you is an investment in your own success. 




Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Did you know an Instagram post with at least one hashtag is far more likely to gain audience engagement than a post with no hashtags?

Hashtags are powerful. They can help your posts reach a target audience, attract followers in your niche, increase engagement, and develop a more positive and recognizable brand image. Hashtags can grow your business if used correctly. But if used too frequently or without a clear strategy in mind, they become ineffective.


What are hashtags?

Hashtags are a word or phrase lead by the pound sign (#), used on social media to identify specific topics. Hashtags are also another way to organize content. 

What purpose do they serve?

Hashtags can be used to promote products or brands if used correctly. Hashtags are how Instagram organizes the content, so it can be presented to the right subscribers as part of their feed. By using hashtags, you can increase your reach and serve larger audiences. Some of the more successful users achieve huge numbers of followers which can, in turn, create a unique tribe or community around a specific brand or product. It’s important to learn the art and the science behind hashtags to ensure you are taking full advantage of the benefits. If you don’t understand how they work, you might not get the return you are hoping for by using them. Hashtags can be used to attract followers, but you want to make sure they are the right followers.

Which hashtags should I use?

The main objective is to use hashtags that people are looking for.  At the same time though, it is also very important to avoid tags that over saturated or irrelevant to your post and brand.

For example, let’s imagine I want to post about my dog. Without much thought I might use #dog. This seems logical because people like dogs and it will get a lot of searches.

But the problem is that it won’t take long at all until my post disappears in the black hole of cyberspace. There are so many photos with that hashtag. But if I use #labradoodle instead, it narrows down the number of people who are more likely to see—and take interest in—my post. You want to choose hashtags that gets searched but not overused.

Narrowing your hashtags for your niche

An easy way to find out what’s trending in your industry is to view people and brands similar to you – your “competitors”.  Online influencers in your field are also an excellent source of trending hashtags that your communities are likely to support. 

Utilize Instagram’s built-in search. Find a word that that is relevant to your industry. For example, let’s use #photography. This tag is very overused and general. Using it puts your post at risk of getting buried beneath the noise.  But if you get more specific and use #houstonphotography, you are more likely to be seen. The smaller and more specific you can get, the more likely your posts will be noticed by the people looking for exactly what you have to offer.

How many hashtags should I use?

With each photo on Instagram you can add up to 30 hashtags. Some people use all 30 and others choose a smaller number. There are mixed opinions on the most ideal number of hashtags to use.  You have to play around and figure out your sweet spot. It is more important to use specific and intentional hashtags than it is to fill all 30 spots. Mix it up a little bit. Use a combination of common hashtags and very specific hashtags. Remember, your goal is to get relevant followers.  

Create a hashtag for your brand.

Branded hashtags are specific to your brand. Examples would be #applestore or #bmw. This ensures that the post relates back to your business and followers start to recognize your name. By creating your own hashtag and then encouraging your clients to use it, you will start to create a community. When someone is searching for a product or service and comes across your hashtag on several accounts, it shows that consumers are happy with your product or service. This builds trust and shows and will help build confidence in your brand.

Using hashtags is a great way to increase your traffic, gain exposure, and help grow your social media organically.  Take the time to research the hashtags that will benefit your business the most and then begin using the hashtags on your next post! 



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



If a potential client dropped in on your Instagram, would they be clear about what you do? Your Instagram bio can include details of your business, contact information, highlights, call to action and more. In order to draw your ideal client, you must optimize your Instagram profile. I am going to give you 5 steps to improve your Instagram profile.

You want an Instagram profile that clearly highlights what you offer, showcases your talents, and reinforces your brand. By making a few small tweaks, you can create an Instagram that will draw people in.

Here are 5 steps to take your gram profile from good to great:

Profile Picture

Choose a profile picture that shows your personality. This is your first impression and you want to show your audience you are a real person and not just a logo. You are at the center of your brand; people are loyal to people, not logos. Consider the initial visit to your profile like a first date: you want to make an impact. You want your potential client curious to know more. The more you show your face, the more engagement you will start to see.


Profile Description

You want your Instagram bio to be as clear and concise as possible.  You are only allowed to use 150 characters—make them count! To appeal to your target client, start by creating a rough draft using the following formula:

Who + Problem + Solution + Results

Who is your ideal client? What is their problem? How can you help solve their problem? What result will they get by working with you?

Once you have identified these elements, narrow it down to 1-2 powerful sentences.


Profile Link

Typically, we default to our website link, but there are better options. Your ultimate goal is to get potential clients to purchase a service or product from you.  For effective marketing you want to always have a call to action. Make your call to action (CTA) so strong and descriptive that visitors immediately click the link in your bio. You want to be constantly moving potential clients towards committing to your brand. 


If your goal is to grow your newsletter list, offer a freebie for first-time subscribers. If you want a client to schedule a consult, use a scheduling link. Place the link to your shop in the profile when you are launching programs or products. Your profile link should be directional and specific. 


Highlight Bubbles

Using this is a great way to highlight different areas of your business. You have the option to save specific stories to designated highlight bubbles. When you’re adding to your highlights section, think of the key areas you want to showcase for your business and how to keep those highlights in line with your brand. Organize your highlight bubbles in order of relevance. 

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are a great way to share behind the scenes, clips, or simply create mini-stories by using text, photos, or even GIFs. Using stories is a great way to connect with your audience. Video is a great way to show your audience the person behind the logo. The videos last 24 hours, unless they are saved to highlight bubbles. Similar to posting, the more you use this feature, the more audience engagement you will create. 

Take some time to scrutinize your profile. Ensure that it is written with clarity and is cohesive with your brand. The next time someone checks out your profile, they will have no doubts as to what you are offering.