How to Improve your Elevator Pitch

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



What do you do? 



This question is inevitable when you introduce yourself. As an entrepreneur, it is essential to master your elevator pitch—a succinct statement that conveys the essence of your work. You never know who your next client may be, so always be prepared to sell yourself and your brand. 



The words you use to describe yourself at networking events, in your bio, in online networking groups, or any introduction, need to stand out and leave an impression. This is how you make connections, build a strong reputable brand, and attract more clients! Remember that you don’t need to appeal to everyone, just your ideal client.  Refining your elevator pitch gives you confidence and surety that will help you connect with the right people.  The following are key factors that will help you to convey clearly who you are and what it is you offer. 



Start with your first and last name and then your job title. Don’t be vague with your title. Include adjectives to either describe your specialty or personality traits. Whether you are a photographer, writer, coach, or designer, you want to describe what you specialize in.  If your title is all encompassing—like a web designer, freelance writer, or salon owner—use descriptive words that encompass your strengths.  Words like hardworking, energetic, positive, motivated, etc. 



Me: I am Brittni Schroeder. I am The Confidence Coach for Entrepreneurs. 



Know who you are trying to serve and identify them in your pitch. Remember that you don’t need to appeal to everyone, just your ideal client. By understanding who they are, you will better understand how to identify and help them. 


Me: I coach female entrepreneurs. 



Identify your ideal client’s problem or struggle. Always look for ways that you can serve others. Try to understand the root and the cause of your their challenges.



The best way to be an effective influencer is to help your potential client recognize that you are their solution provider. You want to make their life easier, better, or more enjoyable by solving a problem, answering a question, or serving them in a way that helps. Try to avoid any negative connotation. The problem doesn’t need to be stated, it is implied when you pitch the solution.


Me: I help female entrepreneurs by giving them effective business tools and incredible confidence to accomplish the success they are capable of achieving.



You want them to know you are an expert. You have experience and education that positions you as someone who can help them succeed. This is your chance to shine. Briefly explain your background, awards or honors that make you relevant. Give tangible evidence that shows you know what you are doing. 


If you are just starting out in your business you can mention your education, a powerful story behind your cause, or a testimonial of someone you have worked with. The main goal is to show people that you are qualified to help them. 


Me: I have been a successful entrepreneur for 10 years, with my work featured in The Wall Street Journal, Good Morning America, and several other publications.  I have worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and seen amazing results. 



Draw people in, get them interested in what you can do for them. You want them to inquire about what you have that can help them achieve success. They want to know what how you will help them improve their business and their lives. They want to learn about what makes you different and unique. 

Me: I have some amazing tools that will transform your life and your business that you haven’t used up to this point. If you are ready to take your business so the next level, you would be such a great fit for my program. 


Always end with a call of action. People like to be told what is next.  Show them that you can help them solve their problems and lay out exactly what they need to do next to make that happen and get to where they want to go. Give them your card or set up a time to discuss further. Be proactive and ask them for their card. Tell them you will contact them with the next step. You want the relationship to progress, so keep the momentum moving forward. 

Me: Let me get your email. I would love to send you some free resources that will dramatically improve your business. We can then set up a time to chat more about how I can help you.  

Example: I am Brittni Schroeder. I am The Confidence Coach for Entrepreneurs. I help female entrepreneurs by giving them effective business tools and incredible confidence to accomplish the success they are capable of achieving.  I have been a successful entrepreneur for 10 years, with my work featured in The Wall Street Journal, Good Morning America, and several other publications.  I have worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and seen amazing results. I have some amazing tools that will transform your life and your business that you haven’t used up to this point. If you are ready to take your business so the next level, you would be such a great fit for my program. Let me get your email. I would love to send you some free resources that will dramatically improve your business. We can then set up a time to chat more about how I can help you. 

My elevator pitch is under a minute. I am able to tweak and modify it for different situations. Like everything—if you practice it, you will master it. Eventually your elevator pitch will be on point. 



Becoming A Goal Setter

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



I have always been a goal setter. But I don’t always accomplish all of my goals. I am pretty sure I have had the goal “journal regularly” on my list for the last 20 years and fail miserably year after year. But that’s okay. I believe the reason to have goals is not necessary to feel good or bad about ourselves, but to strive to become the best version of ourselves. We should constantly be pushing to become a better version of ourselves. Setting goals helps us get there.


There is a law of attraction in life. The things we focus on, talk about, think about, or believe, WILL happen. Have you ever noticed how successful people keep having more success? Or sad and negative people only see sad and depressing things in life, and keep experiencing them? What you put your energy into, will return to you. 



The first and most important thing is to write down your goals. When we write down our goals they become real. They are no longer just a wish or a thought. Be specific with your goals. Identify when you want to complete the goal and how you will measure its completion. For example: I will send out 10 résumés by December 31st. You have given yourself a finish goal deadline. You will know it is completed because you will have sent out all 10 résumés.



As we set our goals, obstacles are bound to arise. We might have the thought that we don’t have enough time, we aren’t smart enough, or we are not capable of reaching what we most desire. Equally important as setting goals is identifying the obstacles that keep us from reaching them. Make a list of as many things you can think of that might get in your way from completing your goals. Now you’re on the offensive.



Once you have a detailed list of your obstacles, it is time to form strategies. Figure out ways that you can overcome the obstacles. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed and definitely don’t underestimate your potential. If one of your obstacles is that you don’t know how to do something, your strategy can be to learn how to do it or to find someone else to do it for you. Often, when we feel stuck, we slip into inaction. Don’t let that happen!  You can do anything you set your mind to do. Remember you are in control of your mind and your thoughts.


As you work towards your goals you will see your own growth. Your mind will get stronger and you’ll begin to cultivate confidence. The amazing thing about goal setting is that whether or not you reach your goals, you are guaranteed to become a better, more-improved version of yourself.


Failure is such an important component of self-confidence. Accepting the possibility of failure shows you have the self-confidence.

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Failure is such an important component of self-confidence. Accepting the possibility of failure shows you have the self-confidence to try and be content with the result regardless. Failure shows you are trying something new. You are open to change and ready to learn. Many people lower their expectations in an attempt to avoid failing. People avoid failing because they don’t want to feel disappointment or discomfort, but in the long run they will feel disappointment because they are not progressing. If you want to succeed, you have to get really, really good at failing. If you are willing to fail and open to learning from your failures, you are more likely to reach your goals. 


There are four outcomes in life:



Success is obviously the outcome that we all want and strive for. This means we accomplished what we set out to do. When we achieve success in anything it gives us a sense of accomplishment. Success is a key factor that contributes to our overall confidence. 



Failure is the second most desired outcome. Failure means you tried. You put forth effort, energy and took a risk. Failure shows that we have confidence and determination to grow. 



Giving up is when we try something but let the discomfort or the fear take over. We resign to the thought that we cannot, will not, or are not. This outcome displays the want for something, but the fear of failure or what others think overpowers your desire to keep going.



The fourth and worst outcome is inaction. Inaction or procrastination is when we don’t attempt something. The thoughts of fear or discomfort destroy our chance of progression. We won’t ever know if we will or will not succeed, because we don’t even try. This is something we want to avoid at all costs. 

When you continue to fail, you continue to succeed. You will grow. Be determined to become a person of action. Self-confidence is developed and groomed through failure. The more you embrace failure, the more likely you are to experience more success. Embracing failure is one of the most important tools I teach my clients when they develop self-confidence.


How To Back Up Your Images. A good rule of thumb is to back up your images on three different platforms. This is important not only for your clients, but also for yourself.

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



I lost all of my images! 


Have you ever screamed that out in terror during the middle of an editing session? It only takes ONE time to lose images to make you realize you NEED to back up your images. We all have heard the horror stories of laptops crashing, external hard drives not working or corrupted SD cards. It gives me anxiety just thinking about it.  Being proactive about backing up your images will prevent a mountain of avoidable stress.


A good rule of thumb is to back up your images on three different platforms. This is important not only for your clients, but also for yourself. There will be times when your clients will lose the images you sent them or when the links to their galleries won’t work. It’s crucial to always be prepared. Being reliable and dependable are indispensable qualities when it comes to the success of your business.



Regardless of your industry, imagery is central to promoting our businesses. Whether you are backing up images from your DSLR Camera or your phone, it is important to implement a back-up system. 



I use the 3TB My Passport Ultra External Hard Drive to store my images. I create a folder in My Passport (or any external hard drive) and then import my images in Lightroom. The images live on my hard drive, but I am still able to edit them in Lightroom and Photoshop. Once the images are edited, I export them as JPG’s and store them on a separate hard drive. Using an external hard drive has more than one benefit. Storing your images on an external hard drive frees up space on your computer, keeping it uncluttered and able to process faster.  



If you are a MAC user, you can use Time Machine. You will need an external hard drive that is at least the same size as your Mac’s internal drive. Turn on Time Machine and select the backup destination. It will back up your entire Mac, including system files, apps, music, photos, emails, and documents. It automatically backs up your Mac and performs hourly, daily, and weekly backups of your files. 



There are several online storage platforms available. I use Amazon Photo for my iPhone and Backblaze for my desktop and laptop. These programs can be installed and programed to automatically backup every time you open your devices. Other online options are Google Drive, DropBox, and iCloud. Most online services offer free versions to back up your photos, although it’s generally just a small amount of storage space. Storing images online ensures that your images will be safe in the event that your house is robbed or a hurricane strikes. 



This may be an extreme measure, but it only took me one time of losing images to become overly cautious. I have several SD cards that I use. I have made it a habit to only format my cards after all images have been backed up on three different platforms.  It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?

Hopefully you’ll never need to use a backup platform, but these are good resources to have in case! And, believe me, your clients will love you for it!


Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Did you know that 78% of American consumers have discovered retail products/services on Facebook?  Having a Facebook page for your business is essential for promoting and marketing your business. Social Media has transformed the way people view and interact with businesses and brands. It is vital in this day and age that your business has an active, engaging, valuable presence on social media.  Your Facebook business page is one of the first places people will go to learn more about your business or brand. 


There are 2.23 billion people who log in to Facebook every month. This gives your small business access to a LOT of people. Most social media users log in to their social media several times a day. A great question to ask is how can you afford not to use it? There are several social media platforms available.  Every platform offers different benefits and appeals to different audiences. Before you invest a lot of your resources into any social media platform, make sure it is the correct one for your business. Be familiar with your ideal client and research which platforms they utilize. Getting your business on the right social platforms will allow you to connect with the right people and result in the success of your business. 



One of your main goals is to create a value for your ideal client. You want to serve, serve, serve. If done correctly you will create a loyalty. This community will be instrumental in recommending your brand to their friends if they have a good experience. You will have the ability to constantly engage and ensure that your audience feels important and appreciated. Once this relationship is established, they will become your best clients. 



One of your main goals is to create a value for your ideal client. You want to serve, serve, serve. If done correctly you will create a loyalty. This community will be instrumental in recommending your brand to their friends if they have a good experience. You will have the ability to constantly engage and ensure that your audience feels important and appreciated. Once this relationship is established, they will become your best clients. 



Social media provides you with an efficient and cost-effective way of talking to the masses in real time. You are more likely to reach your intended audience when your reach is unlimited and your message can carry to people all over the world.  You have the option of marketing organically or you can use paid ads and get huge results.



Social media can act as amazing funnel. If you are strategic in your engagement and interaction, you can direct potential clients to your website.  The more visits you get to your websites, the more likely people are to invest in what you are offering.  Use your Facebook page as a tool to direct people to your website.



Make sure to use your Facebook page as an opt-in for your newsletter. Use your page to entice potential clients to sign up to get special deals, tips, discounts, etc. Your newsletter list is the only thing you own, that no one can take away from you. If people are willing to give you their e-mail, they are interested in what you are offering. People on your newsletter list will be more likely to become paying customers.  Your email list is another tool you can use to serve and build loyalty. 



Being active on social media you will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and you will appear in more searches. Because Facebook is one of the bigger platforms, staying active there makes you more likely to show up higher in Google rankings.


There are so many benefits for your business by being present and active Facebook. If your ideal clients are using this platform, take the time to utilize the tools it has to offer. I have created a guide that includes 10 Steps to Improving Your Facebook Business Page to get you started! It’s time to get social on social media!

customers.  Your email list is another tool you can use to serve and build loyalty. 



How To Get Testimonials

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Whether I am shopping online, trying out a new restaurant, or searching for a new car, I always read the reviews & testimonials. Some studies show that up to 70% of people trust a brand more after reading a positive review. I usually read the top reviews first and then make my way to the negative ones. I take these with a grain of salt, because I know there can be some crazies out there. However, multiple bad reviews give me pause. 


Do you know the power of testimonials? Testimonials are one of the most important things you should include in your marketing. Testimonials build credibility and customers buy from brands they trust. 


There are several ways you can utilize testimonials for clients.



It is important to have testimonials on your website. You can do this a few different ways. You can have an entire page devoted to testimonials. Use a catchy tab like: “What People are Saying”, “Raves and Reviews”, or “The Fan Club”.  You can also add them sporadically throughout your website, so when viewers are reading the content, they can see what clients are saying about your work. 


Ask clients to leave you reviews on your Facebook page, Linked-In, Instagram, Yelp, Google or any other network you use. There are so many networks that people use to find businesses. Make it a point to encourage clients to leave reviews and give testimonials. 



Make it a habit of gathering testimonials. Create a testimonial folder and pull from that folder often to support your business.  Include testimonials in your newsletters. When you need credibility to launch a program or promote yourself, you will have testimonials that will create trust and encourage clients to commit. 

Asking for a testimonial might feel a little nerve racking. You may hesitate because you feel like you are bothering or inconveniencing clients. Don’t let this thought hold you back from progressing in your business. If people are happy with the product or service you provided, they are likely more than willing to help. If you provided them with an amazing product or experience, they will be happy to share their experience.

Don’t wait too long to ask. Send a request for feedback as soon as the project or service is completed. Create a system that is built into your workflow. For example, as soon as your program is finished or your products are delivered, follow up within a couple of days. Follow up with genuine intent to ensure they are satisfied. Inquire about their experience and ask how things are going. Conclude by asking if they would be willing to fill out a questionnaire regarding their experience. 

Make it as easy and specific as possible. Create a form that is user friendly. I use  Don’t overwhelm them with too many questions. You don’t want all your testimonials or reviews to be the same, so ask them specifics about their experience.  For example, with my business coaching clients, I might ask them to give me a review on the time management portion of the program or the branding segment. This way I have a diverse collection of testimonials that cover specifics in my program.

After your client has given you the testimonial, always make sure to say thank you and let them know how much it means to you. End with a heartfelt gesture, letting them know you are available if they need anything more from you. 



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



I always knew I wanted to have children. Becoming a mother was something I longed for and even looked forward to pregnancy.  Within a few months of marriage, I found out I was pregnant. I was scared and excited all at the same time. The excitement faded pretty quickly when I started to feel sick. I was miserable. I was having a hard time dealing with change in my health. There was nothing I could do that made me feel better. Every day for months I would say to myself, “Tomorrow I will feel better.” I awoke with feeling of disappointment every morning when I felt horrible again. The sickness seemed never ending and I felt like the nausea was a lifelong sentence. Then a miracle happened.  After months of feeling sick, I woke up and I actually felt better. The urge to vomit my brains out was gone and my energy was back too. It was incredible how good I felt.


You may be wondering why I tell you this familiar story. The truth is, I love a good analogy.  That is how I learn and in turn how I teach. Having a baby is something I wanted, but my body had to go through a great deal of change to make that happen. The change was not easy or comfortable, but it did not last forever. In the end, I grew a beautiful human and the result was the best reward—becoming a mother. 


Change is inevitable in our lives, whether that is emotional, physical or mental.  It is part of the process as we evolve and strive to become our best selves.  Sometimes the change comes involuntarily and sometimes it comes by choice.  If we want different results in our lives then we have to anticipate and embrace change, no matter how uncomfortable or painful it is. Our life is filled with ups and downs or positives and negatives.  We cannot have one without the other.  If we can accept that, then we will get to where we are going with more understanding.


There is a tool, or rather an insight, that I teach my clients.  When we are dealing with change, there is a point during this transformation when things are hard, challenging, or uncomfortable.  I refer to this time as the “River of Misery.”  We are struggling and feel despair, frustration, or even sadness.  This feeling will not last forever, but it is just part of the process of change.  Understand that being in the “River of Misery” is just part of getting to where you want to go.


The next time you are seeking change, or it happens without warning, prepare yourself for the “river of misery”, understanding that when you are in the depths of the river that you are in the process of change. It won’t last forever, and it is a good thing; it shows that you are one step closer to becoming the best you.  



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Time is money. I am all about time management and am constantly asking myself, “what can I do that can give me more time?” Creating canned responses are a great way to utilize your time and increase productivity.

Do you find yourself sending the same email over and over? Every time you get an inquiry or book a client does your email look the exact same? If you answered yes to either of those questions, then it’s time I introduce you to email templates. These templates allow you to insert pre-formatted content you create into your messages. You type out one email and then save it as a canned response or template. The next time you need that email you click on your saved canned response and it will insert it into your email.

Let me show you how to set this up.

First, go to settings and click “Advanced”.



After that enable “Canned Responses.”



Type your email that you want to save. Click on the 3 little dots in the bottom right-hand corner, click on Canned Responses




.Click on “Save draft as template” followed by “Save as new template”




Give the canned response a name.


The next time you need that specific email, click on the 3 little dots in the bottom right-hand corner, canned responses and then click on the designated email. BAM! Just like that you just saved yourself oodles of time.


Setting up the templates will be a little bit of work up front, but once you have them written and saved it will be a great time saver in your business.


How to avoid girl drama at home and at work.

Brittni Schroeder Coaching



My daughter is 10 years old and in the 4th grade. I have gotten a little taste of girl drama these past few months. I get it, I really do. What would school be without some theatrics? We all know how it starts, but how to end the girl drama is the real question. I eagerly anticipate our car rides home from school to hear all the happenings of who said this or that. I am convinced the most valuable and teachable opportunities are in car rides right after school or just before bedtime—when kids will say or do anything to prolong going to sleep.

I picked my daughter up from school the other day.  She jolted in the car frazzled and upset.  I know better than to ask what is wrong but refrained until she was ready to talk.  A friend at school had told her she was “rude as usual.”  I let her vent and steam until she was ready to listen. I then turned my mama bear hat on backward and morphed into life coach-mode.  I began to remind her that we can not control other people’s thoughts or actions, but only our own.  When she said, “ you were rude as usual, how did that make you feel,” I asked?  She snapped back with. “it made me sad.”


Right around this age is when children realize that they do not get along with everyone and that certain behaviors or mannerisms of their peers sometimes don’t align with their own. They may get irritated, annoyed, and agitated by things that previously had gone unnoticed. They start to become more mindful of what others are saying, wearing, or doing. They become more self-aware and self-conscious. This is a crucial time in their lives to teach them about the power of thoughts.

We have done an injustice to our children without even realizing it. At a young age when someone would say something to our child that made them feel uncomfortable, we responded with, Did they hurt your feelings? This is where we went wrong. Other people have no control over our feelings; we are completely responsible for our own feelings. Our thoughts control our feelings. Let me say that again, our thoughts control our feelings. If someone tells you they don’t like what you are wearing, that statement does not make you sad. It’s when you let your thoughts turn into I don’t look good, or My clothes are not cute, that creates a feeling of sadness. Although it’s easy to blame those around us—the one who doesn’t like what you’re wearing, in truth, we own our thoughts. We alone have power over our thoughts. 

One of the most valuable and empowering tools that I teach is to identify, control, and change your thoughts. The instant we let others’ opinions, words, or actions affect us, we have allowed ourselves the inability to reach our full potential. These habits may have developed in our early years, but it isn’t too late to reverse them and teach them to ourselves and our children now. Starting the drama takes little effort, but learning to end the girl drama is the real achievement.  Don’t go throughout your life feeling offended or hurt. You can learn to identify your thoughts and eventually control and change them to serve you and help you progress. 

I prompted my daughter with a few more questions, “what thoughts did you have when you were sad?” She explained, “she wasn’t rude and how could her friend say that?”  Together we thought of some new thoughts so she wouldn’t feel sad.  “I am not rude,” she said as she stepped out of the car and danced into the house.


Life is most definitely not void of hard and challenging relationships and trials. We will continue to have these same experiences of “girl drama” as we become adults. We will experience these in our personal lives and in the workplace. But if we learn to manage what we can control we will learn to end the girl drama.