Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Businesses that have clarified their messaging and built a sales funnel are much more likely to succeed than those without clear brand messaging. A brand statement is a concise summary of what your business does, how you do it, and the results your clients can expect. Learning how to write a brand statement is essential to your business. In just a few sentences people should be able to understand you or what you do, how you do it, and the transformation you are offering. Defining your brand statement ensures you attract your ideal client.

The following are questions you should be able to answer about your business.  Don’t worry if you can’t answer these right away. Take your time. This is going to be the heart of your business and the core for your marketing: 

1. What do your customers/clients want?

2. What PROBLEM does your customer have that you are helping them solve?

3. How are you qualified to help them?

4. What is the plan that can solve this problem?

5. What is the CALL TO ACTION?

6. How will you help them avoid failure?

7. What RESULT will they get from using what you are offering?

8. What is the transformation?


Once you are clear on your ideal client, you will need to define what they want.  The client is always the focus, not you or your brand.  You want to make your brand statement about your clients, they are the hero in the story. When you define the outcome your client wants, you then will begin to connect with them through your marketing.  Do they want more time, financial security, or a transformation?  When we clearly define the desired outcome and feature it in our marketing, potential clients will become intrigued and want to know more.  



In order for a customer to really want a service or product, they need to know how it will help them.  Companies sell solutions to external problems, but clients buy solutions to internal problems.  The problem your service or product helps with can be internal (something they struggle with inside themselves) or external (something outside of them). You need to find the problem your client is having.  Identifying the problem will help you connect with them.  The more we talk about the client’s problems, the more interest they will have in your brand and the desire for you to help them. 


There are two different types of problems: external and internal.


External problems is often a physical or tangible problem.  This can be the need to lose weight, make money, get healthy, or a lack of knowledge or skill.  


Internal problem can be considered a weakness, a flaw, the lack of, a shortcoming, failure, dysfunction, or a mistake.  Internal problems often resemble lack of confidence, overwhelm, or confusion. 


Often external problems lead to internal problems:


I want to lose weight, but don’t know how to do it.

I need to make more money, but I am not qualified for better opportunities.

I want to compete in a contest, but I am not good enough.


Internal problems are what motivate us to buy.  Apple is a great example of this strategy. The external problem was people needing a computer and phone to communicate, take pictures, and create. The internal problem was people felt intimidated my all the tech talk and wanted a simpler way.  Apple started selling the resolution to the problem of customer intimidation by creating simpler devices and using brand statements that reflected that. 



Every hero needs a guide. You know how Luke Skywalker needed Yoda or Daniel needed Mr. Miyagi? Remember that everything is about your clients.  People will lose interest if everything is about you.  Your clients want to be seen, heard, and understood.  In order to be a guide there are two things you need: empathy and authority.  


When you express your empathy towards your clients’ frustrations and struggles, they will feel a connection.  People yearn for support and understanding.  They will see that you care and want what is best for them.  Make sure empathy is authentic and expressed consistently in your brand statement. 

As someone who is providing the guidance for a problem, you need authority.  You want to have experience that positions you as an expert in your field.  You want potential clients to trust and respect you.  Authority is accomplished by testimonials, statistics, awards, recognition and achievements. Highlight your authority. Show the clients how you are qualified.  Be sure to always frame your success as to how it benefits your clients.



Once you recognize an area where you can help your clients, you want to provide a plan just for them.  This plan will solve their unique problem. When you provide a roadmap of how this is going to be done, people are more likely to move forward.  By creating a plan that creates clarity, you will simplify their journey and help them envision the desired outcome.  They realize that they are capable of taking one step and at a time to get to where they want to go. 


People like to be told what to do next and they need to be challenged.  You want to make your call to action clear and repeat it over and over. Be bold and believe in what you are offering.   

There are two different types of calls to actions. One is direct and the other is transitional.  The direct call to action goes straight to the offer. It can be: Buy Now, Schedule a Call, or Sign Up now. This call of action is taken when a client is ready to go and doesn’t need any convincing. 

Transitional call to action can be the process leading up to the sale.  The transitional helps you position yourself as the expert.  These calls to action can look like this:  Join the Webinar, Grab Your Free Information, Try a Sample or Sign Up for our Free Trail.   

A call to action is like a signature on a letter, it is a must.  In order to move potential clients through the process, you have to tell them what to do next. This will move them one step closer to working with you or using your product. 



Let your clients know what will happen if they don’t use you.  What will they lose?  People are more motivated to avoid loss than they are to receive gain.  Briefly remind them of what will happen if they don’t do something about their current problem. 

Here are some examples:

-You could be missing out on great opportunities 

-Your wheels will keep spinning and you might become burned out and unmotivated

-You will find yourself living paycheck to paycheck with no end in sight


Don’t over-do the fear content, but briefly mention what will happen if they don’t move forward. 



Share with your customer what results they can expect in their life because of your service.  Let them know how their life will be better because of what you offer.  Inform them of all the benefits that will come for them if they decide to use you.  The results can be the win of power or position, relief of stress, more time, more money, or a transformation that makes them whole.  Make sure you portray where the client experience will take them.  Their desired outcome is something you will help them get. 



Show your customers the possibilities of their transformation. We all have desire to evolve into something better, show them the possibilities.  Use the terms “from_______ to_________” to help them see the possibilities.  


-From confused to confidence

-From an overworked underpaid entrepreneur to a 20-hour a week industry leader

-From a tired mom to a fun, energetic adventurer 


Once you have developed your brand statement, implement it in all your marketing.  It should be your profile bio for all of your social media platforms, housed on your website and used consistently to draw in your ideal clients. Make defining your brand statement a priority in your business.



Business Coach For Women



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



We all know how powerful branding is.  We spend lots of time and money creating logos, color schemes, tag lines, graphics and more.  We strive to have everything we put out to be cohesive and reflective of our brand.  But branding goes way beyond graphics and color schemes.  The biggest representation of your brand is YOU.  You are your brand! Creating an authentic brand story for your business is so essential.



If you are a photographer, an educator, a blogger, a streamer, or any small business trying to make it online, you need a strong brand.  Branding is no longer reserved for big names like Apple or Coca-Cola.  A personal branding strategy can be the most influential tool for success in your self-marketing toolkit.  You need to sell your product or services, but more importantly you need to sell YOURSELF.  Once you establish who you are online and create a community, you will see the results in the growth of your business and in your income.


You need a personal branding strategy.  Personal branding is much more than just having a great logo or website.  These are  important, but is more like a collateral to your overall brand.



Essentially, personal branding is branding yourself — or building a brand around yourself. An important part of personal branding is developing and maintaining a reputation and an impression of you as a crucial part of your business.



This is critical, because of what we already know about reputation in general: it’s essentially impacted by what other people say about you behind your back. Think of it this way: what would you want your customers to say about you when you’re not in the room?


Why do you need a personal brand?

For three simple reasons: you lead more, you win more, and you earn more. Your customers have to “know, like, and trust” you before they buy from you. And a strong personal brand builds credibility, authority, and trust, so you’re more likely to attract more business.


Having a strong personal brand also helps you connect with your customers. This plays heavily into the “know and like” factor. When you share your story with your customers, those who can relate to it will feel immediate connection to you and, as a result, to your business. And having a polished brand will of course help you feel confident and makes it easier to show up to your customers.


And finally, having a well-thought-out personal brand will make you memorable and marketable in a sense that in the branding process you’ll create different kind of brand assets — some visual and some copy.  All this is something you need for marketing. So in the process, you’re making your business and yourself easier to sell and market.


How do you start building a personal brand?

1. Tell your story

For one, we focus on telling your story: your expertise and your experience, your values, and what makes you different and stand out. If you’re a service provider, this is what you’ve likely already been doing. This is nothing new to you.

But if you sell products, this might be a bit more foreign to you. You may have gotten used to talking mostly about your products instead of yourself. But everyone has a story to tell, and especially if the products you sell are designed or made by you, you are likely going to have a very interesting story.

In any case, I highly recommend you build a personal brand, because people best relate to other people. And building your authority and telling your story, as it relates to the story of your products, is a very powerful way to connect with your customers.

2. Professional Photography

A part of the process is also building the visual brand. There are many visual assets that goes into this part, for example your logo and colors, and so on.

But, hands down, the most powerful visual branding element you can have are photos of yourself. You can’t build a personal brand without fully “showing up.” Your customer needs to know who’s talking to them, they need to know the face of the brand.

Photography is a very powerful tool for telling your story. In addition to using photos of yourself, you can also occasionally include photos of your significant other or your kids or dogs and so on — anything that helps you tell your story as it relates to your brand.

3. Share your wisdom

Your personal brand is also about building authority, so that your potential customers can begin to see you as an expert. When they trust you’re an expert in whatever it is that you’re selling, they’re more likely to listen to you and buy from you.

One of the best ways to build authority is to share your knowledge on the topic of your expertise. This might happen through a blog, a podcast, or a YouTube video show. Again, for a service provider this may come more naturally, because they’re often more used to discussing themselves and their expertise.

But for those who sell products — handmade or otherwise — creating content around these products might feel more challenging. But it doesn’t have to be!

Essentially, you just need to figure out what your customers have to understand and believe in order to realize they need your product. Let me give you a concrete example of this.

4. Curate your image

Through your personal brand, you have the opportunity and duty to curate your image. Only share things that are relevant to your brand and your business.

There’s definitely the risk of oversharing. And for different brands it looks different. It all depends who your ideal customer is and what they would consider oversharing.

If you’re unsure, ask yourself: why would anyone care? If you can answer that, and you know why your ideal customer would care about your hemorrhoids, then by all means: share away. That might just be the connection your customer needed.

5 – Know your Superpowers

Get clear on your personal strengths, talents, values and core area of expertise.  What are your strengths?  What is something unique about you?  Figure out how to connect best with your target audience.  Consider what does your audience want and need.  What can you give them that brings value?  Talk to your audience like they are your friends, speak their language.  Recognize and acknowledge your superpowers and advantage that will give you an edge in your industry.  Ask yourself the following questions:


What experiences are unique to you?

What skills do you have that benefit others?

What talent comes naturally to you?

What knowledge have you acquired through books, mentors, courses, etc?

What traits are unique to you?

What connections do you have that others might not?

What’s an interest or quirk about you that people might find interesting?


Look a little deeper to identify your super powers. Don’t just go with the obvious ones like I am organized or I am good at what I do.  Identify the things that make you, you.  If you have a hard time figuring out what your superpowers are ask your friends and family.  Ask them what it is about you that they love this most.  This is a great way to identify your superpowers and also a self- confidence builder. 


Your personal branding is about having self-awareness of your strengths and talents, and letting others know about your knowledge and experience.  Clearly establish why you are better than your competition.  Recognize why are you different and unique and why your audience needs you to help them. 



Brittni Schroeder Coaching




As a mother, entrepreneur, and small business owner, the most valuable thing I have to manage is my time.  I depend heavily on platforms and systems that are user friendly and affordable.  As a business coach, one of the most important tools I can teach you is the importance of workflow automation for your small business. 



I have outlined below my best marketing and software tools for automation that I canNOT live without. 



Many small businesses are looking for the best email automation system available. There are a lot of email marketing and automation programs out there, but Flodesk is what I use and recommend. 



It offers aesthetically beautiful pre-made designed email templates that are cohesive with all brands.  It gives you drag and drop features that make designing your email user friendly and easy to alter.  They also have an array of opt-in forms for you to create landing pages in minutes.  




Click here to join Flodesk for 50% off




A majority of the platforms we market our businesses on are considered “visual platforms”. This means that awesome visuals are essential in getting the attention of potential clients. If you are not a graphic designer but want to create amazing visuals for your social media, web, and other channels, Canva Pro will be a game changer.  


You can create an amazing graphic in minutes with this program. Canva gives you hundreds, if not thousands, of pre-made templates that are formatted for social media platforms, presentations,  resumes, business cards and so much more.  Each template is easily editable. You are able to interchange colors, fonts, and images to create graphics that are cohesive with your brand. Canva allows you to become a graphic designer without having to learn complicated programs like Photoshop or Illustrator. 


Canva also offers a free version that gives you access to a plethora of templates, fonts, graphics and images.  I upgraded to Canva Pro for a small fee to gain access to all the fonts, graphics and stock images. The upgraded stock photography feature alone saves me tons of time by preventing me for scouring the internet looking for the perfect image. 


Click here to get started on Canva Pro.




If you use Pinterest in to market your small business, Tailwind is the best marketing automation for that platform. Tailwind has taken my Pinterest views from 25K to 450K views per month. This application allows you schedule thousands of pins with ease. 


Automatically pin at the best times for more engagement, reach, and website traffic with one tool. You can schedule pins like a pro by scheduling content out over weeks with interval pinning.  It allows you drag and drop scheduled pins on your calendar for optimal viewing. 


You can use Tailwind’s Tribes feature as a catalyst for growth. This feature allows you to pin your content  in different tribes (groups of pinners) to get repined to extend your reach and get views by new audiences.  



Tailwind also offers insightful analytics that allows you to view your most successful pins. This feature helps you understand what content is most commonly viewed and allows you to create a marketing strategy. 


Tailwind also has the added feature of Instagram scheduling.  This includes hashtag suggestions, best times to post, built in content plans, and so much more.  

I love Tailwind because I can schedule both my Pinterest and my Instagram with one app. 


Click here to get a FREE month of Tailwind.



I have tried a few different scheduling softwares, but Acuity is hands down my favorite one.  Acuity allows you to set your availability, adjust times zones, lets clients easily cancel and reschedule themselves. It automatically sends several reminders to your clients and yourself as scheduled appointment approach.  This feature reduces the amount of missed or forgotten calls. 

Acuity asks clients to fill out an intake forms to gather important information. Acuity allows you to create packages, accepts payments, and offers payment plan options.  

Acuity can be integrated into your website for scheduling clients. It can be accessed on a desktop or on your phone using the Acuity App.  


Zoom is the platform I use when hosting calls, online group meetings, or webinars. Zoom features include screen sharing, call recording, iCloud storage recordings, and easy integration into many scheduling apps. 



If you are looking for an all-in-one, inclusive platform where you can create online courses and memberships, host coaching, incorporate email marketing, build funnels, create landing pages and lead platforms, this platform is for you.  Kajabi offers so much in one platform. 

I purchased Kajabi for course creation and was able to streamline a lot of businesses all in one platform.  It is user-friendly and easy to navigate. In minutes you can take your ideas and turn them into a polished, high-value product. Customize pricing, delivery, and packaging. 

They have templates or you can build your own content. It all works seamlessly together and creates a great client/customer experience.



Click here for Kajabi. 



There are thousands of different website hosts available.  Having a good web host is important because it can affect your SEO.  I use Bluehost and one of the reasons is because of their superb 24/7 support.  Their robust help center includes guides, video tutorials and more.  They are also one of the top recommended WorldPress providers. 


Click here for Bluehost.



There are thousands of different website hosts available.  Having a good web host is important because it can affect your SEO.  I use Bluehost and one of the reasons is because of their superb 24/7 support.  Their robust help center includes guides, video tutorials and more.  They are also one of the top recommended WorldPress providers. 


Click here for Bluehost.



I will be the first to tell you that grammar is not one of my strong suits.  That is why this one of my favorite tools.  Grammarly allows you to never worry about type and grammar errors again.  Grammarly is an amazing online editor and proofreader tool that automatically checks your writing for any grammar, spelling or punctuation mistakes.  You can use the app or install the Grammarly extension to your browser and it automatically runs in the background and highlights any mistakes you make (my preferred method).  This app is a must in helping avoid the grammar police.


Click here for Grammarly.


This app allows you to connect your audience to all of your content with just one link.  This app is beneficial when you are limited to one link per bio.  Linktree is virtually a landing page that allows you to display as many different links as you want.  


It is user friendly and takes seconds using its drop and drag feature. You can customize your link tree with your branding colors and fonts to ensure that it is cohesive with your brand. It also offers third party integrations and allows you to collect emails. 


Click here for Linktree.




This site is an incredible resource for free stock photographers.  It provides a huge selection of stylish images for your content.  You have access to thousands of beautiful, modern and stylish stock images for your social media, website, Pinterest, and more. 



With limited resources and time for your ever-growing to-do list, it’s important to strategically manage your business operations to maximize your efforts.  When you discover and implement workflow automation for your small business that allows you to automate systems and set them up to work when you can’t.  With the freedom of automation you can then work on other areas of our business that help you succeed.



Click here for Unsplash.




*Some links may contain affiliate links*




Brittni Schroeder Coaching



If you are a business or life coach and want to improve your SEO, finding the best keywords for your content is essential. It is easy to find keywords all over the web. However, the goal is to find keywords that will help you out rank your competition.  I am going to show you how to find keywords for coaches using free tools.  

Before you begin your search, it’s important to understand your ideal client. The more you know about them the easier it will be to identify their needs. Often there is the misconception that if you narrow your target audience you will be missing out on business, but this is a fallacy.  There are billions of people looking for service and products every day. You objective is to find those people who are specific to what you are offering and when you narrow your search you are more likely to find those ideal clients and convert them. 

Once you have honed in on who you are trying to serve it’s time to begin your search for keywords.



The first tool we are going to use is Google Console.  If you haven’t already signed up for Google Console, you can find great tutorials that will help you get all set up. Google Console allows you to use your own Google Analytics to find keywords that you are already ranking for. 

How to use Google Analytics to find keywords.


1. Open Google Search Console


2. Select Acquisitions


3. Scroll down and select the Queries tab


4. Export the data




5.  Sort the queries by Impressions from highest to lowest


6. Filter the keywords that have between five and 25 impressions.


7. Highlight the keywords in your list that you would like to research further. Try to avoid keywords that your blog or website has already ranked for.





Pinterest is not just a platform for decorating ideas. It is a great tool you can use to drive traffic to your website, and to find new keywords ideas.

1.  In the Pinterest search bar start typing a term.  Pinterest will automatically generate popular topics related to that term.




2.  Select a term from the drop-down list of search phrases.


3. Pinterest will again auto-generate popular terms related to the selected terms.  Colored boxes will appear below your selected term with further search result ideas.




4. You can select any of the terms find inspiration for new keywords ideas. 


5.  Choose some articles ideas and write more specific articles that target long-tailed keywords and 

target high-competition keywords.  



You can use Google’s search to come up with new keywords that fit your niche.  




One of the best ways to find keyword ideas is by asking your ideal client.  Find some Facebook Groups that are in your niche.  Pay attention to the types of questions and comments that are being made.  What are they struggling with?  What do they want to learn how to do?  Take note of the discussions and questions that are being asked and add those keywords to your list.  If the keywords are saturated get specific or find alternative keywords to ensure that you are able to rank. 


Ubersuggest is a paid tool. However, it also offers free resources.  One of the great free tools on Ubersuggest is the ability to find your competitor’s top 10 performing pages.  Your closet competitors will have a similar DA (Domain Authority) to yours.  Make sure to turn on the free Moz extension to view your competitors DAs.  You can find your competitions by viewing the SERP(search engine result pages) using your main keywords.  For example, I would search Business and Life Coach for Women and view the search results to discover my competition. Once you have identified some of your competition you can use Ubersuggest to discover some new keyword ideas.


1. Open Ubersuggest, enter competitor’s site URL in the search bar.

2. Select top page on their side navigation panel. You can view the top 10 pages for free. 





3.  Select View All next to Est. Visits (estimated visits).  This will create a list of the keywords bringing traffic to your competitors site. You can view the top five keywords to article on Ubersuggest for free.

4.  Add these words to your list of keyword ideas to research further. 





Google Keywords Planner is another free tool you can use to generate keyword ideas. This site also gives you estimated monthly search volumes. 


1. Visit Keyword Planner


2. Select Discover new keywords




3. Type keywords (try to avoid being too general) and select Get Results. 


4. Get results.




Here are 5 great resources that allow you to find new ideas for keywords.  When you are in an industry, such as a business or life coaching, that is competitive when it comes to SEO, the goal is to outrank your competition. Search for keyword terms that a potential client will be looking for—whether they are searching for a business coach to scale or a life coach to help them get out of rut. In order to outrank your competition you have to find terms that are searched, but not saturated. Take the time to learn how to find keywords for coaches using free tools that I have provided and I promise you will begin to make strides when it comes to your ranking. 



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



If you are a Business or Life Coach you need to know the value of what you are offering.  Having a positive money mindset is instrumental in charging what you are worth however, there are several other factors that need to be taken into consideration when determining pricing strategies for Bussiness and Life Coaches.


Pricing for services and products is calculated from a variety of factors.  Each factor needs to be taken into consideration before you set your prices in your business.  Consider some of the following:


  • Experience level
  • Geographical area
  • Know your competition
  • Understand your ideal client
  • What is your desired profit
  • Supply and demand



There is a lot to be said about a business or life coach with a lot of experience. In many cases, with more experience comes more refined skills, services, and/or products. Word of mouth recommendations/reviews are the most powerful marketing tool available for your coaching business.  Experience coupled with a proven portfolio increases your worth.



Customers are looking for a proven track record of the results they are looking for. When you provide proof that you can provide the desired results customers are willing to pay a higher dollar amount because they believe you can get them exactly what they want.



When you are first starting out your business or life coaching you might consider offering a discount or even offering your services or product for free until you have built a strong and influential portfolio.  Everyone has to start somewhere so remember not to compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.



There are different geographical areas with a higher income than others.  This is the truth.  However, there are affluential clients in nearly every area that are looking for business and/or life coaches.  Take the time to research the average medium income in your area.  When you understand your geographical area you will start to identify what your ideal client is willing to spend.



You can have the most amazing product or service and know that you offer something of high value, but if you don’t have customers willing to pay that amount you will fall short of your financial goals.



Do some research and figure out what your competition is charging.  That doesn’t mean you have to charge more or less then what they are charging, but it’s always important to know what others are charging so you can be competitive.


Take the time to really research your competition.  Is your competition offering coaching packages? What are other coaches charging, what are they offering, what is their experience level, etc.  If your competition has more experience or a stronger more well-known brand set prices that will compete with your competition, but understand you are going to have to execute a strong market plan to compete with an already established brand.


When you are just starting out don’t price yourself too low both this method could have an adverse effect on your business.  If your prices are too low potential clients might conclude that what you are offering doesn’t offer a supreme value because the price is low.  Depending on your ideal client and what you are offering to be mindful that if your prices are low what type of clients you might be attracting.


When you take the time to understand everything there is to know about your ideal client you learn what they value.  You will know how to speak their language, know how to  help  them, and also know how to sell to them. It should be a goal of yours to find the ideal clients that value what you are offering and are willing to pay what your service or product is worth.



Once you have a clear vision of your ideal client you will understand what they will and won’t pay for. If your ideal client values a good service or product, even if you are just starting out, by pricing yourself too low your ideal client could overlook you because they assume you aren’t offering great value because your prices are too low. If your ideal client is someone who is always looking for a great deal and has a low budget by setting your prices too high you could have the same response. 



Spend the time to really understand all the characteristics and habits of your ideal clients.  By truly understanding your ideal client you will have a clearer vision of how to determine your pricing.



Knowing what your desired profit is basic math.  How much do you want to make?  How much do you want to work? 

First, set a financial goal.  Let’s say that the financial goal is $100,000 a year. You want to take 2 weeks of vacation and that would mean that you would work 50 weeks out of the year. Then divide $100,000 by 50 and that equals $2000.  That would mean you would need to make $2000 a week.  If you are service-based that could mean 2 clients a week charging $500 per client or if you sell a product that is $100 that might mean 20 products a week. 

Financial goal – $100,000

Weeks of vacation – 52 weeks minus 2 weeks of vacation = 50 weeks of work

$100,000/50 weeks = $2000 per week to reach a goal

Once you have established your financial goal you will understand what needs to be done to reach that goal.


Whether you are offering a service or a product within the time you will understand the demand for what you are offering.  This is established by creating a strong brand that your clients or customers talk about it you will start to become more and more in demand.  Or it could be a product or service in a market that is harder to find.  Either way when you start to create a demand you have the opportunity to raise your prices. 


When people want something they are willing to pay more for that product or service.  If what you are offering is in high demand or you find yourself working more than you want that is a sign that it is time to raise your prices.  If you are in this position and hesitate to raise your prices you may need to do some thought work and work on your money mindset.


You are worth a lot and are also very worthy of making the kind of money that you deserve.  However, the pricing for your product and/or service hinges on several factors. Create pricing strategies for Business and Life Coaches is essential if you want to compete in the market.  Before you set your prices to take the time and do your due diligence, research your market, understand your ideal client, and work on your money mindset.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



As an entrepreneur, getting your name and brand noticed is a great way to market yourself.  Getting your work featured is a great way to build your brand, position yourself as an expert and improve your SEO.  When your work is featured it not only is validating, but it builds your business in a number of ways.  The question is, “how to get your work featured?”



It doesn’t matter what industry you are in almost always you have competition. It’s true that there might be someone offering a similar product or service however,  NO ONE is you.  You are unique and different so ensure that your content reflects that. 


Even if your content is something that has been seen before, put your own unique twist on it.  Use your own individual brand voice in your content whether your content is imagery or information. What makes you different from your competition?  Get creative and innovative so that you stand out from the rest.



When you submit your work for consideration, know your audience.  Provide content that educates or inspires. Your goal should be to help people evolve and progress.  Aim to leave people better then you found them (or they found you). Make your content interesting and remarkable enough that you leave your reader wanting more.  When you share your expertise and knowledge you are helping others succeed and in turn, you are helping yourself succeed.



Make a list of publications you subscribe to or are well known in your industry.  Search online for resources using keywords specific to your industry coupled with keywords like features, publications, guest writers, etc.  Contact vendors in your industry that have blogs or do features.  Offer to create content that includes their products or is relevant and helpful to their audience. Make a list of all the blogs in your niche.  Determine if those sites accept guest posts. 



Take some time to vet the blogs or publications and confirm that they are cohesive with your brand and your core values.  You are looking for opportunities that will help you progress and you don’t want to collaborate with anything or anyone that might damage your reputation.




Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Did you know there is a free marketing tool available to help you understand your website traffic? Have you heard of Google Analytics or have you installed it but don’t know how to use it?  It is an amazing free resource that helps with SEO and is a must when marketing your business.  It’s okay if you are tech-savvy, I will show you step-by-step Google Analytics for beginners.


If you have a website, it’s important to track and measure your traffic so you know what is and isn’t working. In this post, we’re going to look at Google Analytics from a beginner’s point of view.  You will understand why you need it, how to get it, and how to use some simple and helpful tools.


If you use a blog or a website in your business, you need Google Analytics. This tool is essential for understanding the behaviors of your audience.  It shows you the following:

  • How many people visit your website
  • Where your audience lives
  • Whether your website is mobile-friendly
  • What referral source are your visitors are coming from
  • What pages attract the most visitors
  • How many visitors have converted into customers
  • How you can improve your website speed
  • What posts or content performs the best
  • And much more

There is so much information available within Google Analytics, but these are the basics and some of the most important insights available.



Before you start, you need to have a Google account. If you use Gmail, Google Drive, YouTube or any other Google service you will already have an account.  If not, you will need to create an account using any Google service available.

You will then establish a Google Analytics account. If you have other people working for you, you can grant them access to your Google Analytics, but I would suggest the account be in your name to ensure you have access and control over it.


Go to Google Analytics and select start measuring. You will be taken through a step-by-step process of setting up your analytics.





You will be asked to create an account name and select account dating sharing settings.




Website property details will be required to set up your account.



Once all your information is filled in a  google tracking code will be generated for you to place on your website.



This code must be installed on every page of your website however, there are plugins available that will install the code on every page for you,  I have a WordPress website and you can use the plugin Insert Headers and Footers or Yoast SEO.


If you have a website built with HTML files, you will add the tracking code before the </head>tag on each of your pages. You can do this by using a text editor program (such as TextEdit for Mac or Notepad for Windows) and then upload the file to your web host using an FTP program (such as File Zilla).

Adding Google Analytics varies from site to site depending on the platform, theme or plugins you use.  There are many resources available that can help you install it properly on your website.



Once you have installed Google Analytics you can start viewing the data.  This is an amazing tool for viewing your web traffic.  Each time you log in to Google Analytics it will take you to your Audience Overview report.  You have several reports available that allow you to get some in-depth analytics on your traffic.





Once you have installed Google Analytics you can start viewing the data.  This is an amazing tool for viewing your web traffic.  Each time you log in to Google Analytics it will take you to your Audience Overview report.  You have several reports available that allow you to get some in-depth analytics on your traffic.




In the report at the top right, you can click the date to change the date range you are viewing.  you have the option of viewing the report by the day, week or month.  You also have the option of selecting a much larger date range to compare.




Beneath the main metrics you are able to view the top ten locations. There are subcategories such as countries, cities,  languages, and genders as well.




You have access to several informative reports through Google Analytics.  Each report gives important information that can help improve your marketing strategies.



The audience reports provide insight into the characteristics of your users.  In the reports, you will find visitors’ age, gender, interest, location, language, how often they visit your website and the technology they use to view your website.





The traffic source report is one of the most important reports in Google  Analytics.  It gives you insights as to where your traffic is coming from.  This helps you determine where you should focus to give the biggest return.   



The reports show you which channels bring you the most traffic.  The different channels are social, direct, organic search, referral, email or other.




It also allows you to break down the channels into source/mediums and gives more specifics from different sources.




There is so much information available in Google Analytics.  The best way to learn Google Analytics is to spend some time in the program. It is very user friendly and easy to navigate through. You have the ability to access insights that help you understand your audience, their needs, and behaviors.  When you leverage the information available it can be instrumental in forming a marketing strategy and determine what is and what is not working. 



Brittni Schroeder Coaching


How To Get Your Content Seen

Search Engine Optimization can seem confusing and daunting.  However, if you are going to have a website and a blog, it’s important to understand how everything works so you are getting the most out of the time you spend on creating content. One of the first things you want to learn about SEO is the different elements and tools that make it work.  

Have you heard of a Googlebot (also known as a web crawler or Spider)? I hadn’t either until I learned about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It’s important to understand how SEO works so you can maximize all its benefits. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed. I am going to simplify it for you and break it down so you understand. 



A Googlebot crawls (or scans) web pages. It finds and reads new and updated content and suggests how it should be ranked within the Google platform. Google sends a bazillion little crawlers to inspect every single web page and analyze what’s on them.  Googlebot is Google’s web crawler, but other search engines have their own.



Googlebot uses all the information on your pages to figure out where to go next.  For example, if your home page links to your about page, blog, information page, other webpages, etc, the Googlebot will scan all of those pages. If the Googlebot finds changes in the links or broken links it will update your SEO or ranking.



Indexing is like Google’s brain.  It is where it stores all the information that the crawlers discover. Once your page is indexed, Google determines how it will rank when someone is searching for that content. Make sure the Googlebot can crawl your webpages.  You can check this by using the URL inspection tool on Google Console. If the site is available to crawlers, the Google bots will come around more frequently.  Which is great if you are regularly releasing new content.



There are different bots that check different things.  There are bots that check desktop sites, mobile sites, videos, images, news, etc.  There is a bot for everything.


The best tool to use to check for Googlebots is Google Console.  You have the ability to test your site and get a list of crawl errors for you to fix.  You can also request to have Google bots recrawl your site.




Getting Googlebot to crawl your site faster has several different layers. If you have a newer site, Google won’t crawl it very quickly.  It takes time to build credibility with Google, so be consistent with content and be patient.  Start by doing some link building

Another reason for slow crawling could be a slow site. This can be caused by a slow server, too many errors on your site if your site goes down a lot because of your hosting company, or you have too many URL’s on your site.

Googlebot, just like everything else that has an algorithm, is constantly changing. The key is consistency.  If you are regularly adding new content, the Googlebot will come around more often and it will reflect in your SEO. When you learn how the Googlebot works, you have the knowledge to maximize the benefits and utilize your time the best way in order to see the best results.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



We all want our websites to rank higher.  There are two essential elements to improving  SEO: on-page SEO and off-page SEO. When you know and learn the different types of SEO you have the ability to maximize your efforts.  So what is off-page SEO?



Off-page SEO refers to all the things you can do outside of your website to help improve your SEO or SERP (Search Engine Results Pages).  These include anything you do that drives traffic back to your site.



Off-page SEO helps search engines recognize that you are legit and bring value to readers. Using links from credible, relevant sites will help increase your chances of ranking higher in searches.

To be effective, you need off-page SEO links back to our site to come from the right source.  When these types of backlinks are used properly it is like a course site is acknowledging and approving the linked article, post, or page.



Here are a few off-page SEO that can improve your rank:



Brand mentions happen when someone talks about your product or service. Social media can play an important role when you can get people to talk about you. You can increase brand mentions by engaging with social media audiences and work to provide value whenever possible.  This builds authority and creates the know, like, and trust factor.

Online marketing expert Neil Patel says that “Brand mentions are insanely valuable, and just getting lots of them can push your rankings up.”



Leaving comments on others’ blogs with the link to your own blog no longer is effective.  This strategy was seen as abuse and Google decided that irrelevant comment backlinks were useless



Authentically commenting on blogs is another way to support other bloggers, create a community, and build relationships.



Look for opportunities to share your knowledge in your industry.  Reach out to vendors or other brands that share your ideal client and see if there are opportunities to guest blog.

Write posts that include backlinks to other posts on your website or offer a freebie to get their email address. 



There are some bio link resources available for social media.  Some social media platforms, such as Instagram, only allow you to use one link in your bio.  Tools like and Campsite allow you to have multiple URLs in your bio. 



To optimize your website’s SEO you want followers to be directed to your site.  Consider creating a landing page on your website with multiple links to different pages.  Place that URL in your profile to increase your website traffic and improve SEO.



Find and become an active participant in forum discussions that are relevant to your product or service. Build relationships and connections within that community.  If allowed, link blog posts that answer questions.



Make sure your profile is complete and clearly states what you do in your business. Look for forums that allow do-follow links.  Carefully read the rules for each group & abide by the rules.



According to studies, people spend more time on scrolling social media than ever before.  A great off-page SEO strategy is to utilize social media platforms.  This will help you extend your reach and connect with more people.



Be intentional with your commenting and posts and redirect people to your website. When content gets clicks from different sources, it helps improve your SEO.


Post content that is creates value.  Sharing quality content increases the probability of your followers sharing with others.  This will expose your content to a wider audience.



If you are going to go through the effort of creating content, make sure that you are maximizing your reach.  There are so many platforms available.  We have Instagram for images, YouTube for videos, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and more.



The potential of your reach is never-ending. Make sure you utilize these platforms.  After you have created content, repurpose it on all your relevant platforms. This is a great way to expand your reach. Take advantage of the boost different types of content can get from different social networks.



Newsletters are a cost-effective way to interact with your audience.   Use your newsletter to link to different content on your site.  Give your readers a preview of the content and let them know if they want to learn more they can get more information on your website or blog.


Off-page SEO is important, but to ensure it pays off, your on-page SEO needs to be on point.  If your on-page SEO isn’t optimized, your off-page SEO will not pay off.  Remember to always include a call to action and create traffic for your site.  SEO takes time and effort, but above all, it requires consistency.



Brittni Schroeder Coaching



Search Engine Optimization has several different layers.  There are multiple components that contribute to a higher ranking.  Learning and implementation of the different types of SEO can make an impact on your business.



Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing your website for the crawling and indexing phase. In other words, Google bots scan your website and then determine how to rank you. Ensuring that your website is optimized will help boost your technical SEO.  Making a website faster, easier to crawl, and understandable for search engines are crucial elements for technical SEO.


The technical SEO can be complicated if you are not familiar with web design or coding.  If you have knowledge of the website and feel comfortable with the technical aspects, you can find recommendations from several resources.



On-page SEO refers to the page itself and how to make it user-friendly and accessible for search engines.  Search engines look at your entire website. However, ranking is performed one page at a time. That is why it is important to optimize each page.


On-page SEO refers to implementing appropriate keywords throughout your pages.  These keywords  are optimized in page titles, H1 Tags (top heading of a page), sub-headings, images, and page formatting.



Content SEO is a subset of on-page SEO. It pertains to the quality of the content and how frequently the content is searched.  This the type of SEO that most focus on.  Publishing great content that creates value and is searchable by search engines will help improve your SEO.


When you take the time and do effective keyword research, you are able to improve your rankings. By finding SEO keywords and incorporating them into your content, you will have success.  This can be achieved by implementing long and short-tailed keywords in your titles, heading, and main content.


Another technique used in SEO content is using inbound and output links.  Inbound links allow you to connect content from your other pages and content. Outbound links allow you to link reputable content to support your own content.



Off-Page SEO is about promotion. It has to with techniques and methods you use to promote your website on the internet.  Websites that are popular are more likely to rank higher on Google than less popular websites.



The most important off-page SEO methods are link building and brand promotion.  These are both done by other websites backlinking (or linking back) to your website.  These backlinks increase your authority with Google.  Google likes to rank popular websites because others like and trust them.  Google rewards websites that people gravitate toward and share.



Local SEO is specifically for local businesses. If you have a website and your goal is to get clients to visit your local store, then you need to focus on local SEO.


Everything mentioned previously pertains to Local SEO with the following additions:

  • Detailed business contact details on all pages of your website.
  • Create a Google My Business Account
  • Register Your Business with a trusted directory such as Yelp, Yahoo, Foursquare and others.
  • Promote your website on local directories and websites.


Mobile SEO is another subset specific for mobile devices. It’s proven that more than half of Google searches are performed on mobile devices.



Google has created a mobile-first index.  This means that you need to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. When working on Mobile SEO, make sure the website loads fast and is easy to use navigate on all mobile devices.



eCommerce is becoming more and more popular. When it comes to search engine optimization, optimizing an eCommerce website can be more complicated than a website or blog. 


There tends to be more pages and can be more difficult to promote.  Some of the most important SEO factors include:

  • Optimization of homepage and category pages.
  • Optimize product pages.
  • Optimize all visual elements. 
  • Promote your store on social media.
  • Discover ways to get people to link to your product pages.
  • Start a blog and publish content related to your products.

SEO is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools for your website.  When you understand and implement these processes, you will begin to notice improvements in your SEO and in turn, enjoy a stronger brand